研究存储库:无条件。结果订购 - 申请。 2021 - 08年- 07 - t03:00:52z ePrints. https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/images/sitelogo.png https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/ 2020 - 02 - 06 - t11:42:07z 2020 - 02 - 06 - t11:42:07z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1198 此项目位于存储库中,其中包含URL:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1198 2020 - 02 - 06 - t11:42:07z 伊斯兰银行系统的增长和挑战:英国伦敦孟加拉国穆斯林社区的视角 近年来,与传统银行业务相比,伊斯兰银行业务有所增长。本研究旨在探索和确定与伊斯兰银行体系在银行和金融业的成长有关的潜在因素,并提出以下问题:i)在采用伊斯兰银行体系方面,哪些因素影响了大伦敦的英国孟加拉穆斯林社区(BBMC) ?2)穆斯林学者不一致的观点是否对伊斯兰银行系统的增长和发展造成了混淆或障碍?在这项研究中,研究者使用了一种混合的方法。来自大伦敦的165名英国孟加拉人和孟加拉籍穆斯林参加了问卷调查,并分享了他们的观点。此外,研究人员还对英国裔孟加拉国穆斯林社区的杰出成员进行了17次采访,如穆斯林学者、社区领袖、银行从业人员和伊斯兰银行伊斯兰教法理事会成员。采用SPSS 22软件进行数据分析。研究结果表明,在BBMC中,宗教信仰、信仰和义务在采用伊斯兰银行而非传统银行中发挥了突出作用。英国金融监管机构在这种增长和发展中发挥着决定性作用。此外,BBMC成员对银行系统的发展做出了更高水平的承诺,尽管他们对其缺乏了解,认为其产品和服务缺乏竞争力,范围有限。 Moreover, the ongoing Muslim scholar’s inconsistent views also create contradictions and confusion amongst both customers and non-customers of the Islamic bank. This, in turn, might impede the future growth and development of this banking system. This research will contribute to increasing the knowledge of those in authority who are concerned with understanding the BBMC’s socio-economic conditions. Because, the BBMC is a surrogate measure of broader Muslim communities Islamic banking system perception of growth. This research will also increase knowledge of how Islamic banks are using brand image and ethical principles in their successful operations in the banking and finance industry, so that other financial organizations can develop their operation strategies based on the Islamic banking system. The correlation between the financial and community-based performance of Islamic banks can be studied for future research. MD Rubel Ahmed. 2016-09-14T14:36:22Z 2017-02-22T14:03:07Z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/670 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/670 2016-09-14T14:36:22Z 调查英国零售银行业抵押贷款的变化:对家庭产生影响的对金融危机的审查。 在世界各地的每个社会中,住房是每个人最基本的需求之一。不幸的是,它不是大自然的免费礼物。这意味着住房融资是不可避免的。但是,如果没有财政援助,大多数人无法做到这一点。最近的2007年金融危机对住房金融格局的干预,使住房抵押贷款的供求市场发生了一些变化。因此,本研究旨在调查这些变化的程度和由此产生的影响。进一步探讨了家庭抵押贷款提供者的选择和住房拥有权状况。采用纵向研究,收集了金融危机之前、期间和之后的数据,数据范围从2003年到2013年。主要和次要的数据收集方法被用于实现研究的目的和目标。采用问卷调查和访谈的方式收集初步数据。 The questionnaire involved 320 bank customers while the interviews was done on 43 participants. Out of these 43 participamts, 31 were from the demand side of the study while 12 were mortage advisors. The findings revealed that the three distinct periods had significant differences in their patterns of housing finance. It was also found that households preferred their mortgages to be provided by the high street banks for security reasons with 88.2% of them satisfied with their mortgage providers. Also, initial deposit and increasing house prices were the most important impediment to obtaining a mortgage. Moreover, the claim by the households that the banks were not willing to grant mortgage loan to them was true to an extent as 54.4% of them agreed to the validity of the statement. Finally, the implications of the financial crisis on households as well as homeownership status implications on tenants were generally negative. 尤妮斯Tamoh阿奴 2016 - 08 - 10 - t15:15:08z 2017-02-21T15:07:03z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/649 此项目位于存储库中,使用URL:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/649 2016 - 08 - 10 - t15:15:08z 财务困境对英国银行绩效与客户忠诚度的影响:实证研究。 鉴于2007年全球金融危机,被认为是自20世纪30年代大萧条以来的最糟糕的,很明显没有银行太大而无法失败。近年来,近年来有许多企业故障,包括英国的实例。因此,这些事件在强调需要应用财务困境预测模型来检查英国银行的表现方面的这种研究。这项工作旨在经验审查和分析金融危机中英国零售银行的表现,涵盖三个时期:以前,期间和之后。在这样做时,检查了Altman的预警统计窘迫预测模型的财务比率的准确性。主要和次要数据都被用来找到研究问题的答案。第一个结果表明,阿尔曼的比率:杠杆,偿付能力和周转率明显歧视三个危机期。然而,Altman的模型在危机期间具有高的错误分类错误率和更少的预测力,而不是之前和之后。关于银行的表现,结果显示,银行在预先和危机期间的盈利能力,流动性和活动比率方面表现更好。此外,研究人员越来越感兴趣地将营销变量联系起来,例如满意,信任和忠诚于财务表现。 While profitability ratio is commonly confirmed to be a significant predictor of performance, loyalty constructs are not generally assessed in this manner in the profit link framework. This implied that loyalty has not been shown to have a direct impact on financial performance. Hence, since both loyalty and profitability play vital roles to determine the success of banks, they should be fully considered before performance is established. In this thesis, an extension of past profit link research to include nonfinancial variables was considered. This research examined the link between satisfaction, trust and loyalty, and overall financial performance. The overall empirical findings provided evidence of a positive relationship of loyalty and levels of relative profitability. Nevertheless, satisfaction and trust were not statistically related to profitability in the UK retail banking sector. 莱昂纳德Ndifor Ngwa.