研究库:没有条件。订购结果-交存日期。 2023 - 05 - 05 - t02:49:28z eprint https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/images/sitelogo.png https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/ 2023 - 02 - 01 - t11:17:48z 2023 - 02 - 01 - t11:17:48z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/2243 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/2243 2023 - 02 - 01 - t11:17:48z 改进英国建筑行业材料库存管理方法 建筑材料在建筑工程总成本中占很大比例。对建筑项目产生不利影响的一个重要因素是材料的位置和跟踪,这些材料通常是散装的,很少有标识。现代无线技术(如射频识别(RFID)、个人数字助理(PDA)或准时制(JIT))在项目管理系统中的集成不足,无法更容易、更快地管理和跟踪材料,并克服人为错误。本研究的重点是通过制定基于rfid的项目材料管理跟踪过程系统,改进英国建筑行业的材料库存管理方法。现有的文献综述发现了建筑项目材料库存管理中的许多挑战/问题,如供应延迟、短缺、价格波动、浪费和损坏以及存储空间不足。选择了六个建筑项目作为探索性案例研究,并使用跨案例分析来调查材料库存管理实践的方法:问题,ICT的实施以及使用新兴无线技术和系统(如RFID和PDA)进行材料跟踪的潜力。调查结果显示,大多数建设项目都存在类似的仓储限制和物流问题。综合良好做法需要实施射频识别技术促进的材料跟踪系统的施工管理,使材料处理更容易、更快、更有效和更少的文书工作。会议还建议采用信息和通信技术工具,将工厂、劳工和材料纳入一个系统。案例研究和文献综述的结果用于制定使用射频识别(RFID)实时材料跟踪的过程,该过程可以改善英国建筑行业的材料库存管理。 Testing and validation undertaken assisted in formulating a process that can be useful, functional and acceptable for a possible process system’s development. Finally, research achievements/contributions to knowledge, and limitations were discussed and some suggestions for further research were outlined. Damian china Nwankwo 2022 - 09 - 15 - t11:20:17z 2022 - 09 - 15 - t11:20:17z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/2093 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/2093 2022 - 09 - 15 - t11:20:17z 希腊水线网发展的战略分析 在希腊,一个暂时没有竞争的新市场的机会是水上飞机。水上飞机可以作为一种有用的工具,填补连接偏远地区(主要是岛屿)的市场空白。它还可以为从希腊大陆到其他交通漫长而昂贵的地区提供快速和经济的交通解决方案。这是一种原始的媒介,可以反过来促进希腊两大“重工业”之一,即旅游业。然而,要实现上述目标,必须有一个明确的法律框架,以便各自的公司可以运作,以及相应的领土,以便感兴趣的投资者可以理解。它是金融领域之一,但不饱和,有多种新投资机会,也有“蓝海”战略,比如水上飞机。这项工作提出了使用水上飞机来改善国家运输规划的问题。水上飞机对大多数人来说是一种不寻常的、不为人知的交通工具,但它有一些优点,使它在世界上几个国家都很有用,而且很容易使用。此外,本工作还分析了水上飞机是否以及以何种方式可以成为解决该地区(或其他类似地区)复杂和多维运输问题的一部分。迄今为止,在希腊和欧洲其他国家,已经进行了多次努力来提高和调查水上飞机的实施情况。 However, their focus was segmental in many topics that surrounds this field, from analysis on the regulatory background to site specific case studies. Yet, there are still knowledge gaps in the synthesis and interconnections of the variables that surround the waterplane business venture. Therefore, through this thesis we aim to provide a comprehensive analysis for the operation, feasibility, and sustainability of waterplane in the area. This has been done through an extensive empirical investigation of the strategic management methods and the financial assessments. In addition, qualitative and quantitative data have been collected and examined to provide a holistic overview of the market potential. Raw data has been collected from questionnaires designed and responded by potential waterplane users. Also, interviews have been organised with specialised people in aviation and tourism, to gain even more awareness in our research. This thesis may function as the basis and reference for future entrepreneurs and the immediate appreciation of the tangible and intangible benefits that the waterplanes can offer to the Hellenic region. Athanasios Karkatzoulis 2022 - 07 - 22 - t08:58:14z 2022 - 07 - 22 - t08:58:14z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/2046 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/2046 2022 - 07 - 22 - t08:58:14z 安全文化对安全表现的影响:以香港高速客船业为例 快速渡轮速度快、舒适,对营运机构和乘客极具吸引力,令本港的快速渡轮数目不断增加。虽然据报道事故发生率很低,但安全一直是一个令人担忧的问题,因为它们在香港拥挤的水域高速行驶,特别是在黑暗或能见度低的时候,在某些交通密度高的地区,如香港港。由于在晴朗天气和交通情况下发生了一些严重的海上事故,特别是2012年10月南丫岛快速渡轮的悲惨沉没事件,对快速渡轮安全的监管控制受到了严峻的质疑,该次事故造成香港水域39人死亡,是海上死亡人数最多的一次。对过去严重海上事故的分析显示,涉及的海员是合格和有经验的,但未能遵守公司安全管理系统(SMS)的书面程序。安全管理体系的成功取决于组织安全文化的有效性。更重要的是,安全文化可以通过调查员工在工作场所环境中的信念来分析,这反过来又对组织的安全绩效产生级联效应。SMS要求操作组织提供岸上和海上的安全操作实践。在应该支持海员的内容和方式方面,管理层和海员之间以及管理层对安全的看法之间可能存在冲突。管理人员和海员之间在安全观念上的差距引起了对安全文化的关注。本研究从员工的角度解释安全文化的十个具体因素对运营组织感知安全绩效的影响,旨在制定切实可行的策略,以提高运营组织在快速渡轮船队安全运营和管理中的安全绩效。 The methodology required a self-administrated questionnaire for the survey research, and also proposed and tested a model of the relationship between safety culture and the perceived safety performance of the operating organizations. Both descriptive statistics and inferential statistics provided analyses of the 214 responses, and predictions about the target population of some 450 fast ferry officers. Through applying analytical methodologies, five significant factors underlying the safety culture were identified and sorted in the order of significance as communication, management commitment, employee empowerment, fairness, and learning. The study has yielded valuable research results that may support other researchers to engage in a more complex research in future, with the intent of gaining deeper insights of different safety perspectives. More specifically, this study has provided recommendations for the stakeholders concerned (including operating organizations, fast ferry officers, governments, seafarers’ unions, and training institutions), and managerial implications of using safety culture for sustaining the continuous improvement of organizations. 陈志强 2022 - 07 - 04 - t08:47:17z 2022 - 07 - 04 - t08:47:17z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/2024 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/2024 2022 - 07 - 04 - t08:47:17z 新加坡与中国企业家沟通与行为的文化影响之质性研究 本研究的目的是研究文化对新加坡和中国之间的企业家沟通和行为的作用和影响。这项基于证据的研究还旨在确定在中国文化背景下取得商业成功的适当解决方案。我的研究让我相信信任关系、文化包容和道德是支持企业家进一步取得更好成果的主要因素,为了说明目的,本博士研究集中在中国和新加坡文化的背景下。为了研究文化如何影响新加坡华人创业并实现研究目标,本研究型DBA项目遵循定性研究,并收集了来自新加坡中华总商会(SCCCI)及其分支机构的各种经验证据。研究的利益相关者是中国企业家,包括企业主和高级管理人员,他们是中华总商会的注册会员、合作伙伴、受众和客户。该研究项目耗时约一年半。研究人员选择定性研究作为主要方法,并进行了半结构化的在线访谈。研究人群包括50名参与者,在开始收集证据之前,研究人员进行了一项试点研究,选择了20名来自不同组织的中层管理职位的受访者。了解新加坡和中国之间的中国文化对企业家沟通和行为的影响,对企业家取得商业成功具有重要意义。在许多方面,新加坡和中国市场为全世界具有创新精神和敬业精神的企业家提供了无限的理想创业机会。本研究发现,跨国中小企业在制定和发展其国际业务战略时确实利用了其企业文化,因为他们的战略是基于个人关系、社会贡献和职业道德标准。 To maximise the effectiveness and efficiency of the strategy development decisions and corporate social value, it was clearly shown that Singapore and China-based entrepreneurial SMEs did benchmark themselves liaise with their stakeholders and trade practices in their development process for formulating their international business strategies which demonstrated efficiency and effectiveness in the crafting of the cultural-related entrepreneurial strategy. Therefore, entrepreneurial business culture is playing a significant role in SMEs in developing international business strategies as Singapore and China-based entrepreneurial companies rely on close and trusting private relationships for their oversea expansion. This is possible through transferable skill sets and ethical considerations (such as CSR) that the company has and can tap on. Any culture may have its own unique consideration and practice when they come to business ethics. Consequently, it is important for entrepreneurs to carry out comprehensive cultural research and market research before entering Chinese markets or doing business with Chinese people. Thus, researching and reading relevant Chinese business ethics articles could provide entrepreneurs with a comparatively clearer understanding of what ethical considerations and practices are in the Chinese cultural context. Chaochen王 2022 - 03 - 21 - t10:34:28z 2022 - 03 - 25 - t11:31:30z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1932 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1932 2022 - 03 - 21 - t10:34:28z 核心竞争力构建机制研究——以中国跨国港口企业为例 本研究旨在探讨中国跨国港口企业如何构建其核心竞争力。核心竞争力是企业在市场中获得可持续竞争优势(SCA)的特殊能力和来源,这一概念引发了广泛的研究和争论。然而,对中国跨国公司核心竞争力构建机制的研究却很少。因此,对三个研究问题寻求答案:1。中国跨国公司的核心竞争力是什么?2.中国的跨国公司运用什么机制来建立自己的核心竞争力?3.中国跨国公司构建资源基础的路径是什么?本研究采用多案例研究设计,重点探讨基于RBV的核心竞争力构建机制。 It selected purposively five Chinese leading MNPEs and three industry associations as Case Companies. The study revealed three main findings. First, it identified three generic core competencies possessed by Case Companies, i.e., innovation in business models and operations, utilisation of technologies, and acquisition of strategic resources. Second, it developed the conceptual framework of the Mechanism of Building Core Competencies (MBCC), which is a process of change of collective learning in effective and efficient utilization of resources of a firm in response to critical events. Third, it proposed three paths to build core competencies, i.e., enhancing collective learning, selecting sustainable processes, and building resource base. The study contributes to the knowledge of core competencies and RBV in three ways: (1) presenting three generic core competencies of the Chinese MNPEs, (2) proposing a new conceptual framework to explain how Chinese MNPEs build their core competencies, (3) suggesting a solid anchor point (MBCC) to explain the links among resources, core competencies, and SCA. The findings set benchmarks for Chinese logistics industry and provide guidelines to build core competencies. 上海建基黄 2022 - 02 - 11 - t11:04:48z 2022 - 02 - 11 - t11:04:48z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1899 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1899 2022 - 02 - 11 - t11:04:48z 组织转型因素如何影响市场导向和组织文化效应?斯里兰卡电信行业研究 电信业已成为斯里兰卡经济的主要推动力。电信作为服务行业在斯里兰卡市场竞争激烈,在新的数字时代起着至关重要的作用。考虑到斯里兰卡频繁变化的商业环境,本研究将重点放在斯里兰卡电信业。组织转型的概念已经成为许多组织在快速变化和竞争激烈的商业环境中生存的主要举措。斯里兰卡的电信运营商在过去的十到十五年里,基于不同的因素采取了许多转型举措,以面对竞争激烈的商业环境。在转型过程中,电信运营商遵循国际电信运营商的成功案例或少数转型因素来取得成功。他们能否达到预期目标值得怀疑。通过各种研究进行了巨大的努力来确定组织转型的成功因素,但失败因素并没有得到相当程度的重视。大多数研究在分析市场导向成分时考虑的转型因素很少,本研究弥补了研究空白。本研究以实证主义为研究哲学,采用演绎法对变量进行论证,构建概念框架。 The study measure the relationship between different variables and factors i.e. organisation leadership, resources, tructure, systems and innovation as independent variables, organisational culture as the mediating variable and market orientation as the dependent variable. The internal consistency and reliability of variables have been verified over a pilot study. The study has used a sample of 330,which represents different levels of executives in three major telecom operators in Sri Lanka. The different executive grade members were selected using stratified cluster sampling to receive responses using quantitative technique. The hypotheses were tested using Smart–PLS software and Bootstrapping option was used to examine the mediating effect. Results verified that organisational transformation significantly influence market orientation whilst the impact of transformation on organizational culture was also proven. The relationship between organizational culture and market orientation also proved and found a significant mediation effect of organizational culture on the relationship between organisational transformation and market orientation. The final chapter presents the overall summery with the recommendations for managerial implications. Kariyapperuma Mudiyanselage Ruwan Sampath Bandara Rekogama 2020 - 12 - 07 - t11:52:28z 2020 - 12 - 17 - t10:35:40z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1525 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1525 2020 - 12 - 07 - t11:52:28z 英国铁路私有化对乘客满意度的影响:以伦敦地上铁路为例 由于与铁路私有化相关的政治影响,铁路私有化在英国是一个有争议的问题。从文献中发现,它可以对乘客的体验和满意度产生积极和消极的影响。本研究通过收集和分析伦敦地上铁路150名乘客和50名工作人员的主要数据,评估了伦敦地上铁路私有化对乘客对铁路服务满意度的影响。收集和分析数据以检验研究框架和研究假设。使用SPSS进行分析,包括利用相关和多项逻辑回归分析。回归分析的结果显示,铁路民营化的感知有效性与铁路民营化后的客户满意度有很强的相关性。结果表明,对铁路私有化持积极态度的客户比对铁路私有化持消极态度的客户对伦敦地上铁私有化后的满意度高33.1%。这种关联在0.000水平上具有统计学意义。这一结果的含义指出了铁路私有化的感知有效性在决定乘客对服务的满意度水平方面的重要性,因此,为了提高乘客的满意度,铁路私有化的结果具有很高的价值。本研究的结果是基于对铁路私有化的感知有效性影响的评估,因此不能客观地认为是对伦敦地上铁路私有化结果的评估。 Despite this, the results of the study indicate that the perceived effectiveness of rail privatisation holds a key role in defining passenger satisfaction among the customers of London Overground. 埃切·维克多·埃布特 07479610101 2018 - 10 - 23 - t12:51:09z 2023 - 04 - 12 - t13:13:09z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/946 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/946 2018 - 10 - 23 - t12:51:09z 绘画作为语言:系统功能符号学论证。 本文认为,绘画是一种视觉传达的媒介,使用任何在表面上留下痕迹的工具,能够参考过去、现在和未来、真实和想象的物体和事件,根据可能受到挑战、变化和误解的文化习俗,通过对视觉元素的系统选择和组合,来调节观众对主题的态度。换句话说,我认为绘画是一种语言,用系统功能符号学理论来定义。对理论基础进行了解释和讨论,并以作者的插图为例说明了理论作为创造力的驱动力,促进了意义的协商。 霍华德·莱利 howard.riley@www.guaguababy.com