

1769年,奎库,约翰·巴内特。变更管理(2021). pdf——提交版本

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    由于2008年全球金融危机的影响,加纳的银行业在过去十年中经历了几次变化,导致加纳一些银行倒闭。加纳银行采取了许多措施,使加纳的银行业更加稳健。预计所有银行都将根据加纳银行的指示引入改革战略。这些变化对员工的影响很大,因为他们对变化缺乏了解。在不断变化的环境中开展业务,要求所有利益相关者,特别是员工,理解变化,并改变管理过程和实践,以使其有效。这是因为员工被要求调整自己的思维和做法,以响应管理层和央行对他们不断变化的需求和期望。在变革过程中,一些银行的崩溃归因于其他因素,如员工敬业度差、沟通差和员工承诺变化差。管理在变革过程中的作用也不令人满意。鉴于上述,本案例研究试图探索和分析加纳银行业员工对变革和变革管理流程和实践的理解。在加纳27家银行中,只有Ecobank Ghana Limited被选为本研究的案例。 This is because some of the banks were established within the last 5 years and did not have enough change experiences. Other banks gave the presence of COVID-19 as a reason not to participate in this study. That notwithstanding, Ecobank Ghana Limited was representative of the Ghana banking industry because of its wide geographical spread across the country and its long-standing operations since 1990. The bank also satisfied all Bank of Ghana requirements. The qualitative method was adopted for the study. This was meant to allow the researcher the opportunity to explore the experiences of employees in respect of finding answers to the research questions of the study. It also allowed the researcher to probe deeper into employee perspectives on the subject matter. It was also cost effective and easy to use. Data was gathered through in-depth telephone interviews with the use of a semi-structured interview guide. This was appropriate due to the cancellation of flights as a result of Covid 19. As part of the data collecting process, participants were required to answer questions relating to their understanding of change and their experiences of change relative to employee engagement, communication, employee commitment to change, role of managers and resistance to change. In all, 39 employees of Ecobank Ghana Limited, cutting across all levels and different departments were interviewed. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis with 5 themes guided by the research questions. The case study found out that there was no consensus on the understanding of employees on change and change management which had a potential of adversely affecting the effective implementation of any change project. The study also found out that the general feelings of employees with the introduction of change were negative and mostly expressed as fear, uneasiness, doubtfulness and uncertainty. Majority of employees did not feel engaged in the change process with the explanation that their views did not matter to management. Additionally, majority of employees were not satisfied with how change was communicated to them indicating that, in most cases they got information from the grapevine. In spite of the above findings, the majority of employees did not resist change because they did not see the need to resist change, and also for the fear of victimization and loss of their jobs and position. Additionally, appreciating the dynamics between the reality of organisational change and employees Ecobank Ghana Limited is vital to management, policy makers and the industry regulator. Furthermore, whilst there is considerable literature on change and change management, not much has been made to tackle and resolve the fears, concerns and expectations of these changes upon employees of the bank and this has dangerous implication for the success of future change. Moreover, little evidence exists in the literature of the positive or negative aspects of change and change management from the viewpoint of employees and as stakeholders at the receiving end, the success or otherwise of change and change management rely on how employees accept and buy into the change initiative. The study recommends a strategic change framework for Ecobank Ghana Limited in particular, and the Ghanaian banking industry in general that will potentially guide the effective initiation, implementation and evaluation of change management within the industry.

    项目类型: 论文(博士)
    主题: D历史概况和旧世界
    H社会科学> HD工业。土地使用。HD28管理。工业管理
    H社会科学> HG金融
    部门: 博士论文
    存放用户: 莱斯利Cresswell
    把日期: 8月27日13:27
    最后修改: 9月15日
    URI: https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1769


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