研究库:没有条件。订购结果-交存日期。 2023 - 05 - 05 - t04:29:07z eprint https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/images/sitelogo.png https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/ 2022 - 08 - 02 - t12:48:19z 2022 - 12 - 09 - t10:50:14z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/2058 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/2058 2022 - 08 - 02 - t12:48:19z 普及基础教育的管理:公立小学的政策实施。以尼日利亚贝宁市奥鲁瓦小学为例。 本研究以贝宁市奥鲁瓦小学为个案,探讨普及基础教育政策实施的管理。它强调了基础教育作为全国增长和发展工具的重要性(Udey et al., 2009)。它调查了直接参与其运作的教育利益相关者的意见和看法。第一章是绪论,包括研究背景、目的、目的、研究问题、研究目的和研究结构。第一章还包括对问题的陈述,从而对尼日利亚的教育制度进行分析并提出问题。这给论文指明了方向。还有对政策的解释,然后是教育政策,从而提供了研究的重点。第二章的文献综述提供了一个主题的概述-全民基础教育政策的实施及其历史。这是因为关于过去的信息将有助于了解当前的情况。该研究通过收集贝宁教育利益相关者的意见,特别是与作为案例研究的学校(Olua小学)直接相关的意见,调查了UBE的现状。 The investigation revealed the need for a change in the system. This chapter also introduced the change models and the rationale for using them. The methodology gave an overview of the research process. This included the research design, which revealed the research plan and sampling. Questionnaires and Google forms were used during the field work as data gathering tools and the limitation of these data gathering tools was explained. Interviews were conducted on different days fixed between the participants and researcher. A focus group meeting was held to gather extra information to help to validate the research (Kumar, 2008). Out of 182 questionnaires and 31 Google forms distributed, 79 responses were received. 7 interviews were conducted, and 1 focus group meeting held. The conceptual framework was constructed using management change models. The diagram concerning this also showed the connections and links to UBE. The use of the change models in analysing the UBE situation revealed different dimensions of their value and suggested a solution for UBE, if utilised. The study employed a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, but with more emphasis on qualitative methods . 4 In chapter four, the findings obtained from respondents' viewpoints were revealed. The results and outcomes from the findings were analysed in chapter five. Discussions followed after showing the data analysis. Analysis of the data collected revealed a clear picture of the current situation of UBE policy implementation in Benin. The discussion section also displayed a linking of the analysis of data from the respondents to what some authors stated in the literature review. Finally, the conclusion of the study involved the linking up of the literature review and primary data, revealing how the research aim, objectives and questions were answered. This was also the point at which the limitations of research and recommendations for further studies were presented. In summary, the research into the implementation of Universal Basis Education policy revealed that UBE policy is important to the extent it cannot be ignored when growth and progress is expected. The outcome revealed that there is potential to improve UBE providing the necessary changes are made. The end of this study conclusively showed a need for further study on the subject of Universal Basic Education policy implementation. 中国B. Ezeunala 2021 - 01 - 28 - t10:37:46z 2021 - 01 - 28 - t10:37:46z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1570 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1570 2021 - 01 - 28 - t10:37:46z 不同经济体的大学员工的不同职业压力和组织承诺(巴基斯坦和英国中等公立大学的横断面比较研究) 本文研究了英国和巴基斯坦两国不同经济体中不同性别在教学和行政职位上的不同职业压力源和组织承诺。虽然现有文献主要关注个人压力和资源、职业治疗师的角色、社会支持和员工的组织承诺等个案,但本文通过性别、教师和经济背景下的比较分析扩展了现有知识。使用的混合方法是基于SEM, ChiSquare和多元回归的组合,由总共408个调查回复,然后是98个访谈的定性研究。研究结果证实,总体而言,组织因素会导致更高的压力,而心理影响在两个经济体的教育部门都很常见。尽管巴基斯坦的权力距离和集体主义程度更高,但总体压力和组织承诺更高。总体而言,个人因素对女性和非教学人员造成的压力更大,而组织因素往往使男性和教学人员感到压力。此外,男性和非教学人员对身体和行为的影响更大,而女性和教学人员有更大的心理症状。然而,压力的原因和后果以及与工作相关的偏好因性别、教师和经济状况而异。统计检验证实了职业治疗师对情感承诺(AC)、规范性承诺(NC)和持续承诺(CC)的影响不显著。所有其他预测因子在一定程度上对OC有显著影响。 Furthermore, males exhibit higher AC, while females often report NC and CC. Social support and stress management programmes are effective in sustaining human capital and reducing strain. The qualitative findings supported the statistical outcomes. Based on above results, practical implications are recommended to public universities for reducing stress and improving organisational commitment to sustain human capital. 阿德南·哈克