
Zawahir, M. Nafeel M.(2008)阿布·哈桑·阿里·纳德维政治思想的比较研究与他的同时代人:阿布·拉·马杜迪和赛义德·库特布。博士论文,威尔士大学三一圣大卫。


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    随着1924年伊斯兰政权的倒台,许多伊斯兰学者意识到迫切需要重新建立伊斯兰政权。因此,伊斯兰教的政治思想在一些学者中变得突出。因此,许多伊斯兰政治和宗教运动在穆斯林世界重新兴起,目的是在穆斯林国家建立伊斯兰统治。这些运动提出了恢复伊斯兰统治的不同方法。然而,这是本文的论点,这是当代学者在两种不同的思想流派中认真讨论的思想;现代导向与传统导向。本文旨在通过对现代思想与传统思想的对比,凸显现代思想的本质。为此,本研究选择了三位当代穆斯林学者:Sayyid Abul Hasan ' Ali Nadwi (1914-1999;印度勒克瑙的纳德瓦特-乌鲁拉玛教长),他提出了传统的table运动思想,还有两位学者同样提出了现代导向的思想,Mawlana ' Abul A'la al-Mawdudi (1903-1979;伊斯兰大会党发起人)和赛义德·库特布(1906-1966; main figure of Ikhwan al-Muslimoon). A study of the characteristics of their thought is the main purpose of this thesis with reference to their juxtaposition and contraposition. The modern-oriented thought developed basing on the historical and geographical contexts of the Muslim world. It realised that the practice of Islam is meaningless without the socio-political system. As such, it strived to interpret Islamic concepts accordingly in support of its arguments. In contrast, the traditional-thinking scholars present Islam, primarily, as a divine message and guidance for humanity and emphasised meaningful political reform by imprinting strong faith in the heart of Muslim rulers and ruled alike, without which political endeavours are meaningless. These contrasting approaches of traditional and modern-oriented political thought in Islam are discussed in this thesis by highlighting the evidences from the Qur'an, Hadith and history. In brief, the aim of this thesis is to highlight the modern oriented strand and to analyse the contemporary Islamic thought in contrast with the thought of the traditional scholars.

    项目类型: 论文(博士)
    不受控制的关键词: 伊斯兰统治,伊斯兰政治
    主题: B哲学。心理学。伊斯兰教。大同教。见神论等
    部门: 博士论文>
    存放用户: EThOS Web服务
    把日期: 2019年7月25日12:25
    最后修改: 2019年7月30日11:04
    URI: http://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1050


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