研究存储库:无条件。结果订购 - 申请。 2021-08-07T00:39:56z ePrints. https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/images/sitelogo.png. https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/ 2013-12-04T15:29:48Z 2020-01-20t16:13:36z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/296 此项目位于存储库中,使用URL:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/296 2013-12-04T15:29:48Z 叙述仍然存在 这个项目的中央工作是一个安装,即在伦敦伦敦亨特利亚博物馆的皇家学院展出了一个十二分钟的电影,2009年举行了一个十二分钟的电影。亨特利亚主任西蒙卓林邀请了Inghamcreate an artistic response to the museum’s collection of human organs, employed in medical teaching practice. The research continued Ingham’s interest in creating alternative forms and meanings using historical and contemporary medical technologies. Here she focused on the potential for meaning in the anonymised organs, following the loss of identity they undergo through scientific objectification, e.g., donors’ names replaced by numbers. Photography, text and vitrine were used to redress the loss of identity in relation to six human anatomical specimens, selected by Ingham from John Hunter’s eighteenth-century collection of specimens. The specimens were exhibited in jars and placed in specially-made vitrines. With each vitrine, the background carried a photographic image of the corresponding body area, and the front glass bore a text written by Ingham. The texts were semi-fictional accounts written for each specimen from the point of view of the donor, imagining their thoughts at the prospect of surrendering the organ. The layering of photograph, specimen, jar, and text, and their movement in relation to one another as one walked around the vitrine, gave the specimen a new narrative and a literal ‘remembering’ in relation to the body. A film featuring images of the organs and body parts, with narration of the texts, was also available as another layer for projection onto the vitrines, and also as a stand-alone film. The project was funded by a Wellcome Trust Arts Award. There were accompanying public engagement events, conferences and subsequent exhibitions and screenings, which are ongoing. The film is part of the Wellcome Collection, making it freely available worldwide. Karen Ingham. 2012-05-22T14:20:18Z 2020-01-20t16:12:27z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/266 此项目位于存储库中,其中包含URL:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/266 2012-05-22T14:20:18Z 叙述仍然存在 (参见附加文件,下面,用于国际传播和影响)。与亨特利亚的月份合作,其中关键的研究问题是,如果可以重新考虑将匿名人体器官展示匿名人体器官的做法,并且可以重新考虑通过当代艺术练习重新上下文化。在解剖学系列中显示的人体部位通常被剥离捐赠者的身份和主观性;对象不受影响,数字不是名称。这些系列用于医学教学实践,博物馆研究,以及在亨特利昂集合的情况下,对公众开放。我对该集合的回应是根据研究的猎人数据的研究编写一系列六个半虚构文本。这些主题叙述,然后通过相应的身体区域的摄影图像和分层到专门设计的博物馆vitrines上,其中来自约翰猎人的实际器官标本是第十八世纪的收藏。这是伴随着12分钟的艺术家的机关重新讲述了他们的故事的电影,这些电影在媒体上和通过VITRINES播放,建议重新体现的标本现在可以叙述自己的死亡和疾病故事。这些都在博物馆和展示六周内,伴随着一系列公共会谈和活动。有58页的目录是用散文和图像板制作的,并在国际筛查和会议陈述,出版物和引用的形式继续超出展览期的活动和展览会。 The film is part of the Wellcome Collection, making it freely available worldwide. There is a comprehensive portfolio of evidence for the project demonstrating cultural and social impact. Karen Ingham.