
Gunzburg, Darrelyn(2020)在阿西西的地狱山上建造天堂:像圣物箱一样的山。发表于:空间、地点和宗教景观:活山。布鲁姆斯伯里学术出版社,伦敦,99-120页。ISBN 9781350079885


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    意大利翁布里亚(Umbria)的阿西西镇(Assisi)坐落在一个倾斜而陡峭的山脊上,位于苏巴希奥山(Mount Subasio)半山腰上,这座山呈穹顶状,被木材覆盖,长期以来一直被认为是方济各教的诞生地。如今,放置圣方济各(约1181/82-1226)遗体的大教堂吸引着朝圣者和游客,他们要么崇拜,要么欣赏建筑和壁画的美丽。圣方济各是小修士的创始人和领袖。大量人口的涌入使阿西西成为意大利的主要旅游景点之一。情况并非一直如此。这座城市的转变之旅也是通过一个人——阿西西的圣方济各(St. Francis of Assisi)——探索神圣和宗教景观的创造。圣方济各是与一座城镇和一座山有关的少数历史人物之一。因此,这一章调查了人类与一座山的独特对话,以及一个被认为是野生和野蛮的山区是如何被他们埋在其中的东西所改变的。它还探索了人们对被埋葬的人类遗骸的看法,以及在这种地形下埋葬的人是如何影响山区周围的人的活动,从而改变了人与山之间的动态关系。它围绕着圣方济各死后发生的事件,以及方济各兄弟希望通过他的遗体创建一个永久的纪念碑来纪念他。圣方济各被认为是他那个时代的一个现象,他的生活充满了矛盾。他个子矮小,皮肤黝黑,有块硬块,出生在一个富有的布商家庭。他年轻时受过教育,梦想成为一名骑士,但成年后却过着贫穷的生活,只穿束腰外衣,系腰带,穿凉鞋。 Although actively engaged with towns, St. Francis sought inner peace in a hermitage at the Eremo delle Carceri four kilometres from Assisi, built on a rocky outcrop in a steep forest gorge 791 metres above sea level, and higher up the steep slopes of Mount Subasio. His other sanctuary was at La Verna, on Mount Penna, an isolated mountain of 1,283 metres situated 113 kilometres north-west of Assisi in the centre of the Tuscan Apennines above the valley of the Casentino in central Italy. He traversed a wide section of the Apennines and the places that he made his retreats created what Tim Ingold would call ‘a node in a matrix of trails.’ Living through the century that saw the rise of universities, he rejected scholarship and books. As economic wealth increased and the first ducats, florins, and gold crowns were minted, he had a deep loathing for money and the greed and avarice that it carried. He found inspiration in the natural world and he actively encouraged peace in a time full of turbulence and strife. He was instrumental in changing one of the major courses of philosophical religious thinking. In death, his final resting place—the extreme western flank of the town of Assisi, Italy—positioned the location as a pilgrimage site. As a result of this man and the afterlife of his body, a multitude of people drawn to his way of thinking, have engaged in differing conversations with this mountainous location. This chapter considers those ‘conversations’ through the themes of bodies, burials, and bones, and how mountain landscapes shape and are shaped by people who live amongst them and whose stories become mythically entwined with place and landscape.

    项目类型: 本节
    不受控制的关键词: 阿西西埋葬山的圣方济各
    主题: B哲学。心理学。宗教:实践神学
    部门: 机构与学院>教育与人文学院>学科:人文学科
    存放用户: Darrelyn Gunzburg
    把日期: 22 Apr 2021 08:30
    最后修改: 四月30 01:02
    URI: https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1642


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