Sustainable workplaces: the impact of workplace learning

Locock, Martin(2018)Sustainable workplaces: the impact of workplace learning.Wales Journal of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, 1 (1). pp. 53-59. ISSN 2396-7285

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    The Wales Institute for Work Based Learning provides modular courses for learners in employment. For the last two years the Institute has been running two ESF projects under the pan-Wales Work-Based Learning (WIWBL) programme 2007-2014. WIWBL developed a suite of courses aimed at raising awareness of sustainability and the environment among the workforce and the corporate responsibilities for managers. As part of each course, the learners were required to examine an issue at their workplace, and in many cases this has led to the company changing its working practices to reduce waste. The legacy of the learners within their organisations is having a direct impact on the environmental effects of their activities. On the other hand, there were some disappointing lessons learned. Many companies saw sustainability as a ‘nice to have’ part of Corporate Social Responsibility, and were not thinking strategically about the future. The ability of learners embedded within organisations to initiate change with direct practical results in the short term is an area where the University is having a visible positive effect on the Welsh economy for the future. Mae Athrofa Cymru ar gyfer Dysgu Seiliedig ar Waith yn darparu cyrsiau modiwlaidd ar gyfer dysgwyr sydd mewn cyflogaeth. Dros y ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf mae’r Athrofa wedi bod yn cynnal dau brosiect Cronfa Gymdeithasol Ewrop dan raglen Dysgu Seiliedig ar waith Cymru Gyfan 2007-2014. Datblygodd yr Athrofa gyfres o gyrsiau a anelai at godi ymwybyddiaeth ynghylch cynaliadwyedd a’r amgylchedd ymhlith y gweithlu a’r cyfrifoldebau corfforaethol i reolwyr. Yn rhan o bob cwrs, roedd yn ofynnol i’r dysgwyr archwilio mater yn eu gweithle, ac mewn nifer o achosion mae hyn wedi arwain y cwmni i newid ei arferion gwaith er mwyn lleihau gwastraff. Mae gwaddol y dysgwyr o fewn eu sefydliadau’n cael effaith uniongyrchol ar effeithiau amgylcheddol eu gweithgareddau. Ar y llaw arall, dysgwyd rhai gwersi siomedig. Ystyriai llawer o gwmnïoedd gynaliadwyedd yn rhan ‘hyfryd ei chael’ o Gyfrifoldeb Cymdeithasol Corfforaethol, ac nid oeddynt yn meddwl yn strategol am y dyfodol. Mae gallu dysgwyr o fewn sefydliadau i gychwyn newid gyda chanlyniadau ymarferol uniongyrchol yn y tymor byr yn faes lle mae’r Brifysgol yn cael effaith gadarnhaol weladwy ar economi Cymru i’r dyfodol.

    Item Type: Article
    Uncontrolled Keywords: Work-based learning; Sustainable Development; workforce development; corporate strategy; organisational maturity
    Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management
    H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD61 Risk Management
    T Technology > TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering
    Divisions: Institutes and Academies > Institute of Management and Health > Wales Academy for Professional Practice and Applied Research
    Depositing User: Martin Locock
    Date Deposited: 12 Jun 2018 09:08
    Last Modified: 03 Jan 2023 14:13

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