研究库:没有条件。订购结果-交存日期。 2021 - 08 - 09 - t18:00:03z eprint https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/images/sitelogo.png https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/ 2021 - 01 - 12 t09:22:33z 2021 - 01 - 12 t09:22:33z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1559 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1559 2021 - 01 - 12 t09:22:33z 影响孟加拉成衣出口中小企业采用b2b电子商贸的因素有哪些? 本研究旨在调查孟加拉国发展中国家背景下RMG出口中小企业采用B2B电子商务的影响因素。在世界各地,电子商务极大地改变了开展业务的方式。然而,大量证据表明,发展中国家的中小企业落后于发达国家的同行。本研究将指导发展中国家的制造业中小企业,如孟加拉国的RMG出口中小企业采用B2B电子商务。数据收集技术:本研究采用了一种解释范式,从选定的RMG出口中小企业、大型RMG出口组织和与RMG出口业务相关的专家那里收集数据。使用的主要数据收集工具和技术是通过面对面访谈的开放式半结构化问题,以及文件分析。概念框架:一个概念框架,用于收集与电子商务采用相关的不同因素,如研究问题所定义的:“影响孟加拉国成衣(RMG)出口中小企业采用企业对企业(B2B)电子商务的因素是什么?”对从访谈中收集的数据进行了分析,以根据TOE框架和CATWOE分析的要素对调查结果进行更深入的了解。数据的要素包括:1)业务的性质和特征;2)公司对信息通信技术和网络应用的使用; 3) Senior management’s perceptions of B2B e-commerce adoption; 4) The factors that affect and influence B2B e-commerce adoption; 5) Identification of government initiatives for the adoption of B2B e-commerce, and 6) Suggestions to ease the adoption of B2B e-commerce by the RMG export SMEs in Bangladesh. Principal Findings: Several factors have been identified that have a negative impact on the adoption of B2B e-commerce by the RMG export SMEs in Bangladesh. These mentioned below- A lack of senior management knowledge about the global scope and benefits of B2B e-commerce for organisations; a lack of financial ability in the organisations and more comprehensive investment for adopting technology; a lack of financial support from financial institutions; a lack of quality B2B e-commerce software; a lack of combination of IT skilled human resources with RMG business knowledge; a lack of support from business partners and their readiness to take part in B2B e-commerce; a lack of support from government and BGMEA to improve ICT infrastructure in the RMG sector; the complexity of legal issues related to online transactions; political instability and uncertainty; language and communication problems when using the internet. Also, there are some of the other factors identified in this research that will influence the adoption decision of B2B e-commerce by the RMG export SMEs in Bangladesh. These are as follows, access to new markets; the sourcing of raw materials; improving communication with clients and better marketing opportunities; the availability of a third-party website for B2B e-commerce; support from the government and BGMEA. Contribution to Knowledge: This study makes a theoretical contribution to this research area by combining the TOE framework with a CATWOE analysis of the factors identified for a broader perspective of B2B e-commerce adoption. That has, until now, been absent from the current literature of B2B e-commerce adoption in the context of SMEs. Also, this study provides a conceptual framework to guide government of Bangladesh, BGMEA, RMG export SMEs, software developer and other associated stakeholders in creating a system so that RMG export SMEs can efficiently adopt B2B e-commerce without massive changes to their businesses. This conceptual framework can potentially be used in the context of manufacturing industries of different developing countries. MD AL-AMIN 1403478 2019 - 12 - 16 - t10:50:13z 2019 - 12 - 16 - t10:50:13z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1138 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1138 2019 - 12 - 16 - t10:50:13z 网络学习环境下隐性知识获取的实验研究 鉴于隐性知识的软性质和难以明确的事实,隐性知识无疑是最需要处理的知识形式。通常被称为诀窍、实践经验和见解;隐性知识对一个人的工作质量和职业效能有显著的影响。对文献的回顾表明,许多研究解决了与电子学习环境创造有利于参与者分享、获取和保留隐性知识的条件的能力相关的问题。然而,关于学习者在缺乏面对面接触的环境中获得隐性知识的能力仍存在争议,原因仅仅是缺乏对这一主题的实证或实验研究。即使这是可能的,也缺乏模型和实用的指导方针来处理在线教育中个人层面隐性知识的获取。本研究运用成人学习原则、知识管理和电子学习设计最佳实践,提出了一个基于知识对象和以实践社区精神为导向的学习活动的特定学科电子学习模型。为了评估学习者的隐性知识以及影响隐性知识获取的因素,对该模型进行了测试。选择商业演示领域是为了满足研究的目标,因为仅仅记住事实并不能使一个有效的演示者。采用对照组设计,通过TKIBP测试实验组(n=231)和对照组(n=212)学习者的隐性知识。 Twenty-three learners were closely monitored, and a panel of experts evaluated their performances at three different stages. Learners’ perceptions of the model were also examined on a number of variables like delivery effectiveness and knowledge acquisition. Results showed that a well-prepared e-Learning environment can create a strong potential to support the activities and learning processes necessary for learners to acquire tacit knowledge. The model proposed in this study is a viable approach to facilitate the acquisition of tacit knowledge in e-Learning environments; in a given field. Experience in the field, English as a first language, self-competence, perceived usefulness, self-directed learning and motivation all play a major role in learners’ capacity to acquire tacit knowledge in e-Learning environments. This study unveils evidence-based information for the better implementation of e-Learning. It also gives a conceptual framework for scholars to advance research related to tacit knowledge acquisition in online education. Annel Ludovic Ketcha Djiffouet