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    对于尼日利亚中小企业雇主如何体验和理解新毕业生的就业能力,我们知之甚少。就业能力是一个很难全面界定的概念。因此,过去的研究产生了一系列不同的“就业能力技能”。在过去的几十年里,人们对毕业生就业能力的兴趣不断增长,为了确保毕业生的就业能力,使他们受益,许多研究已经列出了提高毕业生就业能力所需的特殊技能和属性的清单和分类。为了弥补学术文献中的空白,本研究探讨了尼日利亚金融部门的中小企业雇主的经验,并从他们的生活经验中理解新毕业生就业能力的意义。本研究运用现象学的方法来形成描述性主题。这项研究采访了18位金融业的中小企业雇主,他们被认为与应届毕业生有联系。参与者是从尼日利亚拉各斯同行业的五家不同公司中挑选出来的。对这些中小企业雇主的深入面对面访谈提供了丰富的数据。研究结果揭示了与中小企业雇主体验和理解应届毕业生就业能力有关的11个主题:(1)对绩效的渴望; (b) determination; (c) intellectual curiosity; (d) time and appearance-conscious; (e) business acumen; (f) creative contribution; (g) effective communication; (h) optimism and honesty; (i) boldness and purposeful career path; (j) coachable attitude; and (k) informative. The study reveals that employers shared impactful memories of graduates who were able to use simple english language when communicating during their interviews. This study contributes to the development of practice and knowledge in diverse ways. The study proposes a new conceptual framework that is more direct and narrowly focused on new graduate employability. This framework will be useful to students in a career guidance context, to SME employers, to human resource departments involved in the selection and induction of employees who wish to select highly adaptable employees, and to higher education and graduate training centres, which can incorporate this information about new graduate employability into their curriculums to deliver graduates who are highly employable.

    项目类型: 论文(博士)
    不受控制的关键词: 尼日利亚拉各斯州金融服务业
    主题: H社会科学(一般)
    部门: 博士论文
    存放用户: Omolara尤妮斯阿卜杜勒
    把日期: 1 Feb 2021 13:59
    最后修改: 02 Feb 2021 09:26
    URI: https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1574


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