土着非政府组织支持初创企业(由年轻企业家建立)在尼日利亚尼日尔 - 三角洲地区的探索性研究。

ejejigbe,麦克森谢伊(2021)土着非政府组织支持初创企业(由年轻企业家建立)在尼日利亚尼日尔 - 三角洲地区的探索性研究。博士学位,威尔士大学三位一体圣达瓦。

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    在非洲的各个部门(教育,健康,创业/商业,经济,正义和其他人)中的土着非政府组织在非洲的干预和贡献是可见的。多年来,国际非政府组织与土着非政府组织合作,向下滑,赋予高级企业,赋予企业技能的强制性,建立年轻人的能力,促进和平,提供救济材料,并促进农村社区的人民经济财富,具体地提升了人民的经济财富。尼日尔 - 三角洲和尼日利亚的城市。尼日利亚的非营利性部门是独一无二的,因为令人生畏的挑战土着非政府组织通过执行他们的企业家支持计划和项目。尼日尔塔地区的不断绑架,破坏,污染和青年恢复是产生这项研究的主要需要因素。这项研究背后的动机是探索着土着非政府组织如何利用他们的创业计划和项目来吸引青年并支持尼日利亚尼日尔 - 三角洲地区的年轻企业家。本研究旨在批判地审查有关年轻企业家建立的初创企业的土着非政府组织干预领域,突出了他们所面临的挑战以及尼日尔三角洲社区的创业干预措施的挑战。进行了半结构性访谈,并从七(7)个土着非政府组织(Ngo-L,Ngo-F,Ngo-al,Ngo-D,Ngo-Ao,Ngo-u和Ngo-M)中汲取了参与者,支持年轻企业家。主题分析方法用于分析与支持数据分析的NVIVO软件收集的数据。巩固了这项研究的理论框架是在利益相关者理论和业务增长的进化理论上锚定。 From reviewed literatures and findings of this research, it was discovered that indigenous NGOs supports young entrepreneurs through mentorship, provision of consultancy and branding services, awareness creation, marketing platforms and I.T facilities. Young entrepreneurs mostly cannot afford the services mentioned above. The selection criteria indigenous NGOs used to pick beneficiaries of their entrepreneurial programmes and challenges faced by indigenous NGOs and young entrepreneurs (i.e. Gap between knowledge and Application of knowledge, shortage of trainers and inability to pay them, Difficulty accessing coastal communities, resistance from youths in communities, corruption, slow assimilation pace, lack of market and Unstable Government Policies) were exploratorily discussed in this study. The researcher develops an App called the‘Youngo App’ to help Young Entrepreneurs and Indigenous NGOs tackle some challenges they faced daily. The findings of this study emphasised greatly on the need for collaboration and synergy between stakeholders in the Non-Profit Sector since Indigenous NGOs are commonly referred to as the hope of the masses in Africa, and they play a critical role in making life better for the masses. The need for indigenous NGOs and community engagements is pivotal to the successful execution of entrepreneurial interventions in the Niger Delta. Responses from participants of this study revealed that the activities and operations of indigenous and International NGOs must be regulated and monitored to align with international best practices.

    物品种类: 论文(博士)
    不受控制的关键字: 青年,创业,土着,非政府组织(非政府组织),探索性,尼日尔 - 三角洲,尼日利亚,非洲,干预,支持,初创企业和业务。
    主题: H社会科学> HF Commerce
    H社会科学> HG金融
    划分: 论文和论文>博士论文
    存款用户: 桑德拉Stedman
    存入日期: 2011年3月17日10:42
    最后修改: 2011年3月17日11:04
    Uri: https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1620


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