研究库:没有条件。订购结果-交存日期。 2021 - 11 - 07 - t07:45:44z eprint https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/images/sitelogo.png https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/ 2021 - 09 - 16 - t08:15:54z 2021 - 09 - 16 - t08:20:37z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1778 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1778 2021 - 09 - 16 - t08:15:54z 国际快速消费品供应链的业务流程优化 研究供应链整合模式可以显著提高组织间运作的绩效。这项研究是基于一个真实的实践-特定的公司,一个国际瓶装水制造商,这是发展非常迅速,并花费大量资金为客户提供高水平的服务。找到服务水平与成本的最佳比例,需要提高供应链合作伙伴之间的协作质量,以提高运营效率,同时降低成本。确定合作伙伴之间有效互动的最佳模型是本研究的学术挑战。由于缺乏对支持供应链整合的实用工具的研究,因此确定了本研究的目的:建立一个能够优化跨境快速消费品供应链效率的模型。为了实现研究目标,本文确定了整合供应链合作伙伴的主要优势,并研究了影响有效整合的因素。其理论基础是利益相关者理论、资源基础观和关系观。为了丰富业务流程管理的理论基础,对最佳实践进行了分析。讨论了供应链的优先级,以及影响供应链稳定运行的常见问题。这些问题包括缺乏资源、可见性、利益冲突、牛鞭效应、数据质量和延迟交付。 The research design was based on a mixed method to take advantage of inductive reasoning based on qualitative research complemented with the deductive reasoning study based on quantitative research. The methodology for business process modelling has been developed which relies on current real practice priorities, problems and improvements. Based on this methodology, a supply chain business process model was formulated by using the SCOR framework. The proposed business process model is shown to have a potential for eliminating bottlenecks and information gaps, as well as improving manageability through the continuous exchange of data pertaining to operations plans and their actual progress. This study is aimed at contributing to the academic body of knowledge related to the enhancement of competitive advantage and value creation in supply chain management through optimisation of the process of integration design and implementation in real-world international operations. The outcomes of the research are beneficial for organisations which seeking to increase the supply chain sustainability and scalability by continuously exchanging information and sharing each other’s resources and capabilities. At the same time, companies are offered guidelines on incorporating shared factors and interests into their strategies towards attaining interdependent competitive advantage. Igor Nikiforov 2021 - 07 - 30 - t10:43:17z 2021 - 08 - 19 - t09:20:14z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1735 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1735 2021 - 07 - 30 - t10:43:17z 探索如何利用渐进式创新来促进尼日利亚在线杂货业务的增长 当涉及到服务行业的企业时,创新的目标往往是通过将创造力与现有技术/发明相结合来实现增长和扩张,这是新发明动力较低的国家的常态。然而,对于在尼日利亚经营的在线杂货企业来说,创造力和想法往往与创新不匹配,这在大多数情况下导致不协调和徒劳的努力,从而导致创新知识和应用的模糊性,这反过来又很少导致服务的明显增长。本文旨在探讨尼日利亚在线杂货业务的创新实践,看看创新管理是否是在线服务文化的一部分,它在在线营销和在线下单中的应用,以及它的形式和类型,如果有的话。此外,还研究了阻碍创新使用的具体基础设施挑战。对相关主题的现有文献进行了广泛的审查,提出了概念和理论框架,这些框架描述了创新管理在商业环境中的影响,特别是与在线服务相关的影响。考虑到研究的探索性,我们倾向于采用定性方法,并采用案例研究作为研究方法。通过对五家在线杂货企业的采访,我们收集了24名受访者的数据,这些受访者被分为三组。其中三家企业位于拉各斯,两家位于阿布贾。这两个地点代表了尼日利亚的商业和政治神经中枢,因此是该研究的完美案例研究。第一个小组由资讯及通讯科技专业人士/专家组成,他们阐明了杂货分行业网上服务的技术创新。 The second group were respondents from the online grocery businesses involved in ICT and marketing and should have sufficient knowledge on innovation management processes and applications. Since the field work occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic and created restrictions on movement, majority of the data was collected using e-mail and online structured interviews with phone calls for follow up where necessary. The emergent view from this research indicates that there is near absence of innovation management in the online grocery business in Nigeria with an overreliance on creativity and ideas rather than any structured innovation sourcing, acquisition and development process to drive innovation, which leads to innovation ambiguity, which in turn has created problems with the application of innovations in the online services of online grocery businesses in Nigeria, especially in the online marketing and online order placement algorithms as he process and incremental innovations which are best suited for such businesses are undefined and random. This ambiguity leads to customer dissatisfaction as most customers are discouraged to use online grocery services. Furthermore, poor road networks and unstable power supply affect the extent to which online grocery businesses in Nigeria are willing to develop their online services using innovation as a growth medium. Lastly, poverty of wide strata of population, fraud concerns and low internet penetration, has further complicated the growth of online grocery businesses in Nigeria. The findings of the research closely considers some of the factors limiting the proper use of innovation to grow services of online grocery businesses in Nigeria and then recommends ways by which this can be tackled by addressing the key areas of innovation ambiguity, innovation application using process and incremental innovations to improve online marketing and online order placement services and mitigating infrastructural challenges to achieve growth. The findings of this research while specifically addressing the online grocery business in Nigeria, may be relevant to other similar internet-based businesses and or industries. Aminu Ahmadu 2021 - 06 - 22 - t10:36:39z 2021 - 06 - 22 - t10:47:31z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1711 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1711 2021 - 06 - 22 - t10:36:39z 通过有效的监管合规监测,最大限度地减少加纳的银行倒闭 本研究的主要研究问题是“加纳有效的监管合规监测框架如何最大限度地减少银行倒闭?”该研究的主要目的是为了实现以下目标:检查加纳银行现有的监管框架,确定中央银行(加纳银行)的监测框架,确定银行倒闭前的稳健性,检查加纳最近银行倒闭的原因,并为有效的监管合规监测框架提出建议,该框架可以最大限度地减少加纳的银行倒闭。研究人员采用了数据收集和分析的混合方法。共有97名受访者参与了这项研究。主要数据的收集采用问卷调查和半结构化访谈。次要数据来源包括学术期刊、世界银行和国际货币基金组织等国际组织的官方文件、中央银行(加纳银行)的文件以及加纳一些选定银行的年度报告。从数据收集和分析中,研究人员发现,加纳银行(加纳中央银行)是加纳银行业的监管机构,根据2016年《加纳银行法》930号的规定,其职责是维持健全的银行体系。调查结果和分析表明,加纳最近银行倒闭的原因是资本不足、流动性不足、不良贷款率高、公司治理不善以及监管机构监管不力。调查还发现,除了监管监控失误外,受访者提到的所有其他导致银行倒闭的原因都是监管机构监控的指标。因此,可以得出结论,如果监管机构有效执行监管合规监督的职责,可以最大限度地减少加纳的银行倒闭。 The methods of analyses were Content Analysis, Survey Analysis, The Delphi Technique, CAMELS Analysis and Regression Analysis.The researcher then recommended a more robust regulatory compliance monitoring framework to help improve the effectiveness of monitoring regulatory compliance in the banking sector in Ghana. 帕特丽夏Barnett-Quaicoo 2021 - 03 - 17 - t10:42:18z 2021 - 03 - 17 - t11:04:27z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1620 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1620 2021 - 03 - 17 - t10:42:18z 对尼日利亚尼日尔三角洲地区支持初创企业(由年轻企业家建立)的当地非政府组织所面临的干预措施和挑战进行探索性研究。 土著非政府组织在非洲各部门(教育、卫生、创业/商业、经济、司法等)的干预和贡献是有目共睹的。多年来,国际非政府组织与当地非政府组织合作,为受压迫者提供援助,为青年提供创业技能,培养年轻人的能力,促进和平,提供救援物资,并提高农村社区,特别是尼日尔三角洲和尼日利亚各城市人民的经济财富。尼日利亚的非营利部门是独一无二的,因为土著非政府组织在执行其创业支持计划和项目时面临着艰巨的挑战。尼日利亚三角洲地区不断发生的绑架,破坏,污染和青年反抗是产生这项研究的主要必要因素。这项研究背后的动机是探索性地研究本土非政府组织如何利用其创业计划和项目吸引年轻人,并支持尼日利亚尼日尔三角洲地区的年轻企业家。进行这项研究是为了严格审查土著非政府组织支持青年企业家开办企业的干预领域,强调他们在尼日尔三角洲各社区面临的挑战及其创业干预的结果。我们进行了半结构化访谈,参与者来自7个支持青年企业家的本土非政府组织(NGO-L、NGO-F、NGO-AL、NGO-D、NGO-AO、NGO-U和NGO-M)。采用专题分析方法分析使用Nvivo软件支持数据分析收集的数据。支撑本研究的理论框架是基于利益相关者理论和企业成长进化理论。从文献回顾和本研究发现,本地非政府组织通过指导、提供咨询和品牌服务、创造意识、营销平台和信息技术设施来支持青年企业家。 Young entrepreneurs mostly cannot afford the services mentioned above. The selection criteria indigenous NGOs used to pick beneficiaries of their entrepreneurial programmes and challenges faced by indigenous NGOs and young entrepreneurs (i.e. Gap between knowledge and Application of knowledge, shortage of trainers and inability to pay them, Difficulty accessing coastal communities, resistance from youths in communities, corruption, slow assimilation pace, lack of market and Unstable Government Policies) were exploratorily discussed in this study. The researcher develops an App called the‘Youngo App’ to help Young Entrepreneurs and Indigenous NGOs tackle some challenges they faced daily. The findings of this study emphasised greatly on the need for collaboration and synergy between stakeholders in the Non-Profit Sector since Indigenous NGOs are commonly referred to as the hope of the masses in Africa, and they play a critical role in making life better for the masses. The need for indigenous NGOs and community engagements is pivotal to the successful execution of entrepreneurial interventions in the Niger Delta. Responses from participants of this study revealed that the activities and operations of indigenous and International NGOs must be regulated and monitored to align with international best practices. 麦克森·谢伊·埃杰吉贝 2021 - 01 - 05 - t10:29:38z 2021 - 01 - 05 - t10:29:38z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1556 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1556 2021 - 01 - 05 - t10:29:38z 对精品酒店可持续发展解决方案的调查:斯里兰卡精品酒店的案例研究 主要目的:本研究的重点是斯里兰卡的精品酒店。此外,在宏观和微观层面面临环境挑战的同时,关注如何推动酒店的长期生存。因此,本研究的目的是为斯里兰卡精品酒店的长期生存制定一个特定的商业模式,作为对其现有商业模式的战略干预。方法:为了收集数据,从斯里兰卡加勒区选择了九家精品酒店的样本。我们对每家精品酒店的高级经理进行了九次面对面访谈,随后又对研究期间入住酒店的客人进行了九次面对面访谈。访谈指南是根据通过文献综述确定的八项绩效指标制定的。采用Nvivo12定性数据分析软件进行数据分析。使用从文献综述中确定的软件和代码的输出来分析数据。分析和发现:根据经理的要求和客人的要求进行分析。在此基础上确定了最适合精品酒店的八个要素作为对现有商业模式的战略干预。 While most of the boutique hotel managers were confirmed that having a specific business model for Boutique Hotels will be able to drive the hotels to a long-term survival in financial and non-financial aspects. Therefore, by using the identified performance indicators the strategic intervention created as the proposed business model for the boutique hotels in Sri Lankan context. The final output of the research adding new knowledge to the limited knowledge about the successful Sri Lankan Boutique Hotel operations. Furthermore, development of the business model for long-term survival will be beneficial for the existing and upcoming Boutique Hotels to drive the hotels to long-term survival in Sri Lanka. Key words: Boutique Hotels, Economic Sustainability, Business Models Madura Thivanka Pathirana 2020 - 10 - 26 - t10:26:43z 2020 - 10 - 26 - t10:32:57z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1482 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1482 2020 - 10 - 26 - t10:26:43z 寻找创业能力:周边视野和多学科灵感 本文又回到了商学院能否独自应对创业教育中增强创造力和创新能力的挑战这一问题。政策制定者回避了定义上的争论,以拥抱创业能力发展的更微妙的潜力,在学习和评估中使用可以在商业和管理话语之外找到的多学科实践。由于使用不同的术语和定义,可能会错过其他学科的见解。设计教育本质上是多学科的,并在促进重大政策层面的变化方面发挥了重要作用。为了更深入地研究这一现象,作者举例说明了在商业和设计交叉的课堂上实际发生了什么。对学习大脑的神经科学研究通过灵活性和适应性的逐步发展,为与创造力、愿景和处理模糊性相关的学习、教学和评估提供信息。作者介绍了艺术与设计课程的一个共同特征——评量(Crit),作为一种评估工具,并得出结论,在我们深入研究商业和管理课程之前,对设计教育的侧目将继续提供好处。 安德鲁Penaluna 凯瑟琳Penaluna 2020 - 10 - 15 - t12:23:44z 2020 - 10 - 15 - t12:35:55z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1470 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1470 2020 - 10 - 15 - t12:23:44z 利用产消者和企业之间的知识交换,在企业中实施循环经济活动 “根据过程分类框架,以及来自波兰和英国(UK)的调查数据的结果如何为结合的产消参与和知识交换概念模型的设计提供信息,我们考虑了产消参与概念模型。在回答研究命题时,采用桌面文献法对论文进行回顾。修订后的模型包含了支持产消参与的结构,以包括可持续性,并描述了知识共享和知识交换的流程。知识交换是捕获和改进企业分析产消知识共享的方法。可持续性结构包括循环经济理念,企业根据过程阶段评估其产品和服务设计。调查结果证实,随着企业努力采取限制对环境的负面影响和改善道德和负责任的商业行为的方法,需要增加产销双方的参与。循环经济正在对所有工业部门产生影响,要求他们评估和重新思考他们的流程。增强产消者在循环经济中的作用可以成为业务流程变革的积极推动力,并帮助企业实现碳中和计划。本文的主要贡献是提供了一个新颖的概念,解释了企业如何在循环经济环境下捕获和转化产消费者知识,为商业战略提供信息。 罗伊马林斯 桑德拉Dettmer 莫妮卡Eisenbardt Ewa Ziemba 2019 - 08 - 22 - t13:49:52z 2019 - 08 - 22 - t13:49:52z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1023 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1023 2019 - 08 - 22 - t13:49:52z 采用业务流程再造(BPR)和服务质量管理(SQ)在伊斯兰银行管理中的相关性:科威特案例研究 A. R. M .奥斯曼 2019 - 08 - 12 - t10:01:53z 2019 - 08 - 12 - t10:01:53z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1064 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1064 2019 - 08 - 12 - t10:01:53z 调查麦加朝圣季节对麦加经济的整体影响,并对消费品贸易进行特别调查 多年来,朝觐季节不仅是麦加人民的主要生活来源,也是整个Hijäz地区的主要生活来源。在第二次世界大战之前和石油发现之前的几年里,朝觐是整个沙特阿拉伯王国的经济支柱。然而,在第二次世界大战结束后,该国的经济依赖于石油收入,朝觐的收入成为一个重要的影响因素,促进了麦加私营部门的商业活动,从而发展了整个城市的经济。本研究的目的是调查和评价麦加朝圣季节对麦加经济的整体影响,并对消费品贸易进行特别调查。为了实现这一目标,本研究采用了图书馆研究和实证研究相结合的方法。研究麦加朝圣对麦加经济的整体影响采用图书馆研究方法,研究麦加朝圣对消费品贸易的影响采用实证研究方法。对两个样本进行了大规模调查:麦加三个主要地区的484名店主和434名朝圣者(消费者),即Pram地区、Ma ' äbdah地区和Aziziyyah地区。从这些样本中收集到的数据在计算机中使用SPSS程序进行分析。关于朝觐对麦加经济的全面影响的调查主要集中在私营部门,即朝觐服务业,即Twäfah机构(朝觐者协会)、房地产业和运输业以及工业部门。关于朝觐对消费品贸易的影响,调查的重点是店主的类型和特征,参与消费品贸易的店主,店主在朝觐期间选择地点的意义,他们在朝觐期间进行交易的动机,他们在供应商品时对价格、质量、数量和品种的购买决策。对于店主提供的消费品,调查的重点是他们的类型,特征,即来源,供应来源,销售方式。 It also covers some related issues i.e., official procedures for trading in consumer goods, utilization of advertisements and employment in the trade in consumer goods. In addition, the effect of Hajj on the commercial renting business within the context of the trade in consumer goods is also investigated. Concerning the pilgrims (as consumers), the study focuses on their socio-economic and demographic characteristics, their purchasing criteria with respect to necessary and supplementary goods, their opinions on the market of goods and their attitudes towards their treatment by the shopkeepers and finally their expenditure profile and the major factors influencing it. 阿比德Al-Abdali 2017 - 09 - 27 - t08:06:39z 2017 - 09 - 27 - t10:13:12z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/780 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/780 2017 - 09 - 27 - t08:06:39z 对政府促进出口政策对喀麦隆中小型可可出口商出口业绩的直接和间接影响进行了批判性审查。 该研究考察了喀麦隆政府出口促进政策对主要生产中心喀麦隆西南部和中部地区可可生产中小企业出口绩效的有效性。本研究的理论贡献分为两部分。第一部分是利用验证性因子分析(CFA)模型检验现有理论的稳健性。第二章在检验CFA模型的基础上构建结构方程模型(SEM),检验政府促进出口政策对出口绩效的影响。采用滚雪球抽样法收集问卷101份,运用扫描电镜进行分析。对现有理论(资源基础观点)的稳健性的研究结果是,政府政策是一种外部资源,它使中小企业能够克服出口障碍,并通过提供国家和企业的特定优势来提高出口绩效。SEM的研究结果表明,政府政策通过国家和企业的特定优势直接或间接地对出口绩效产生积极影响。然而,积极和显著的影响是通过提供出口营销信息产生的。根据分析结果,对政府提出了规范的政策建议,以改善这些政策的获取和使用,并为中小企业在获取信息方面做出共同努力。讨论了研究的可靠性和有效性,其局限性,以及对未来研究的影响,仔细检查了CFA和SEM模型的理论基础。 山姆Zisuh。Njinyah 2016 - 08 - 10 - t15:15:08z 2017 - 02年- 21 - t15:07:03z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/649 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/649 2016 - 08 - 10 - t15:15:08z 财务困境对英国银行绩效和客户忠诚度的影响:一项实证研究。 2007年的全球金融危机被认为是上世纪30年代大萧条以来最严重的一次,鉴于此,显然没有哪家银行大到不能倒。近年来,包括英国在内的许多公司倒闭。因此,这些事件促使本研究强调需要应用财务困境预测模型来检查英国银行的业绩。这项工作旨在实证检验和分析英国零售银行在金融危机中的表现,涵盖三个时期:之前,期间和之后。在这样做的过程中,Altman的财务比率的早期预警统计困境预测模型的准确性进行了检验。主要和次要数据都被用来寻找研究问题的答案。第一个结果表明,Altman比率:杠杆率、偿付能力率和周转率显著区分了三个危机时期。然而,Altman模型在危机期间的误分类错误率较高,预测能力低于危机前后。关于银行的表现,结果显示,银行在危机前后的盈利能力、流动性和活动比率方面的表现优于危机期间。此外,研究人员对将满意度、信任和忠诚度等营销变量与财务绩效联系起来越来越感兴趣。 While profitability ratio is commonly confirmed to be a significant predictor of performance, loyalty constructs are not generally assessed in this manner in the profit link framework. This implied that loyalty has not been shown to have a direct impact on financial performance. Hence, since both loyalty and profitability play vital roles to determine the success of banks, they should be fully considered before performance is established. In this thesis, an extension of past profit link research to include nonfinancial variables was considered. This research examined the link between satisfaction, trust and loyalty, and overall financial performance. The overall empirical findings provided evidence of a positive relationship of loyalty and levels of relative profitability. Nevertheless, satisfaction and trust were not statistically related to profitability in the UK retail banking sector. Leonard Ndifor Ngwa