kath penaluna

UWTSD Home-Institutes and Academies-Institute of Management and Health-Institute of Management and Health Staff- Prof Kathryn Penaluna

Prof Kathryn Penaluna DMS, MBA, MA, MCMI, FRSA

Enterprise Manager

Tel: +44 (0) 1792 481199

The role is a pro-active strategic one, taking forward the enterprise and entrepreneurship agenda. This includes embedding enterprise and entrepreneurship within the curriculum, extra curriculum events such as global entrepreneurship week, supporting student and graduate businesses and securing and managing resources. It is a partnership role, embracing the expertise and networks of the diverse stakeholders involved in the agenda.

企业从创造力和创新开始,but relies on a very strong business sense to make it work. This is what drives the Centre for Creative Entrepreneurship, a hub of Inter-disciplinary activity that empowers UWTSD teams to help students to not only develop their own ideas and opportunities, but also to drive them forward.

What does UWTSD’s Centre for Creative Entrepreneurship do?

We help future educators, students, graduates and staff to see opportunities through ideas generation and evaluation, networking and supporting through external connections, including Welsh Government who actively support our projects.

Alumni support is central to our approaches and we help enterprising students to link up with similar ex-students who can help them to fulfil their ambitions.

Our focus is on creativity and innovation and our thinking is based in real world problem solving. The Centre is a hub for all enterprise activities and research. Any discipline can take advantage of the expertise available and every Faculty is represented.

Champions of enterprise develop their own contextual strategies through our active support. We have received international recognition for our approaches and have helped to lead thinking at Enterprise Educators UK, Welsh Government enterprise initiatives, the Higher Education Academy and the United Nations Conference for Trade and Development.

Kath joined academia in October 1997 part time as an associate lecturer, delivering ‘Professional Studies’ a core module for 2ndyear Art and Design students. This followed 20 years working in the financial services sector including management roles at Branch and Call Centre level. With her husband Andy she also managed a Graphic Design studio. Kath therefore had experiences and networks from the worlds of banking (business) and of design (creativity) that influenced her development of the curriculum.

Business ‘know how’ and creativity are acknowledged as being vital skills for all learners in order to respond to the global challenges of the 21stcentury. Yet these enterprise and entrepreneurship skills are also acknowledged by stakeholders including governments, businesses and educationalists as being the most difficult of skills, knowledge, attitude and behaviours

Whilst the words enterprise and entrepreneurship were not overtly used by the Art and Design staff and students, it became increasingly evident to Kath that the delivery of business acumen to students whose programs developed their design and creative capacity was a curriculum that appeared to align well with that advocated for enterprise and entrepreneurship education.

Graduates from the Art and Design program readily shared their experiences and these experiences were, and remain, invaluable in ensuring an industrially relevant curriculum. During this liaison the graduates, particularly from the discipline of Graphic Design, frequently demonstrated enterprising capacity, either as freelancers, business owners or as employees engaged with a breadth of organisations and sectors

Yet, in 2005 when Kath first started participating in academic conferences on enterprise and entrepreneurship education, where the Business School dominates the research agenda, the educators were continually stating the need to enhance both business acumen and creative capacity but it was accepted that whist inroads were being made the challenges were not being met. Thus Kath’s personal research journey into the parallels between design education and that considered as best practice for enterprise and entrepreneurship education began.

Kath readily accepted invitations to develop and deliver modules for other faculties within the University and in doing so, was offered the enviable, and arguably unique opportunity to learn of pedagogic and industry experiences from a diverse range of learners and educators. This in turn provides Kath with an extensive network of graduates and academics that constructively and positively influence on-going developments. Hence her research into pedagogic approaches that enhance enterprise and entrepreneurial capacity directly feeds into her teaching and program development.


1992 Chartered Management Institute

2002 Women in Management

2006 Institute of Small Business and Enterprise

2008 National Council for Graduate Entrepreneurship – International Entrepreneurship Education Fellow

2008 Enterprise Educators UK

2009 Fellow of the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufacture and Commerce

2011 British Academy of Management

Committee and Networks Membership

2004 NHS Trust (Swansea) Arts in a Healthcare Setting - Steering committee

2004 Wales Innovation Network

2005 Regional Entrepreneurship Task Group

2006 Welsh Assembly Government, Entrepreneurship Champion, Department of Economy and Transport

2006 Community Consortium Education and Training

2006个研究社区Gradua全国委员会te Entrepreneurship

2006 Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship

2008 HEA-BMAF Special Interest Group for Entrepreneurial Learning - Steering Committee

2008 Enterprise Educators UK

2008 Building Enterprise Education in Swansea (BEES)

2009 Swansea Economic Regeneration Partnership (SERPS)

2009 14-19 Education Network, City and Country of Swansea

2010 South Wales Board of Young Enterprise

2012 – Steering Committee, UK Intellectual Property teachers’ network

Previous 2002 – 2007 Methodist Church Council

1998 – 2004 Chair of Governors, Grange Primary School, Swansea

The distinct combination of the entrepreneurship/business teaching together with her role as Enterprise Manager affords Kath a unique opportunity to both research and support the entrepreneurial activity of students, staff and alumni. Kath is currently on secondment from the Faculty of Business and Management to undertake the strategic role.

Kath’s formal teaching is therefore limited to delivering the ‘Entrepreneurial Educators’ elective module on the PGCE/PCET. This module was developed in liaison with, and funded by, the Welsh Government and still appears to be the only accredited training offered in the UK specifically for enterprise education.

Kath provides guest lectures across the University that support enterprise such as “Intellectual Property and You: How to Protect your Ideas - Or How to Avoid being Sued”.

Academic Teaching

2004 – 2008 Enterprise Modules 1 and 2, MA Visual Arts, Faculty of Art and Design

2006 – 2010 Entrepreneurship, BSc Computer Games, BSc Animation, Faculty of Applied Design and Engineering

2007 –2010 Business/Marketing and Self Promotion, Computer Games, Animation Multimedia, BSc Multimedia, Faculty of Applied Design and Engineering

2007 – 2010 Business/Marketing and Self Promotion, Automotive Design, BA Product Design, BSc Industrial Design, Faculty of Applied Design and Engineering

2007 – 2012 Entrepreneurship, MBA, Faculty of Business and Management

2007 – 2012 MBA Dissertation supervisor, Faculty of Business and Management

2009 – 2012 Managing Intellectual Property, Module Co-ordinator – MA Innovation and Design, Faculty of Applied Design and Engineering

2009 – present Professional Studies, Module co-ordinator, Faculty of Art and Design

2010 – present Pathway leader, MBA (Enterprise),

2010 – 2013 Entrepreneurship, BA, Business Portfolio, Faculty of Business and Management

2011 – 2012 Research methods, MBA, Faculty of Business and Management

2012 – 2013 Principals of Marketing, BA, Design for Advertising, Faculty of Art and Design

2012 – present Entrepreneurial Educators module, PCET/PGCE, School of Education, Faculty of Humanities

Academic programme development

2004 MA Visual Arts Enterprise - Enterprise module 1 and 2

2008 MA Innovation and Design – Managing Intellectual Property

2008 BA Art and Design portfolio – Professional Studies

2010 MBA Entrepreneurship

2010 MBA Creativity, Innovation and Intellectual Property

2010 MBA Enterprise Pathway

2010 BA/HND Business and Management portfolio – Entrepreneurship

2013 BA Business and Management portfolio revalidation - Entrepreneurship

MBA Dissertation supervision has predominantly been in the area of small business start-up. Veterinary Surgeon Chris Wright subsequently took forward his on-line business Doolitles Dispensary

Kath is an internationally renowned researcher on enterprise education and a regular presenter at conferences and workshops. Her recent research has focussed on the role of innovative and creative thought within enterprise and entrepreneurship mind set development.

Co-authored research presented at the Internationalizing Entrepreneurship Education and Training conference in Brazil 2006 was awarded best paper for senior researchers. International co-authored research presented at the education plenary session at the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) 2008 was one of three papers described as ‘best papers on entrepreneurship education world-wide’.

The enterprise education community observe that there are three distinct methodologies for the delivery of enterprise and entrepreneurship education. The first typology is ‘about’, with pedagogic approaches that impart knowledge to the learner and develops skills to discuss the theoretical aspects in a past tense. Traditionally, this is the domain of the business school. The second is ‘for’ whereby students learn the theories within experiential learning environments and applied practice with the aim that the learner develops the fuller knowledge, skills and attitudes to be enterprising. The third approach is ‘though enterprise’ whereby students learn by engaging in real world practices, with a number starting up their own businesses. Each University and its associated programs have its own contexts; however it is acknowledged that the second and third typologies have the most positive impact. Perhaps notably and following criticisms within the Government’s (Wilson, 2012) University - Business Review, bodies such as the Association of Business Schools are now seeking to address the ‘innovation gap’ in their curriculum. Kath has designed or supported the design of contextualised enterprise education across the majority of programs, providing continuous support to those involved in the delivery to adopt pedagogic approaches that are predominantly ‘for’ and ‘through’. Innovation has consistently led her creativity in business approaches and it is the interdisciplinary aspect of this lead that receives significant recognition.

Also amongst the education community there is now an established view that teaching entrepreneurship involves both arts and science. The ‘arts’ includes creative and innovative thinking and the ‘sciences’ the technicalities of business and management. The sciences are considered to be ‘teachable’ using traditional structured training to develop technical and personal entrepreneurial skills such as financial management or marketing. However, it is the ‘art’ of entrepreneurship that responds to global calls to enhance individual creative capacity in order to meet the challenges of the world. This presents significant educational challenges, not least that it flies in the face of the very concept of being a lecturer who is the ‘sage on the stage’. The art and science considerations are increasingly being viewed in terms of left brain and right brain thinking, the left brain being analytical and linear thinking, and the right being the domain of creative thought.

Within this context, and with each new pedagogic challenge the education community posed, Kath could see exemplars of how the design community had already integrated such learning in their programs, without referencing the terms enterprise or entrepreneurship at all, so they were going under the radar of the business education community. Hence her research extended into the neuroscience of how the mind learns for creative endeavour, so as to provide an evidence base not only for how learning works neurologically, but also to provide critical perspectives on what the design education community took for granted.

The research underpins the enterprise and entrepreneurship curriculum development for UWTSD and the practices Kath manages are frequently referenced as good practice case studies. The ‘curiosity based learning’ approaches, an extension of problem-based learning, are both motivational and neurologically sound. These approaches are frequently referenced in best practice events around the UK and beyond, most notably they informed the Higher Education Academy’s Entrepreneurial Learning Special Interest Group in Higher Education hosted by the former Swansea Met.

具体来说,这些活动增加学习者的capacity for ideas generation in addition to the more traditional reliance on ideas evaluation. It is the former activity, capacity for ideas generation that is unique in the UWTSD provision, it places our learning in a global context and provides models for others to consider.

The next stage of ideas generation is ideas protection. I therefore deliver intellectual property rights awareness raising workshops right across the University. These workshops are contextualised with examples from graduates and my own business.

In 2012 the UK Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO) and the UK Students Union, identified the long-acknowledged shortfall in HE provision by calling for educators to integrate IP into the curriculum in order to respond to industry needs. Having successfully integrated IP into the majority of UWTSD Swansea programs, Kath is a leading advocate of the agenda and provides student and educator workshops across Wales. Her first academic presentation calling for engagement by educators, in particular those supporting the enterprise agenda because of its potential impact on all programs, was undertaken in partnership with the UKIPO in 2007, and research and presentations continue to the present day.

As the approaches developed in UWTSD utilise the experiences of alumni, Kath frequently calls on alumni experiences and networks for curriculum development within IP delivery. Based on a model she co-authored and introduced to the education community in a 2006 international award winning paper, the ‘Continuous Conceptual Review’ model encompasses the experiences of alumni within case studies, guest speakers, project initiators, and contributors to assessment of both student work and the curriculum - to ensure it is industrially relevant. This practice of graduate engagement is observed as good practice in the European Commission (2013) guidance for educators. It also informed research undertaken in collaboration with UKIPO (Penaluna et. al., 2007; Penaluna and Penaluna 2009, Penaluna et, al., 2012).

凯丝的商业专业知识是在开发的lmost 20 years of working in the financial sector in various management roles, whilst concurrently managing a graphic design studio. This expertise has been utilised and significantly enhanced by on-going liaison with students and graduates setting up their own businesses. This network, alongside those of the diverse range of stakeholders in enterprise education with which Kath liaises e.g. the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Welsh Government, Local Government, Educationalists and the Business community affords Kath on-going professional development, both commercial and pedagogic.

Liaison and collaboration with the international entrepreneurship research community is on- going. Indicative of the interest in the co-authored research and models of entrepreneurship education is the citation by peers and requests to support module development on undergraduate and post graduate programmes internationally. Pedagogic approaches are incorporated as a best practice case study in the HEA: ADM Emergent Practices for Entrepreneurship in the Creative Industries (Kellet, 2006) and cited in ‘The Impact of Culture on Creativity’, A Study prepared for the European Commission (Directorate-General for Education and culture) June 2009.

Kath is responsible for securing and managing resources for the Centre for Creative Entrepreneurship. Many of the initiatives have been funded by Welsh Government (particularly through Youth Entrepreneurship Strategy projects like 'Big Ideas Wales'), and Kath is an active contributor to the development of policy at national and international levels.

The ADEPTT project discussed below and funded by Leonardo Da Vinci, Transfer of Innovation is indicative of project engagement.

Acknowledging and Developing Entrepreneurial Practice in Teacher Training (ADEPTT) 2011 - 2013

UWTSD (the former Swansea Met) was one of thirteen institutions from eight European Union member states working collaboratively with the following aims

  • increasing the level of attention on the role of teachers as key stakeholders with the potential to generate awareness, commitment and enthusiasm of EU students to entrepreneurship;
  • promoting mutual understanding towards joint strategies among the key EU stakeholders working in teacher training to foster entrepreneurship;
  • Identifying, adapting and validating a teacher training model establishing a community of key stakeholders to support the current policy agenda.

(ADEPTT, 2013)

The project was developed in response to the ET 2020, the new strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training, which highlights the need for Entrepreneurial approaches in Education and Training.

Other consultancy includes:-


Higher Education Academy reviewer of National Teaching Fellowships


Strategic Insight Partnership, Board Riding Development – April – June 2013

Higher Education Academy Academic Associate for entrepreneurship education, renewal of 2012 contract.

Capacity building for better employability, consultancy with National Center for Development of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Learning, Skopje, Macedonia. March 2013 – February 2014. Consultancy funded by the British Embassy

联合国单专家会议驴sing the Impact of Public-Private Partnerships on Trade and Development in Developing Countries 25-28 March at the Palais des Nations, Geneva.

Member of the Department for Education Skills, Welsh Government, working party for the re-development of Wider Key Skills Qualifications for 14-19 year olds

Ready Unlimited, the provision of an impact report on enterprise education provision across levels from Primary through to Higher Education for Rotherham based initiatives. February – November 2013. Consultancy funded by NESTA


European Commission’s Directorate Generals for Enterprise and Industry, and Education and Culture on Educating Future Teachers for Entrepreneurship with a particular focus on Initial Teacher Education, Dublin, May 2-4

Academic Associate with the Higher Education Academy. Contracted to disseminate updates for entrepreneurship education to key contacts, develop and participate in events and contribute to policy discussions.

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Multi Year Expert Meeting on Enterprise Development Policies and Capacity-building in Science, Technology and innovation. Geneva, 16-18 January

Peter Jones Academy workshop, ‘Assessing Creativity’ Aylesbury College, Bucks 6 Jan


2011 3rd Session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)’: Commission on Investment, Enterprise and Development, Palais des Nations, Geneva. 3-5 May

2011 – 2013 UK partner, Leonardo De Vinci, Lifelong Learning Programme, Transfer of Innovation, Acknowledging and developing entrepreneurial practice in teacher training (ADEPTT), Lead by Spain)

2008 – 2011 Directed the hosting of the Higher Education Academy, Business Management, Accounting and Finance, Special Interest Group in Entrepreneurship Education. Following the demise of subject centres this work continues via an academic associate contract with the Higher Education Academy.


Feasibility study into the educational requirements of enterprise educators, the potential demand for a qualification and how the identified training needs should be developed. Funded by Welsh Government

Journals and Features

Forthcoming, (2014) Penaluna, K. Penaluna, A., Usei, C. and Griffiths, D. ‘Enterprise Education Needs Enterprising Educators: A Case Study on Initial Teacher Training Provision’,Education +Training

Forthcoming, (2013) Jones, C., Penaluna, A., Matlay, H. and Penaluna, K. ‘The Student Business plan: Useful or Not?’Industry and Higher Education, Vol 27, No 6, 491-498

Penaluna, K., Penaluna, A and Jones, C. (2012) ‘The Context of Enterprise Education: Insights into Current Practices’,Industry and Higher Education,Vol 26, No. 3, 163 - 175

Penaluna, A., Coates, J. and Penaluna, K., (2010) ‘Creativity-Based Assessment and Neural Understandings: A Discussion and Case Study Analysis.’Education + Training, Emerald Publishing, Vol. 52, No. 8/9 660-678

Penaluna, K. (2009) ‘An Academic Merry Go Round: Why we must start to think like designers’. Debate piece Enterprising Matters, Institute for Small business and Entrepreneurship, Autumn edition

Penaluna, A. and Penaluna, K. (2009) ‘Assessing Creativity; drawing from the experience of the UK’s Creative Design Educators’.Education + Training, Emerald Publishing, Volume 51, Numbers 8-9, pp. 718-732

Penaluna, A. and Penaluna, K. (2009) ‘Creativity in Business, Business in Creativity, transdisciplinary curricula as an enabling strategy in enterprise education? ‘Special issue ofIndustry and Higher Education on ‘Entrepreneurship Education in an international context’Vol. 23, No. 3

Penaluna, a和Penaluna K(2008)的业务标准adigms in Einstellung: Harnessing Creative Mindsets for Entrepreneurship Education’,Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship21, no 2, pp 231-250

Penaluna, A. and Penaluna, K (2008) ‘The Nature of Business is Changing’, A University View, Western Mail (March)

Penaluna, A. and Penaluna, K (2006) ‘Out of Myopia’: Entrepreneurship in the Creative Industries, Palentine, Lancaster University

Refereed book chapters

即将到来的——Penaluna k和Penaluna (2014)The role of creativity in entrepreneurship education, in Stemberg, R and G Krauss (eds)Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship and Creativity, Edward Elgar, Glos.

Penaluna, A. and Penaluna, K (2011) The evidence so far: calling for creative industries engagement with entrepreneurship education policy and development, in C Henry and de Bruin (eds),Entrepreneurship and the Creative Economy, (pp. 50-78) Edward Elgar, Glos.

Refereed Conference Papers

Forthcoming Penaluna, K., Penaluna, A., Jones, C. and Matlay, H (2013) When did you last predict a good idea? The case of assessing creativity explored. Institution for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Cardiff, November

Penaluna, K. (2013) ‘Coffees here, exploiting the commercial potential of ideas: awareness raising of Intellectual Property in University education’, Innovation and the Student Experience, Association of Business Schools Learning and Teaching Conference in association with the HEA, Nottingham University, 23-24 April

Penaluna, K. Penaluna, A. Jones, C and Matlay, H. (2012) ‘Exploiting the commercial potential of ideas: the case for awareness raising of IP in University education’. 35thInstitute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Dublin, November

Jones, C. Matlay, H, Penaluna, A. and Penaluna, K. (2012) ‘The Business Plan: A useful tool or a waste of effort?’ Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Dublin, November.

Penaluna, A., Penaluna, K. Usei, C., and Griffiths, D. (2012) ‘Enterprise Education Needs Enterprising Educators: Inspiring New Teachers through formal teacher training provision’, 57thICSB World Conference, June Massey University, Wellington, NZ

Penaluna, A., Matlay, H. and Penaluna, K (2011) ‘Advertising facts: why enterprise education minus creativity won’t work’. British Academy of Management Conference, 13-15 Sept. Aston University

Penaluna, K., Jones, C and Penaluna, A. (2011) ‘Towards an Understanding of the Global Context of Enterprise Education’. 34thConference of the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Sheffield, November – Nominated best paper award

Penaluna, K, Evans, R. and Draycott, M.(2010) ‘Shaping a qualification to develop entrepreneurial educators’, International Entrepreneurship Educators Conference, Best Practice Workshop, Sept, Cardiff

Penaluna, A., Matlay, H and Penaluna, K. (2010) ‘Design Thinking’ in entrepreneurship education: how transdisciplinary approaches add value. International Entrepreneurship Education and Training Conference, July, Arnhem

Penaluna, A. and Penaluna, K. (2010) At the Intersection of business and creativity: Developing creative mindsets HEA, BMAF Conference, Newcastle, April

Penaluna, A, Coates, J and Penaluna, K. (2009) Seeing Outside the Box: Creativity Based Assessment and Neural Understanding. 32ndNational Conference of the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, November, Liverpool

Penaluna, K and Penaluna A. (2009) The Evidence So Far: Creative Industries Contribution to Enterprise Education. 32ndNational Conference of the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, November, Liverpool

Penaluna, A and Penaluna, K. (2009) Is creativity valued? Can creative capacity be measured? Questions and possibilities for academics and enterprise educators. Proceedings of the 13thInternational G-Forum, October, Leipzig

Penaluna, A; Coates, J. and Penaluna, K. (2009) Understanding creative capacity in entrepreneurial learning: an investigation into emergent transdisiplinary design-based pedagogies and associated neural understandings. International Entrepreneurship Education and Training Conference, September, Mexico (presentation not made due to swine flu restrictions)

Penaluna, A and Penaluna, K. Copyrights and Copywrongs? (2009) ‘Should they Trademark it, Patent it or whatever? Enhancing your students’ capacity to exploit their winning ideas’. International Entrepreneurship Educators Conference, Best Practice Workshop, September (2009), Edinburgh

Penaluna, A. and Penaluna K. (2009) Crossing the bridge: Insights into enabling strategies for creative business development. HEA.BMAF Conference, April, Cardiff

Penaluna,布朗,美国吉布森·d·琼斯,c和体育naluna K. (2008) Entrepreneurial Education needs Entrepreneurial Educators: Assessing our Performance, 31stNational Conference of the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Nov. Belfast

Plenary – one of three papers described as ‘best papers on entrepreneurship education world-wide’.

Penaluna A, and Penaluna K. (2008) Entrepreneurial Capacity? Entrepreneurial Intent? Assessing Creativity: drawing from the experience of the UK’s Creative Industries’. Internationalizing Entrepreneurship Education and Training Conference (Miami, Ohio)

Penaluna, K.: Penaluna, A, and Morgan, D. (2007) I love IP: Designing the Student Experience to Exploit Creative Endeavour, 30thNational Conference of the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Oct, Glasgow

Penaluna, K. and Penaluna, A. (2007) Designing the Student Experience - who owns what? Emergent Practice and Springboard Opportunities, International Entrepreneurship Education and Training Conference, July, Gdansk, Poland.

Penaluna, A. and Penaluna, K, (2007) Drawing Parallels: Design Pedagogies and Entrepreneurship Education, ELIA-HEA-ADM (Art Design and Media) July, Brighton

(Cited in ‘The Impact of Culture on Creativity’, A Study prepared for the European Commission (Directorate-General for Education and culture, June 2009).

Penaluna, A and Penaluna, K, (2007) Drawing Parallels for Competitive Advantage: Designing the Student Experience, HEA- BMAF Conference, May, Birmingham.

Penaluna, A. and Penaluna, K. (2006) Cox Review of Creativity in Business: Implications for Entrepreneurship Educators. 29thNational Conference of the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Cardiff (nominated best paper award).

Penaluna, A. and Penaluna, K. (2006) Stepping back to go Forward: Alumni in Reflexive Design Curriculum Development. Internationalizing Entrepreneurship Education and Training Conference, Sao Paulo Brazil

Penaluna, A. and Penaluna, K. (2006) Business Paradigms in Einstellung: A Creative industries perspective on enhancing entrepreneurship education. Internationalizing Entrepreneurship Education and Training Conference, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Awarded ‘Best Empirical Paper’ for Senior Researchers.

Penaluna, A., and Penaluna, K. (2005) Entrepreneurship for Artists and Designers in Higher Education. Internationalizing Entrepreneurship Education and Training Conference, Guildford, Surrey

Reviewing and editorial


Paper Reviewer, Innovations in Education and Teaching International

Paper Review, International Journal of Management Education


Editorial board member, Journal of Entrepreneurship, Business and Economics


Paper Reviewer, Business and Management Education in HE: An International Journal

Paper Reviewer, American Journal of Entrepreneurship, Special Issue in Entrepreneurship Education: Regional Policy and Practice

Chapter Reviewer, Stemberg, R and G Krauss (eds)Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship and Creativity, Edward Elgar, Glos.

Conference paper reviewer, Creative Industries track, Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Cardiff


Conference paper reviewer, Entrepreneurship track, British Academy of Management, Sept. Cardiff

Conference paper reviewer, Creative Industries track, Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, November, Dublin


Conference paper reviewer, Creative Industries track for the Annual Conference of the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, November, Sheffield

Chapter reviewer, Entrepreneurship and the Creative Economy: Process Policy and Practice, Colette Henry and Anne de Bruin (eds) Edward Elgar Publications


Conference paper reviewer Creative Industries track for the Annual Conference of the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, November, London

Paper reviewer – Special Issue of the International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research on Developing Enterprising Individuals

Committee membership

Kath represents the University on a number of committees, working collaboratively with network partners to develop a range of projects and initiatives that enhance the enterprise capacity for students, graduates and staff. This includes the Welsh Government funded Swansea Bay Enterprise Hub, The City and County of Swansea’s Building Enterprise and Entrepreneurship in Swansea (BEES), the Swansea Economic Regeneration Partnership, the 14-19 network and the HEFCW funded Enterprise Support Program.

Kath sits on the the working party for the Welsh Government’s development of Essential Skills and a founder member and steering committee member of the UK Intellectual Property Teachers Network.

Conference co-ordination

Since 2007, Kath has been a co-director of Entrepreneurial Learning Visions in Swansea (ELVIS), a biennial two day conference, with presentations provided from internationally acknowledged experts in the field of entrepreneurship education. The event sponsored by the Welsh Government, organised in collaboration with Swansea University and Gower College attracts over 100 delegates. ELVIS 2 in 2009 and ELVIS 3 2011 were described by the Welsh Government as Wales ‘flagship’ entrepreneurship conference. The 2013 conference was organised in collaboration with the Regional Learning Partnership.



Higher Education Symposium, Enterprise Education, Hereford College of Arts, Hereford September

Researcher to Innovator, SETsquared Postgraduate Accelerator Programme, A partnership between Universities of Bath, Bristol, Exeter, Southampton and Surrey September 15/16, Lyndhurst, Facilitator


‘Intellectual Property and the Researcher’, Research Conference, University of Wales, Cardiff, 17/18 May

Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Shaping the Future of Egypt (2012) American

University in Cairo, Cairo 17-19 April


‘Intellectual Property Rights – Protecting your Rights and Avoid Being Sued’, Workshop for students and staff, University of Glamorgan, February

Standing at the intersection – Business and Creativity. University of Wales Alliance: Enterprise Education Seminar. University of Wales, Cardiff, January


Enhancing Entrepreneurship Education and Research, Connect 2, Annual Teaching and Learning Conference, University of Huddersfield, Sept