
阿伦,Elanor(2017)生态足迹作为衡量与食物相关的生活方式对可持续性影响的工具的评论。学生研究人员,4(1).第31-44页。ISSN 2047 - 3427



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    实现可持续性(即满足一个人口的社会、经济和环境资源需求)已成为一个重大的全球性问题,特别是在全球人口增长的情况下。人们开发了许多工具来帮助衡量可持续性,其中之一是生态足迹(EF)。同时,由于不同的生活方式和资源需求,不同的人口统计往往实现不同的EFs。一个例子是与食物相关的生活方式的影响;研究表明,自认为素食者比非素食者对环境原因和运动有更大的亲和力(Hoek et al., 2004;Ruby, 2012;Ruby等人,2013)。然而,既然EF自动假定素食主义更可持续,那么得分的提高是单纯来自饮食,还是真正来自与食物相关的生活方式?*是研究是否适合使用EF作为评估这个问题的工具。斯德哥尔摩环境研究所开发的资源和能源分析项目(REAP Petite)之所以被选为这项研究的对象,是因为它的承诺系统——一种允许用户在个人生活方式发生改变后计算预期EF的工具。 60 residents of Swansea, South Wales, were given a questionnaire covering aspects of their lifestyles in the five categories of home, food, travel, consumables, and activities. 30 respondents were self-identified vegetarians, while 30 were omnivores. Based on existing literature, it was assumed that the vegetarians would have a lower combined EF; the omnivores could then be pledged to a meat-free diet, and the projected EF would reveal whether dietary change alone brought the two groups in line, or if the vegetarians were still lower owing to their food-related lifestyle. *e results in fact showed the vegetarians had higher scores in EF, Carbon Footprint and water use, and lower recycling rates, although no differences were statistically significant other than the category of food. Additionally, the pledge system could not be utilised owing to REAP Petite being unable to differentiate between low- and zero-meat diets. Recommendations were made for future research to better examine the research terms.

    项目类型: 文章
    不受控制的关键词: 生态足迹,可持续性,食物,素食主义
    主题: G地理。人类学。GE环境科学
    部门: 学生研究员
    存放用户: 托马斯·詹森
    把日期: 2月26日14:33
    最后修改: 2月26日14:33
    URI: https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/869


    • 生态足迹作为衡量与食物相关的生活方式对可持续性影响的工具的评论。(2018年2月26日14:33)(当前显示)


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