
支持者,Luc de(2016)皈依和仪式化:西方人如何进入国际奎师那知觉协会并吸收其价值观和实践的分析。博士论文,威尔士三一圣大卫大学。


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    我的论文的中心目的是研究来自西方背景的个人进入国际奎师那意识协会(ISKCON)的过程,这是一个跨国宗教运动,其根源是起源于印度的印度教传统柴坦尼亚毗湿奴主义。我的研究的中心论点是,现有的皈依模型并没有公正地对待个人进入ISKCON并吸收其价值观、信仰和实践的过程。因此,本文批判性地考察了皈依模型/理论,并试图完善我们对皈依的理解,特别是与日常仪式实践起核心作用的群体有关。我的研究是基于对ISKCON参赛者的深度访谈分析,以及对仪式理论和皈依文学的参与。传统的基本做法包括吟唱上帝的圣名:Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare,并向印度教神奎师那提供食物(这些被称为prasadam仪式)。仪式既是与ISKCON接触的门户,也是进入者从新手到新手的重要实践,并有资格参加连续的入会仪式。我主要借鉴凯瑟琳·贝尔的仪式化理论来探索进入ISKCON与仪式实践的关系。在ISKCON的背景下,仪式化是一种促进ISKCON核心价值观和世界观内部化的策略。这是通过参赛者最初对仪式的接触,他/她对这些仪式背后意义的探索,逐渐接受ISKCON的5种仪式方案,并在长期内获得对仪式的掌握而实现的。从社会学的角度来看,进入ISKCON是一个分离、过渡和合并的三个阶段的过程。 The stage of separation is a phase of accepting sets of oppositions concerned with polarities of purity and pollution, causing alienation from previous social circles and encouraging group-integration within ISKCON. The transitional stage is characterized by the internalisation of beliefs, worldviews and values. The stage of incorporation is marked by successive stages of seekership (searching for, and finding, meaning using ISKCON frameworks) and commitment (not just to ISKCON’s values and ritual practices, but also to its missionary agenda). To determine how ritual practice constructs power relationships and creates boundaries for the development of active agency and passivity, I look at four dimensions of ritualisation. These are (following Bell): (1) the effects of ritual practice on socialisation and vice versa; (2) the role of ritual specialists; (3) the forms of misrecognition and blindness resulting from ritual practice; and (4) the influence of ritualisation on the agency of entrants. My work demonstrates that “conversion” in the ISKCON context is marked by three crucial features. First, it is a process of gradual “drifting” into ISKCON’s fold, not a sudden change. Second, conversion to ISKCON’s belief system is facilitated by the adoption of the ritual practices central to ISKCON. Hence belief and practice are closely intertwined in the conversion process, with ritual practice serving, in most cases, as the entry point. And finally, my work demonstrates that this “conversion” does not entail a radical break with previously held religious beliefs and values. Instead, “converts” to ISKCON continue to profess their former faith, but now filter this through the lens of ISKCON’s Vaishnava devotionalism.

    项目类型: 论文(博士)
    不受控制的关键词: 国际奎师那知觉协会Chaitanya Vaishnavism
    主题: B哲学。心理学。宗教信仰> BF心理学
    B哲学。心理学。宗教> BL宗教
    部门: 毕业论文>博士论文
    存放用户: 桑德拉Stedman
    把日期: 2016年8月12日09:53
    最后修改: 2017年2月22日14:00
    URI: http://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/654


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