
Ahmadu, Aminu(2021)探索如何利用增量创新来促进尼日利亚在线杂货业务的增长。博士论文,威尔士大学三一圣大卫。

艾哈迈杜,1735,探索如何增加。2021. pdf

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    当涉及到服务行业的企业时,创新的目标通常是通过将创造力与现有技术/发明相结合来实现增长和扩张,这在新发明驱动较低的国家是常态。然而,对于在尼日利亚运营的在线杂货企业来说,创意和想法往往与创新不匹配,这在大多数情况下会导致不协调和徒劳的努力,从而导致创新知识和应用的模糊,这反过来又很少导致服务的显著增长。本文旨在探索尼日利亚在线杂货企业的创新实践,看看创新管理是否是在线服务文化的一部分,它在在线营销和在线订单中的使用,以及它的形式和类型,如果有的话。此外,还调查了阻碍创新使用的具体基础设施挑战。广泛回顾了相关主题的现有文献,提出了概念和理论框架,描述了创新管理在商业环境中的影响,特别是与在线服务相关的影响。考虑到研究的探索性,定性方法是首选,研究方法采用案例研究。数据收集自24名受访者,通过访谈将他们分为三个不同的组,涉及5家在线杂货企业。其中三家企业位于拉各斯,两家位于阿布贾。这两个地点代表了尼日利亚的商业和政治神经中枢,因此是这项研究的完美案例研究。第一组由信息通信技术专业人员/专家组成,他们阐明了食品杂货分行业在线服务的技术创新。 The second group were respondents from the online grocery businesses involved in ICT and marketing and should have sufficient knowledge on innovation management processes and applications. Since the field work occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic and created restrictions on movement, majority of the data was collected using e-mail and online structured interviews with phone calls for follow up where necessary. The emergent view from this research indicates that there is near absence of innovation management in the online grocery business in Nigeria with an overreliance on creativity and ideas rather than any structured innovation sourcing, acquisition and development process to drive innovation, which leads to innovation ambiguity, which in turn has created problems with the application of innovations in the online services of online grocery businesses in Nigeria, especially in the online marketing and online order placement algorithms as he process and incremental innovations which are best suited for such businesses are undefined and random. This ambiguity leads to customer dissatisfaction as most customers are discouraged to use online grocery services. Furthermore, poor road networks and unstable power supply affect the extent to which online grocery businesses in Nigeria are willing to develop their online services using innovation as a growth medium. Lastly, poverty of wide strata of population, fraud concerns and low internet penetration, has further complicated the growth of online grocery businesses in Nigeria. The findings of the research closely considers some of the factors limiting the proper use of innovation to grow services of online grocery businesses in Nigeria and then recommends ways by which this can be tackled by addressing the key areas of innovation ambiguity, innovation application using process and incremental innovations to improve online marketing and online order placement services and mitigating infrastructural challenges to achieve growth. The findings of this research while specifically addressing the online grocery business in Nigeria, may be relevant to other similar internet-based businesses and or industries.

    项目类型: 论文(博士)
    不受控制的关键词: 创新管理、创新应用、增量式创新、基础设施挑战、客户视角、创造力
    主题: H社会科学> HF商业
    部门: 博士论文>
    存放用户: 莱斯利Cresswell
    把日期: 2021年7月30日10:43
    最后修改: 19 Aug 2021 09:20
    URI: https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1735


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