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    “生活就是要改变,要想完美就要经常改变。”约翰·亨利·纽曼(John Henry Newman)的这句名言适用于每个人的一生。在某些时候,一个人的生命周期中的转变会产生更大的影响。其中一个阶段是当一个人被任命为牧师。在这个时候,他的生命中发生了许多重大的事情。本文将探讨新任命的牧师如何应对这些转变,以协助创建一个新的框架,为参与这一重大转变的牧师提供应对策略。当他被任命为牧师时,这位新牧师就会离开他在过去六七年里一直居住的神学院。神学院是准备成为祭司的首要场所。神学院的组成部分是协助牧师进入神职。本论文将探讨神学院的形成如何协助牧师应付转变。 This thesis will explore various theories of transitions drawing on the disciplinesof anthropology, theology, psychology and ministry. Through the sacrament of ordination, a person becomes a priest. There are many symbols within the ordination rite which highlight that this person is assuming a new ministerial role within the Roman Catholic Church. This thesis will evaluate how this rite of passage assists a newly ordained priest cope with his new public role. When a new priest begins his ministry, he often encounters situations that he never had to deal with prior to his ordination. Having a structured model to guide him, as he embarks in his pastoral work can be beneficial. There are five models reviewed in this thesis. These are the sink or swim model; the military model; the domesticating model; the internship model and the apprenticeship model. Through the use of semi-structured in-depth interviews seven newly ordained priests offer their views, experiences and observations on how they have coped with the transition from the seminary to ministry, a major transition in their lives. The findings from the interviews are related to the theoretical frameworks on coping strategies, practical theology and ministry. The findings suggest that Roman Catholic clergy avail of an amalgam of coping strategies as they adjust to the new realities,relationships and roles that they receive as they embark on their ministerial career.

    项目类型: 论文(博士)
    不受控制的关键词: 罗马天主教神父
    主题: B哲学。心理学。宗教:基督教
    部门: 学院和学院>教育和人文学院
    存放用户: 莱斯利Cresswell
    把日期: 26 Mar 2020 16:57
    最后修改: 26 Mar 2020 16:57
    URI: http://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1265


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