
伯顿,珍妮特(2020)约1229-1539年在约克监护下的方济各会士的传记登记册。历史:历史协会的期刊,105(366)。487 - 488页。ISSN 1468 - 229 x



方济会对约克郡的监管包括七个修道院,分别位于约克郡和林肯郡:贝弗利、波士顿、唐卡斯特、格里姆斯比、林肯、斯卡伯勒和约克郡。在12世纪20年代晚期到达英格兰北部后,约克监管下的方济各会在1539年3月被镇压,他们的最后一家斯卡伯勒。迈克尔·罗布森利用已故的理邦主教约翰·r·h·穆尔曼(John R. H. Moorman, 1959 - 1975, d. 1990)编撰的传记索引,以及他自己进一步详尽的研究,制作了约克修道院修士的传记登记册,共有1704人。卷的第一部分首先简短介绍了摩尔曼和罗布森发掘的各种文献来源。接下来是十篇短文,第一篇为读者提供了方济会修道会的结构及其修道会生活的大纲。剩下的部分讨论特定类型的资料来源的价值:揭露教会事务的圣公会记录,揭示牧师、传教士和忏悔神父的名字(有时还包括家庭细节);遗嘱登记簿,这对方济各会士了解遗嘱遗产很重要;市政,教会和皇室的记录可以揭示他们在当地社会中的角色。从各种各样的来源得到的信息允许下采取prosopographical罗布森方法修道士的职业:他们的招生、教育进步祝圣礼,通过订单的教育结构发展,和外交部的纽约修道士在他们教会通过他们的布道和城市。文中详细分析了一些修士的职业生涯。 Franciscan suffragan bishops are not neglected, with discussion of those appointed to office in the crusader states as well as within English and Irish dioceses. The final section considers the ways in which northern chronicles and historians, such as the Louth Park chronicle, Thomas Burton, abbot of Cistercian Meaux, and Walter, chronicler of Augustinian Guisborough, and many others, described the friars’ activities in the region. The Franciscan friars’ footprints on the north emerge clearly here. The second part of the volume comprises the biographical register of those friars known to have been members of the Franciscan houses of the Custody of York. Some appear to have spent their careers in one friary. Others clearly moved from one to another. The entries for many of these 1,704 men are brief, reflecting the paucity of evidence. About the first name, John Abney, for instance, we know only that he was the guardian of the Doncaster friary in 1442 when he appears in the plea rolls for the Hilary term (p. 85). The sole detail for John de Berways is that he was ordained subdeacon on 19 December 1349 at the York church of St Michael le Belfrey (p. 101). We know only that Reginald de Kenington was licensed to hear confessions in the diocese of York in 1300 (p. 182). But for others there is a wealth of detail about their family connections or about their careers. Take, for instance, Roger de Frisby, friar of Boston, who was ordained subdeacon in June 1354 (p. 150). By the time he was ordained deacon (19 March 1356) he was a brother of the Stamford friary, and when he proceeded to the next stage, ordination as priest (March 1357), he was a member of the Grantham house. A Doctor of Theology at Cambridge, he was at the council which examined the opinions of John Wyclif, and he heard William Swinderby, priest of the Lincoln diocese, recant his error in Lincoln cathedral in 1382. He ended his life, hanged at Tyburn, in 1402, having been found, along with his brother, Richard, to have adhered to the prophecies of John of Bridlington, and maintained that were King Richard II still alive, he would be the true king. These few examples should whet the appetite of readers who seek to know more about those who lived in, or were based at, the friaries of the York custody, and to see them as actors, in many roles, on the local, national and international stages.

项目类型: 文章
不受控制的关键词: 方济格修道院纽约
主题: B哲学。心理学。宗教:基督教
部门: 机构与学院>教育与人文学院>学科:人文学科
存放用户: 桑德拉Stedman
把日期: 9 .卡特彼勒
最后修改: 15 Oct 2020 10:22
URI: https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1445


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