研究库:没有条件。排序结果-存放日期。 2022 - 11 - 02 - t21:47:09z eprint https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/images/sitelogo.png https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/ 2022 - 10 - 20 - t10:27:52z 2022 - 10 - 20 - t10:27:52z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/2122 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/2122 2022 - 10 - 20 - t10:27:52z 香港上市公司董事会特征对公司财务绩效的影响 公司董事会的特征主要是由于董事的性质,因为董事会是由不同背景的成员组成的,如家庭背景,性别,以及董事的分类,这可能会影响董事在董事会中的角色和责任。由于执行董事负责日常运营的顺畅和股东财富的最大化,董事会特征可能会影响公司的财务绩效。因此,香港联合交易所(“港交所”)就委任女性董事及独立非执行董事提出规定。此外,新规要求上市公司在投票结果公告中披露董事会成员出席股东大会的情况。因此,本研究旨在调查董事会特征可能影响公司财务绩效的程度。本研究以120家样本公司2015 - 2019年的财务数据为基础,以董事会规模为调节变量,以公司规模和公司类型为控制变量,采用董事会特征6个自变量,对ROA、Tobin’s Q和z评分3个财务指标进行了评价。所有数据均取自香港交易所的网站或目标公司的网站。本研究采用SPSS软件对600例样本案例进行相关系数分析、层次回归分析和独立样本t检验。运用公司治理的三种理论,即代理理论、管理理论和资源依赖理论对结果进行了解释。代理理论解释了董事会与股东以及其他利益相关者之间的关系。 The stewardship theory explains the relationship between the board and the management of the company. The resource dependence theory explains the responsibility of the board members to bring their distinct resources to the company. For the results, family involvement was found to be positively related to ROA. There was the difference between CEO duality or CEO without duality of the listed companies towards Tobin's Q. The education level of the board was found to be positively related to Tobin's Q. The percentage of independent non-executive directors was found to be positively related to Z-Score. For the moderating variable, the board size, was found to affect the relationship between dependent variables and independent variables in different degrees. For ROA, the board size exerted the negative influence on the relationship between CEO duality and ROA. The board size exerted the positive influence on the relationship between the number of independent non-executive directors and ROA. For Tobin’s Q, the board size exerted the negative influence on the relationship between the number of family directors and Tobin’s Q. ii The board size exerted the positive influence on the relationship between the number of board members with master’s degree or above and Tobin’s Q. For Z-Score, the board size did not exert any influence on the relationship between any board characteristics and Z-Score. This study revealed three key findings: (1) different board structures may influence different firm indicators, (2) division of responsibilities of board members is important, and (3) a good structure of board members can strengthen the confidence of existing shareholders and attract potential investors. This study contributes to the knowledge of board characteristics by illustrating how applied theories can explain the relationships between board characteristics and financial performances. It also makes a practical contribution to the selection of different types of board members. In addition, it provides suggestions about how to improve financial indicators of listed companies in Hong Kong as well as directions for future studies. 帽围Siaw 2022 - 09 - 13 - t09:03:37z 2022 - 09 - 13 - t09:03:37z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/2087 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/2087 2022 - 09 - 13 - t09:03:37z 调查知识管理在尼日利亚选定的公共部门组织的资产管理实践发展中的作用。 研究目的:本研究探讨在发展中国家发展资产管理实践中知识管理的概念化。尼日利亚公共部门被用作案例,因为它是一个发展中国家,资产管理实践和知识管理没有完全实施。方法采用过程:本研究假设知识是流动的,基于这一论断,探索性研究被用于调查如何使用知识管理来促进公共部门资产管理实践的发展,因为本研究旨在检查由受访者的观点驱动的问题,因为采用了这种解释主义立场。该研究采用定性研究方法与归纳方法,并以尼日利亚联邦政府组织为例。使用zoom和微软团队进行半结构化访谈。30名参与者(包括资产经理、固定资产主管和信息技术专家)接受了采访,并以开放式问题为指导。目的是确保数据反映尼日利亚的六个地缘政治区,并使用专题分析对数据进行分析。研究结果总结:应用系统思维方法、组织发展理论和制度理论,本研究发现,在尼日利亚公共部门的各种关键机构和组织中,知识管理没有得到承认和建立,而资产管理实践尚未达到顶峰。缺乏资产管理实务的知识、对建立知识管理及其程序的相关性缺乏了解(包括获取资产管理知识的来源不足、顾问公司不愿有效培训资产管理人员、对资产管理人员缺乏足够的培训和发展、对公营部门资产管理缺乏了解、知识库不存在、缺乏知识分享和交流的文化;缺乏知识管理和资产管理实践的IT基础设施;政府综合财务和管理信息部门与各部资产管理部门之间缺乏协同作用。 Also, the study confirmed that asset management is not developing due to the non-existent of knowledge-oriented leadership, ineffective knowledge governance, lack of continuous capacity building, inadequate funding due to poor political will, lack of legal and operational framework, lack of employees’ participation in decision making and unestablished reward systems. Research contributions: This is the first study that integrates three theoretical concepts, system thinking, organisational development theory and institutional theory, to show how knowledge management and asset management practices are intertwined and related and how they function together to produce enhanced organisational performance. In addition, this study shows the importance of knowledge management and asset management practice in the public sector, specifically in developing nations where such research is dearth and, to some extent, not recognised. This study also highlights how knowledge management, its processes; knowledge creation, organisation, storage, application, sharing, transfer, and its mechanisms; knowledge management governance, monitoring and evaluation, and knowledge-oriented leadership, together with other inner organisational dynamics such as organisational culture, crisis management, incentives, sociocultural context, function holistically as an entity to foster the development of asset management practice. Developing a framework that explains how knowledge management can boost asset management growth provides a starting point for examining the challenges of establishing asset management in public sector organisations like those in the Nigerian context. Similarly, this study points out how the government and policymakers can overhaul and implement a viable asset management practice through established knowledge management by introducing and implementing knowledge management practices, setting, and adopting technology adoption to boost productivity through knowledge management processes that facilitate competitive advantage. Finally, various reward systems were identified and adopted based on asset managers’ and fixed asset management officers’ needs, which can significantly boost employees’ satisfaction, and productivity and ultimately enhance asset management practice within the country. 克里斯汀•阿利尤古萨乌Makama 2022 - 08 - 15 - t14:23:31z 2022 - 08 - 15 - t14:26:47z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/2064 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/2064 2022 - 08 - 15 - t14:23:31z 制定变更管理框架,以加强商业模式创新,提高尼日利亚旅游部门的组织绩效 组织生存的熟练程度取决于适应变化的能力,而变化是影响组织成长和绩效的动态工具。旅游业是一个最大的生产力和多样化的部门,包括交通,住宿,餐饮,娱乐,这是相互联系的。旅游业在结构和构成上的巨大,使得若干因素影响了旅游业的运作。本研究确定了内部和外部因素对旅游行业商业模式创新的影响程度,并分析了在实施商业模式创新过程中面临的主要挑战。本研究进一步解决了旅游行业在商业模式创新研究方面的不足。文献综述提供了对尼日利亚旅游部门以前和现在的商业模式创新的更好理解,同时整合了一个变革管理框架,旨在创建一个高效和稳定的方式将变革落实到旅行社的商业模式中。本研究采用混合嵌入式方法研究,使用定性方法支持定量系统的数据收集和分析,以实现上述目标。采用了定量的方法,采用了一项总体调查,重点关注尼日利亚的商业模式创新和旅游业运营,考察其战略和能力。接受了300份调查,并使用SPSS、分析连接和回归分析和检验假设进行分析。六次访谈集中在最高管理团队,以提供内部运营及其对外部环境影响的公认观点。访谈是一种定性的方法,以了解影响尼日利亚旅游业商业模式创新的因素,以及从管理角度发展商业模式创新所采用的策略。此外,全球大流行的Covid-19等某些限制减缓了研究的进展。 The time constraint and lack of specific resources were obstacles; the mixed embedded method was also time-consuming.The findings address the research objectives of this research while contributing to the existing business model innovation literature by providing a broader view of the travel sector as it creates a clear roadmap for integration and value creation. Several kinds of literature drive this, theories and data collection which aims at identifying the factors affecting the BMI in the travel sector. And also, constructively studying change management theories like Lewin’s and Kotter’s theory aids in developing a suitable change management framework that serves as a roadmap in generating insight to help envisage, strategize, and address issues respectively to change.The contribution of this research addresses the importance of integration and implementation in the operation chain. Creates an understanding of the business model innovation as the sequence of activities that are technically and economically expressed from the beginning of the development stage to the implementation of a change management framework until its final commercialization and the importance in the business model innovation. Furthermore, this research also develops a change management framework that acts as a support system and catalyst for growth, sustainability, and adaptability. Lastly, the recommendation is established based on the result collected from the research, which focuses on identifying specific measures to fill research gaps in practice, knowledge and the Travel sector. The need for theoretical exploration of the impact of the change management framework in the BMI in the Nigerian travel sector is crucial to understanding the process and capacity of a change management framework. This research developed a suitable framework to improve organizational performance by studying Lewin theory's research gaps. Oluwabusolami Akinyemi 2022 - 08 - 12 - t09:44:02z 2022 - 08 - 12 - t09:44:02z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/2056 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/2056 2022 - 08 - 12 - t09:44:02z jisceprint 基于线上/线下社交网络的发展中国家众筹支持综合模式:以尼日利亚为例 本文通过提供一种新的线上/线下筹款模式,首次尝试解决发展中国家采用在线众筹机制的基本障碍。重点是尼日利亚作为一个典型的例子,与发达国家不同,由于经济和技术问题,尼日利亚不完全有利于社交网络作为众筹平台。该研究采用混合研究方法,首先通过采访分别来自英国和尼日利亚的两组20名企业家,比较了发达经济体和发展中经济体的众筹水平。在众筹便利化方面,确定了两者之间的差异,并制定了尼日利亚市场的建议。然后,通过对160名随机选择的尼日利亚筹款人的调查,对这些数据进行了统计检验。基于专题分析和统计建模的结果,提出了一种独特的线上线下综合众筹模式。它特别旨在支助对这些国家的进一步社会和经济发展可产生关键影响的企业活动和有关的政策制定。在社会经济和技术挑战阻碍采用传统众筹方法的地区,该模型可被视为一种另类的新型筹资工具。 Kanayo Ogwu kanayoogwu@yahoo.com 帕特里克·希 path@wisetek.net Okeoma约翰保罗Okeke okeoma.okeke@www.guaguababy.com Adnan ul Haque ahaque@yorkvilleu.ca 伊莱亚斯Pimenidis elias.pimenidis@uwe.ac.uk 尤金Kozlovski eugene.kozlovski@aru.ac.uk 2022 - 07 - 04 - t08:21:00z 2022 - 07 - 04 - t08:21:00z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/2029 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/2029 2022 - 07 - 04 - t08:21:00z 整合营销传播对消费者行为的影响:哈罗德的案例研究分析 瓦法Wajeeh纳赛尔 2022 - 06 - 23 - t08:16:32z 2022 - 06 - 23 - t08:16:32z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/2025 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/2025 2022 - 06 - 23 - t08:16:32z 中小企业战略再生:为马来西亚中小企业管理增长不确定性和市场波动建立一个整体决策框架 这一定性的多案例研究提出了一种具有战略管理、战略创新和战略预见优势的实证方法,以促进在外部环境动荡和不连续变化开始时中小企业战略再生动力的整体决策。本研究的归纳方法着重于通过制度化的动态能力和“未来准备”,为中小企业的所有者-管理者及其关键利益相关者之间的“有意义的”对话提供意义构建方法,以阅读、识别和反应与企业在企业生命周期关键阶段应对增长不确定性和市场波动的方向性有关的战略转变。在对现有文献进行批判性回顾的基础上,建立了整体决策框架的四个基本原理:(i)在动荡、不确定、复杂和模糊(VUCA)环境和危机干预中建立战略态势;改善战略决策和综合资源的管理;(iii)提高熟练程度,关注未来的战略方向;(四)实施有时间限制的战略范式路径。在高度不确定和不稳定的经济环境中,通过结构化和动态的平台预测变化的动力和必然结果,阐述战略和战略决策实施的二元性,对中小企业的战略改革活动是有目的和有用的。三个案例研究影响集群与分析单元比较:(a)战略姿态;(b)策略性重建范围;(c)动态能力。这是通过从五个不同行业/部门抽样的十个马来西亚中小企业完成的,用于主要数据收集。 Through a set of 24 semi-structured interview questionnaires and use of interview templates, ten carefully selected key informants were fully interviewed and transcriptions were analysed using eleven thematic codes. The validation of seven research propositions developed for this study generated a coherent response with associated findings with contextual relevance and significance to the research aims and objectives. The conceptualisation of the ‘SME Strategic Regeneration’ framework further expounded recommendations on adoption of maturity model and strategic decision management best-practices to ‘rapidly’ improve strategy outcomes and efficacies, particularly for SMEs with highly turbulent crisis and acutely affected firms. Illustrated results from multiple case studies complemented the discovery of business recovery initiatives in Malaysian SMEs in several aspects, exhibiting valuable insights for further development and investigation. Findings from this study serves as the precursor to development of proponents to holistic decision-making and future-preparedness, for rapid and practical adoption by SMEs to tackle strategic issues of business continuity and sustainability throughout their active lifecycles, analogous to its maturity and evolution. Nonetheless, scarcity of research specific to Malaysian SMEs on this topic entails further development of future research into strategic decision management and strategy paradigms specific to SME domains. 否认Shazly Sapian 2022 - 06 - 13 - t11:28:59z 2022 - 06 - 13 - t11:28:59z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/2006 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/2006 2022 - 06 - 13 - t11:28:59z 在约旦的背景下,传统继承计划对家族企业治理的影响 本研究的主要目的是通过确定和描述约旦家族企业的关键方面,深入探讨专业继承规划可能如何演变公司治理实践。此外,本研究考虑继任计划如何发生,并影响公司治理,以实现企业战略目标和目标。鉴于家族企业对约旦国内生产总值(GDP)和维持社会稳定的贡献,本研究的意义源于家族企业在约旦的连续性和可持续性的重要性。本定性研究通过对约旦家族企业创始人、首席执行官和来自不同行业的接班人候选人的半结构化访谈进行。使用专题分析策略和Kings的模板工具分析数据。本文指出了约旦家族企业面临的许多问题,考虑到这些企业所涉及的独特方面、创始人的管理风格和文化视角。本文的研究结果概述了实施专业战略管理实践和专业继任计划是解决冲突和纠纷的一种方法。因此,专业地准备下一代将提供有技能和合格的一代,了解约旦家族企业的各个方面,如法律形式、家庭规模、权力下放的重要性和授权。该研究得出结论,约旦家族企业的继承计划有四个不同的因素。首先,为下一代制定准备计划的重要性与教育计划和职业道路有关。 Secondly, the importance of consultants in governance and succession issues. Thirdly, the separation between family and business issues, and avoid mixing problems with Islamic Sharia law. The fourth is deciding the family constitution and its role in managing conflicts. The study also pointed out that the impact of traditional succession plans on corporate governance is characterized by splitting the business in the long run and consequently split among family members and increasing the level of conflicts and disputes. This study finds that the subject of Jordanian family-owned businesses is open and amenable for further explanatory, descriptive, or exploratory research. Furthermore, many areas such as the family constitution and Jordanian culture, the effect of Sharia law and culture on the decision-making process, and governance and conflict management are considered for this type of business. Sinan Jada Al Qawasmeh 2022 - 05 - 05 - t09:15:41z 2022 - 05 - 05 - t09:15:41z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1971 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1971 2022 - 05 - 05 - t09:15:41z 领导力和创新对成熟组织的产品开发、多样化和市场开发与业务增长绩效之间关系的调节作用:马来西亚食品工业风味业务的关键实例案例研究。 本研究针对两个关键领域:(1)产品开发、多元化和市场开发的企业发展战略是否驱动企业增长绩效;(2)领导和创新是否是产品开发、多元化和市场开发驱动企业增长绩效的主要驱动力。马来西亚食品行业的风味企业为全球十大风味行业领导者之一,被选为本研究中的关键实例案例研究。马来西亚的这个风味组织被命名为GFM。本研究采用探索性的顺序混合方法,首先进行电子邮件访谈,进行探索性的初级定性数据收集,然后基于电子邮件访谈的定性数据分析,建立在线调查,进行解释性的初级数据收集和定量数据分析,以检验假设的理论框架。本研究以实用主义为研究哲学,以激进结构主义为研究范式。本研究结果证实多元化(自变量)驱动业务增长绩效(因变量),而领导力(调节变量)是主要驱动因素,加强多元化以获得更高的成功率,从而领导更强的业务增长绩效。今天,许多研究表明,在当前动荡、激烈竞争和复杂的商业环境中,特别是在面临灾难性的商业危机时,业务增长对成熟组织的生存和未来成功的重要性。许多研究表明,不同的驱动因素可以帮助促进不同业务发展战略的成功率,以推动业务增长绩效。然而,关于产品开发、多元化和市场开发的业务发展战略与成熟组织的业务增长绩效之间的关系以及领导和创新驱动因素对产品开发、多元化和市场开发与成熟组织的业务增长绩效之间关系的调节作用的研究有限。 Those limitations can be the factors why today there are less than 20% of organisations in worldwide are successful in new business developments for business growth, over 50% of new ventures fail within five years and about one-third of all new organisations fail within the first few years of operation in business developments, while another significant percentage fail within four years. Findings from this research which includes a new generated and verified research model of business growth performance and the real case study of GFM eventually will contribute for closing the research gaps, and will be significant and beneficial to mature organisations from different industries as they will be able to learn and apply those findings in their real-life business challenges, and their business plan design, implement and execution, leading for successful diversification to drive business growth for the business resilience and further growth for survival and future successes. Kok涌萧 2022 - 05 - 04 - t11:13:42z 2022 - 05 - 31 - t08:28:44z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1970 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1970 2022 - 05 - 04 - t11:13:42z 影响创业机会准备状态的因素:对新加坡职业生涯后期的专业人员、经理、行政人员和技术人员(PMETs)的个案研究 新加坡的人口正在快速老龄化,预计50岁以上的人口将从2020年的37.2%上升到2030年的46.4%。面临类似人口老龄化的国家已经出现了不可持续的抚养比。这种即将到来的趋势需要政府对老年人的政策进行紧急审查,包括将企业家精神作为一种可行的选择。过去的研究表明,那些推动老年企业家精神的社区在社会和经济上都获得了好处。像职业生涯后期的职业经理人这样的老员工被认为拥有必要的创业能力。这些管理者被认为具有适当的个人性格,可能在其职业任期内获得了高水平的技术和组织技能、大量的隐性知识和业务经验,以及广泛的人脉。与年轻一代相比,这些独特的内在品质使他们具有成为成功企业家的竞争优势。尽管如此,职业生涯后期的PMETs转投创业的比率仍然很低,这既是由于收入缺乏不安全感,也是由于他们自我认为已经做好了创业准备。因此,本研究旨在确定影响受访者识别和利用创业机会的感知准备程度的内在因素。研究结果将有助于设计一个可自我评估的记分卡,以评估职业生涯后期职业经理人的准备情况,并协助他们向企业家精神过渡。 It can also help trainers and educators develop appropriate curricula and pedagogies for more effective training interventions. The study follows a thematic review of the literature and employs a quantitative survey on 384 purposefully selected samples of senior PMETs. Survey data collected through a digital questionnaire provided empirical findings that the inherent factors of Psychological and Human Capital do significantly influence the late-career PMET's state of readiness towards opportunities. Findings on Social Capital revealed that the intangible determinants such as network familiarity, shared cognition, shared trust and confidence are responsible for boosting network strength to influence the Respondents' perceived state of entrepreneurial readiness. 凯Chye Ng 2022 - 04 - 28 - t10:14:27z 2022 - 04 - 28 - t10:14:27z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1964 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1964 2022 - 04 - 28 - t10:14:27z 转变商业模式,建立斯里兰卡耐用消费品超级商店行业的可持续价值 一个组织的商业模式,作为规划过程的基本蓝图,塑造了在运作过程中执行的战略的性质。反过来,这些战略负责在组织运作过程中产生的价值创造或价值侵蚀,这些价值创造或价值侵蚀决定了组织的可持续性,并在更广泛的背景下决定了行业的可持续性。针对斯里兰卡耐用品超级商店(CDSS)行业,研究了现有的商业模式,由此产生的价值侵蚀,以及它对行业可持续发展带来的风险。开发基于关系的商业模式的研究的理论方面是基于对与可持续价值相关的现有框架的理解,并提取每个这些框架的相关领域(价值校准、转换当前战略和服务提供以创造可持续价值),以开发一个适当的混合框架,并对文献进行修改,以适应研究背景。由于当前的大流行疫情,在虚拟环境中对担任领导、销售和营销管理职务的CDSS组织代表进行了10次深入访谈,并对50名选定客户进行了两次焦点小组会议。使用NVIVO 12对收集到的数据进行分析,使用与研究相关的主题作为代码,使买方和卖方对研究主题的权限有了清晰的理解。研究结果揭示了由现有商业模式的交易导向所导致的财务驱动策略所造成的价值侵蚀。基于可持续价值、价值对齐和服务提供,构建以关系为导向的商业模式以纠正价值侵蚀的理论被修改为纳入“贸易质量”以弥合差距,从而创造和交付可持续的价值给行业的买方-卖方生态系统。 Nyoman Asankya Devashir Wijesinghe 2022 - 03 - 30 - t15:57:21z 2022 - 03 - 30 - t15:57:21z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1941 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1941 2022 - 03 - 30 - t15:57:21z 为斯里兰卡国民教育体系构建通用价值创造模式 本研究试图建立一个通用的价值创造模型架构,可用于任何组织,没有商业vs .公共或盈利vs .非营利性的差异,通过以下方式:综合6个与价值创造相关的管理流的文献;利用斯里兰卡普通学校教育系统探索性研究中收集的数据进行操作;并且,通过验证性研究在相同的背景下测试操作化模型。本研究采用混合方法,在探索性阶段采用访谈作为数据收集工具,在随后的验证性阶段采用问卷作为数据收集工具。用于检验假设的数据分析方法是结构方程模型和多元回归分析。运行验证了模型构建的假设,最终的研究结果表明,所提出的模型可以用于国家规模的公共教育背景下衡量价值创造。 Jayantha Kavisi Harish Deep Walpola 2022 - 03 - 28 - t12:43:19z 2022 - 03 - 30 - t13:04:17z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1903 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1903 2022 - 03 - 28 - t12:43:19z 加纳大型纺织制造业中员工激励对员工经营绩效的影响 本研究评估了加纳大型纺织制造业中员工动机对员工经营绩效的影响。它的重点是为加纳纺织业的复兴做出贡献,这是该国GDP的主要贡献者。本研究还试图详细探讨加纳的大规模纺织制造业,重点是该行业的员工,以确定可以提高他们的经营绩效,进而提高生产力的因素。本研究也试图填补这一研究领域的空白和学术挑战,因此,虽然对员工激励与运营绩效的研究已经开展,但对员工激励与运营绩效之间的关系的研究还很有限,特别是在大型纺织制造业中。因此,本研究有助于这一研究领域的文献,重点在非洲地区。从实用主义出发,采用混合方法获取丰富的数据。定量数据是通过对195名受访者的问卷调查获得的,这些受访者受雇于加纳的两家本土大型纺织制造组织。定性数据是通过与来自这些组织的7个关键信息提供者进行访谈获得的。然而,本研究对定量数据采用Pearson相关分析和线性回归分析的分析方法,而对定性数据则采用内容分析技术。本研究的实证证据表明,员工动机对员工的经营绩效有影响。 It was also evident that 3 operational performance objectives which were quality, flexibility and delivery was relevant to the Ghanaian large-scale textile manufacturing industry leaving cost as non-significant after conducting a factor analysis. Based on this dimension this study proposes a link between employee motivation, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation and employees’ operational performance, quality, delivery, and flexibility operational performance. Moreover, the study also proposes distinctively that there is no significant relationship between intrinsic motivation and operational delivery and flexibility performance. Some main motivation factors identified in the study which impacts on employees’ operational performance were the working environment, training and development, interpersonal relationship, promotion, and rewards. This study therefore concludes that employee motivation influences the operational performance of employees in the Ghanaian large-scale textile manufacturing industry. However, it also concludes that, intrinsic motivation does not have a significant impact on the employees’ delivery and flexibility performance, hence an implication that the Ghanaian large-scale textile organisations need to focus on motivating employees extrinsically rather than intrinsically in terms of the performance of employees regarding how they adopt quickly to different task and targets as well as meeting set deadlines, thus flexibility and delivery. The study also recommends that, the large-scale textile manufacturing industry in Ghana must prioritise on enhancing both intrinsic and extrinsic motivating factors such as working environment, training and development, interpersonal relationship, promotion, and rewards in other to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of employees’ operational performance. Lastly, recommendations for future studies are presented. Baffour Dokyi Agyei 1504111 2022 - 03 - 25 - t09:50:44z 2022 - 03 - 25 - t09:50:44z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1933 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1933 2022 - 03 - 25 - t09:50:44z 价值附加的决定因素:斯里兰卡全球软件工程产业的批判性分析 通过文献可以明显看出,由于各种事实,全球软件工程行业的感知价值交付很低。因此,本研究关注斯里兰卡的全球软件产品公司,探讨软件工程在增加增值方面的方法和实践。本研究的总体目标是确定全球软件工程行业增值的关键决定因素,并批判性地评估它们对软件产品公司的影响,以帮助最大化增值,最终确保行业的可持续性。最初采用探索性研究方法,因为随着研究的展开,研究结果会逐渐显现。由于文献本身不足以有效调查问题,采用混合方法制定研究框架。结合文献研究结果以及政府和非政府机构进行的市场研究结果,对目标组织中涵盖所有学科的主题专家进行了23次面对面的在线访谈。使用NVivo 12对采访数据进行分析。通过探索性研究对已有文献的研究结果进行验证,并将研究结果用于制定公众调查问卷。对收到的全部回复进行清理后,考虑371个回复,用spss21进行alpha水平0.05的数据分析。描述性分析前进行内部一致性检验。 After assuring the reliability of the dataset, the correlation test, multiple regression test and analysis of variance (ANOVA) test were carried out to fulfil the requirements of meeting the research objectives. Five determinants for value addition were identified along with the key themes for each area. They are staffing, delivery process, use of tools, governance, and technology infrastructure. The cross-functional and self-organised teams built around the value streams, employing a properly interconnected software delivery process with the right governance in the delivery pipelines, selection of tools and providing the right infrastructure increases the value delivery. Moreover, the constraints for value addition are poor interconnection in the internal processes, rigid functional hierarchies, inaccurate selections and uses of tools, inflexible team arrangements and inadequate focus for the technology infrastructure. The findings add to the existing body of knowledge on increasing the value addition by employing effective processes, practices and tools and the impacts of inaccurate applications the same in the global software engineering industry. M A Saman Chathuranga Manamendra 2022 - 03 - 14 - t12:44:41z 2022 - 03 - 14 - t12:44:41z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1925 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1925 2022 - 03 - 14 - t12:44:41z 人口变量对越南人国内旅游活动决策过程的影响 在这篇论文中,研究人员试图确定相关的因变量和自变量列表,以探讨人口统计对消费者行为的影响,在越南国内游客的背景下。作者期望通过本研究的发现,可以将本研究所建立的系统数据库扩展到未来针对相关主题的主题。本文在内容和结构上与其他越南作者的著作作了进一步的区分。大多数学生的论文都是针对特定企业的孤立案例研究,而另一类科学研究(如学者的文章、期刊、内部文件……)则是从整个行业的宏观视角建立的。本论文由五个章节组成,每个章节都有一个具体的目标,最终有助于解决调查中的研究问题。经过对以往文献的严格审查和对三个主要理论领域建立概念化的学术单位的确定,作者能够在第二章结尾提出一个概念框架。作为研究问题的主要关注之一——人口统计变量——被确定包括九个组成部分:性别、年龄、地理、教育水平、就业状况、职业、收入、家庭状况、社会阶层。在评估了不同的方法后,研究人员得出结论,进行实证研究将是解决研究问题的最合适的方法。探索性因素分析(EFA)的结果将决策过程的最初35个项目浓缩为30个项目,分为4个因素组。然而,这四个组提供了一个不同的视角,从众所周知的五阶段模型的决策过程的内容。 However, only three factors “Preference of destination”, “Involvement of family” and “Source of information” were revealed to be statistically significant. Excluding the three elements “Occupation”, “Employment”and “Social class”, other demographic factors were found to be correlated toward the decision-making process of Vietnamese tourists when they decide on domestic travelling.Specifically, the latter group of demographic variables were found to have affected directly or indirectly (through post hoc variables) the three identified decision-making factors, but none was found to be presented in all three dependent factors. Based on the analysed result, the author proposed suitable suggestions with respect to the findings and methodological aspects. The problem with consumers’ behavioural models is that they couldn’t account for the unpredictable nature of consumers. Therefore, the author believed that an independent study with a sole concentration on this field would be beneficial. Furthermore, instead of trying to cover and justify the wide dimension of the topic of consumer behaviour in general, a narrow approach concerning certain merchandise and well-defined aspects of consumption activities would be an appropriate study. Regarding methodological application, future studies may modify the questionnaire based on this study template and run the confirmatory factor analysis to analyse the data collected. On the other hand, a completely different set of analytical methods is also encouraged for more diversity 儿子的非政府组织 2022 - 03 - 03 - t13:12:30z 2022 - 03 - 04 - t15:13:02z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1917 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1917 2022 - 03 - 03 - t13:12:30z 模拟马来西亚居民使用智能手表的行为意图:健康技术和设备福利的作用 消费类智能手表自2012年索尼公司首次向全球消费者市场推出以来,就已经进入了市场。据智能手表技术接受相关杂志介绍,健康技术、信息娱乐和通信、辅助生活和安全、生活方式和时尚等消费者智能手表的功能对社会福祉是有益的。研究人员假设,这些自动管理个人个人信息、简化信息娱乐和通信、支持安全和补充个人社会生活方式的实际应用可以提高个人的社会幸福感和职业生产力。然而,尽管消费者智能手表技术带来了许多好处,与其他地区和全球国家相比,马来西亚拥有良好的ICT和数字技术素养的人口接受智能手表的速度很慢。此外,马来西亚对智能手表采用情况的研究仍处于早期阶段,只有少数已发表的研究。这些实际问题是本研究调查马来西亚居民使用消费智能手表的行为意图的动机。本研究在一项单一研究中,通过将UTAUT2理论与健康技术和设计效益相结合,测试了影响马来西亚居民使用消费智能手表的行为意愿的因素。概念模型由七个决定因素和七个假设组成,代表技术、社会、经济、卫生技术和设计效益。研究过程强调理论实践调查技术、伦理实践、获得信度和效度,以及最小化偏见,目标为95%的置信度和±5%的误差幅度。该研究对来自马来西亚居民的366个有效回答进行了实证检验,这些回答是通过在线横断面自我管理调查问卷收集的。 Structural equation modelling was used to analyse the suggested conceptual model. Effort expectancy and price value were found to not influence Malaysia residents' behavioural intention to use a consumer smartwatch. Performance expectancy, social influence, health technology, and design benefits all have significant effects and positive influences on Malaysian residents' behavioural intention to use a smartwatch, while hedonic motivation has a significant effect and negative influence. These constructs were found to explain 65% of the proposed model behavioural intention. In conclusion, this study empirical findings based on extending the UTAUT2 theory generate awareness of the importance of performance expectancy, social influence, and hedonic motivation, health technology and design benefits in influencing Malaysians' iv behavioural intention to use a consumer smartwatch. The insights generated by this study based on the UTAUT2 theory provide new empirical information on the influence of health technology and design benefit which did previously not exist in any of the existing Malaysia smartwatch adoption research. The findings provide new reference dimensions for consumer smartwatch manufacturers seeking to improve their understanding of the Malaysia consumer smartwatch market. 下巴哇厕所 2022 - 03 - 02 - t14:37:14z 2022 - 03 - 03 - t16:02:28z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1919 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1919 2022 - 03 - 02 - t14:37:14z 尼日利亚油气行业女性管理职业发展的性别和障碍 这项研究的重点是确定在尼日利亚油气行业工作的女性在试图晋升到该行业的管理职位时可能遇到的障碍。这一问题是尼日利亚油气行业研究不足的领域,本研究旨在填补这一文献空白,为进一步研究这一主题领域搭建平台。本研究采用定量研究方法和定性研究方法。数据收集方法为半结构化问卷调查,分别辅以面对面和小组访谈;三角定位的方法论。参与者都是业内的男性和女性,在选定的尼日利亚跨国石油和天然气公司不同部门的管理和非管理级别,以及尼日利亚石油和天然气服务承包商公司。该研究的结果表明,尼日利亚石油和天然气行业的组织文化,其管理晋升的标准,国家的民族文化,以及从家庭中建立的女性的期望,是尼日利亚石油和天然气行业女性管理职业发展的障碍。受访者的化名已被提供,以呈现本研究的发现。 Kehinde Itohan Denev 2022 - 02 - 11 - t11:04:48z 2022 - 02 - 11 - t11:04:48z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1899 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1899 2022 - 02 - 11 - t11:04:48z 组织转型因素如何影响市场导向和组织文化的作用?对斯里兰卡电信部门的研究 电信行业已成为斯里兰卡经济的主要驱动力。电信作为服务部门,在斯里兰卡市场上具有高度竞争力,在新的数字时代发挥着至关重要的作用。该研究的重点是斯里兰卡电信业,考虑到其频繁变化的商业环境。组织转型的概念一直是许多组织在快速变化和竞争激烈的商业环境中生存的主要举措。斯里兰卡的电信运营商在过去十到十五年间根据不同的因素采取了许多改革措施,以面对竞争激烈的商业环境。在转型行动中,电信运营商遵循国际电信运营商的成功故事或少数转型因素获得成功。他们是否达到预期目标值得怀疑。通过各种研究,人们付出了巨大的努力来确定组织转型的成功因素,但失败因素并没有被强调到相当大的程度。大多数研究在分析市场导向组成部分时一次只考虑很少的转型因素,本研究解决了这一研究差距。本研究选择实证主义作为研究哲学,采用演绎的方法证明变量以构建概念框架。 The study measure the relationship between different variables and factors i.e. organisation leadership, resources, tructure, systems and innovation as independent variables, organisational culture as the mediating variable and market orientation as the dependent variable. The internal consistency and reliability of variables have been verified over a pilot study. The study has used a sample of 330,which represents different levels of executives in three major telecom operators in Sri Lanka. The different executive grade members were selected using stratified cluster sampling to receive responses using quantitative technique. The hypotheses were tested using Smart–PLS software and Bootstrapping option was used to examine the mediating effect. Results verified that organisational transformation significantly influence market orientation whilst the impact of transformation on organizational culture was also proven. The relationship between organizational culture and market orientation also proved and found a significant mediation effect of organizational culture on the relationship between organisational transformation and market orientation. The final chapter presents the overall summery with the recommendations for managerial implications. Kariyapperuma Mudiyanselage Ruwan Sampath Bandara Rekogama 2022 - 02年- 08 - t12:55:45z 2022 - 02年- 17 - t10:28:30z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1898 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1898 2022 - 02年- 08 - t12:55:45z 物流公司有效的业务流程管理的关键决定因素是什么,并评估如何最好地开发战略业务管理框架,以提高服务质量:尼日利亚Tranex快递的案例研究? 物流活动中的流程管理这个术语经过了多年的演变,因为通过ERP的应用,业务流程的集中化使企业能够无缝地管理他们的日常活动。虽然公司报告平台已经整合到他们的供应链管理中,但这一过程的好处将与卓越的服务挂钩,使公司能够享受积极和动态的流程流。因此,为了评价企业如何享受这种积极的、动态的利益,论文的文献综述展示了企业资源计划(ERP)在业务流程管理中的本质;其他形式的业务流程(BP)进行了回顾,其中一些是精益和六西格玛,然而,研究更多地集中在ERP以及它如何应用于集成业务流程,从生产到通过物流的产品分销。这项研究提供了对Tranex物流及其实现其长期使命和愿景的能力的全面了解;此外,他们成为客户/员工和投资者的能力取决于他们在不限制信息流、合作关系和所有物流活动的敏捷性的情况下维持其业务结构的能力。本文所评估的基本要素与数据管理和信息技术(IT)的影响有关;论文评价了ERP的可见性、协作性和敏捷性三个框架。最后,本文研究了业务流程管理如何从手工工作方式发展到借助软件应用/ERP的集中式流程管理系统,以及Tranex物流如何管理业务威胁;本文将访问ERP在Covid-19大流行物流业务流程管理中的作用,显示ERP使企业在大流行期间重新制定战略,并通过演示ERP如何帮助企业维持其流程展示了ERP的重要性。 To achieve the aims and objectives of this study author coordinated a qualitative research in Tranex Logistics by collating empirical data from among 29 employees:→subordinate and middle level managers/superordinate some of which are IT manager/finance manager while some of the subordinates are drivers, tracking officers, customer care and workshop repairers; tool applied in data collection are in-depth interviews. Data collected were analysed through the aid of thematic analysis and the core themes derived are: -1) information flow 2) partnership working 3) agility 4) service excellence and 5) revenue. Various themes were analysed, and investigation enabled researcher develop themes which provided a landmark to the importance of business process management based on data analysed. The research result outcome showcased the main strategic business management framework which has enhanced Tranex Logistics to incorporate ERP; thus, the effect of business process in Tranex Logistics has enabled them increase and monitor revenue; develop strategic business method of partnership working and above all increase information flow across various organization silos through the aid of artificial intelligence/ERP they are able to monitor and manage big data analytics and ensure information accuracy across all platforms which has enabled them build accurate market intelligence which has facilitated effective customer excellence. This study will enable Tranex Logistics identify areas whereby they can apply ERP to manage their day-to-day activities and it will help them design their business processes to equate value for money spent. 琼Osagie 2022 - 01 - 24 t15:15:33z 2022 - 04 - 11 - t08:29:48z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1886 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1886 2022 - 01 - 24 t15:15:33z 通过组织文化的中介考察敏捷领导风格对组织绩效的影响:马来西亚专业团体的个案研究 本研究通过组织文化的中介,考察了敏捷领导风格对组织绩效的影响。业务环境的波动性、不确定性、复杂性和模糊性(VUCA)继续给许多组织带来巨大的挑战。环境动荡对非营利组织和营利性组织的组织绩效都产生了影响,从而产生了不利的结果。然而,有一些组织在混乱的情况下幸存下来,他们通过灵活地管理业务来实现自我转型。这突出了商业世界对“敏捷性”的新需求,因为组织希望在他们的业务方法中变得灵活、专注和快速。领导者被要求在领导组织中采用“敏捷领导”的品质,从而提高组织绩效。敏捷领导者以包容和民主著称,对想法和创新表现出更大的开放。他们也有学习的热情,发展和激励员工,定义和交流他们的理想愿景,最重要的是作为组织内最好的变革推动者。非营利组织被认为是VUCA环境中最脆弱的组织群体,因此,马来西亚的专业机构被选为本研究的目的。鉴于此,2016年马来西亚公司法(CA)第四附表规定的专业团体被选为研究人群。 By adopting the judgmental sampling approach, the Heads of Departments and Managers were selected to obtain feedback on the leadership style, organizational culture and organizational performance of the respective professional bodies. A total of 75 survey questionnaires were distributed to the sample population and 63 fully completed questionnaires that made up to a response rate of 84% was received for final analysis. The Structural Equation Model (SEM) was used to conduct the statistical analysis to determine the causal relationships between variables and confirm the hypotheses developed. Upon analysing the data, results indicated that there is significant relationship between Agile Leadership Style and Organizational Performance. Furthermore, Organizational Culture has a mediating effect between Agile Leadership style and Organizational Performance. These findings interpret that leaders who adopt the Agile Leadership style will be able to influence the organization’s performance through the cultivation of the right organizational culture. 湿婆Thilagawathi苏 2022 - 01 - 21 t09:38:30z 2022 - 01 - 21 t09:38:30z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1883 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1883 2022 - 01 - 21 t09:38:30z 英国组织中组织政治对员工绩效的影响 本研究的目的是调查和分析职场政治对员工绩效的影响。研究的目的是了解工作场所政治影响员工绩效的性质,并批判性调查工作场所政治对员工绩效的影响在英国的组织。最后,最后一个目标是为组织管理者提供建议,以制定适当的策略,以实现工作场所政治的有利结果。采用了由溯因法和研究者所持的世界观组成的方法论来进行研究,这是实用主义。采用混合方法进行数据收集,采用定量和定性两种方法进行数据收集。定量方法包括使用结构化的封闭式问卷作为工具,对选定组织的员工进行调查。问卷主要基于李克特五分制量表,并在网上进行调查。另一方面,定量方法涉及使用半结构化、开放式的问题采访同一组织的经理。研究结果表明,组织政治的存在通常被员工视为负面的,因此它的影响对员工行为是有害的。它降低了员工对组织目标、公民行为和日常工作绩效的承诺程度。 A highly politicised work environment is also characterised with the presence of Machiavellians who are self-centred, maintain hidden agendas and take unfair advantage of others to fulfil their personal goals. Politicised environment also gives birth to an influential group, promotes lack of transparency in performance appraisals and rewards. However, managerial views indicate that employees led by dynamic leaders are less likely to develop a negative perception of politics. Based on the findings obtained from the empirical studies and gaps identified, suitable recommendations are given to the organisational managers to develop effective strategies to overcome the negative impact of politics. 默罕默德Awais Riaz 2022 - 01 - 11 t16:22:06z 2022 - 01 - 11 t16:22:06z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1870 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1870 2022 - 01 - 11 t16:22:06z jisceprint “控制点”作为COVID - 19认知对中东和北非地区酒店员工工作不安全感、社会心理、组织和工作结果影响的调节因素 我们开发并测试了一个综合模型,以了解基于内部或外部控制点的个体差异如何影响中东和北非(MENA)地区酒店组织中客户服务员工的工作不安全感、焦虑、疏离感、工作满意度、客户导向、组织公民行为(OCB)和离职意愿。该调查利用基于方差的结构方程建模来评估847个受试者的反应样本。我们发现,外部控制的员工比内部控制的员工更容易产生消极情绪,因为大流行引发的工作不安全感,以及较差的客户导向和参与组织外行为的工作满意度。总体而言,COVID-19认知对外部控制员工的焦虑、客户导向和组织行为的间接打击比内部控制源员工更强烈。 阿里·b·马哈茂德 威廉·d·Reisel 利奥诺拉Fuxman 上帝黑客Polay应承担的 2021 - 11 - 22 - t14:19:25z 2021 - 11 - 29 - t16:54:20z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1833 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1833 2021 - 11 - 22 - t14:19:25z jisceprint 积极的创业教育和对学习方法的影响:混合方法的证据来自对一位创业教育者的课堂长达六年的研究 采取积极和经验的教学方法通常被认为是促进学习的最好方法。然而,支持这一论断的实证证据在创业教育中是不确定的,目前的实践表明,高等教育中的交付仍然是相当被动和传统的。这项为期6年的混合方法研究旨在证明,在一所英国大学的最后一年国际创业模块中,通过“关于”、“为了”和“通过”企业家精神的视角映射,一种更创新、更积极、更经验和更具建设性的教学、学习和评估方法对学生的深层和表层学习方法产生积极影响。学生认为模块的主动程度显著高于被动程度,深度学习水平显著高于表层学习水平。此外,更积极的方法与增加深度学习和减少表面学习显著相关。学生们强调积极的教学方法和为当地一家公司制作视频,作为真实评估的一部分,作为深化学习方法的催化剂。该研究提供了实证证据,积极的创业教育对学生的学习方法有积极的影响。 维克柯蒂斯 Rob月球 安德鲁Penaluna 2021 - 11 - 18 - t16:29:00z 2021 - 12 - 06 - t10:02:32z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1832 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1832 2021 - 11 - 18 - t16:29:00z 教学领导与模块领导的作用 领导在教育机构中扮演着重要的角色,因为他们帮助管理日常活动。教学领导在高等教育中一直扮演着独特的角色,因为教学领导的作用总是影响有效的教学和学习过程。本研究的目的是确定教学领导的作用,包括教学领导与模块领导在高等教育中的作用之间的关系,以自己的机构为个案研究。提交人进行了一次小型电话半结构化面谈,从商业和卫生及社会护理学院挑选了两名方案负责人,通过正式电子邮件和电话直接与他们接触,询问他们是否愿意参加。研究结果表明,教学领导力能够使课程/模块领导者建立关于学习的共同信念,并能够提高学习者的成就。 阿夫扎尔•穆纳 2021 - 09 - 16 - t08:15:54z 2021 - 09 - 16 - t08:20:37z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1778 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1778 2021 - 09 - 16 - t08:15:54z 国际快消品供应链的业务流程优化 研究供应链整合的模式可以显著提高组织间运营的绩效。本研究基于一个实际的实践-特殊公司,一个国际瓶装水制造商,发展非常迅速,并投入大量资金为客户提供高水平的服务。要找到服务水平和成本的最佳比例,就需要改善供应链伙伴之间的协作质量,在降低成本的同时提高运营。定义合作伙伴之间有效互动的最佳模型是该研究的学术挑战。由于缺乏支持供应链整合的实用工具的研究,因此本研究的目的是建立一个能够优化跨境快消品供应链效率的模型。为了实现研究的目标,确定了供应链中整合合作伙伴的主要优势,并研究了有助于有效整合的因素。其理论基础是利益相关者理论、资源基础观和关系观。为了丰富业务流程管理的理论基础,对最佳实践进行了分析。讨论了供应链的优先次序,以及影响供应链稳定运行的常见问题。这些问题包括缺乏资源、可见性、利益冲突、牛鞭效应、数据质量和交付延迟。 The research design was based on a mixed method to take advantage of inductive reasoning based on qualitative research complemented with the deductive reasoning study based on quantitative research. The methodology for business process modelling has been developed which relies on current real practice priorities, problems and improvements. Based on this methodology, a supply chain business process model was formulated by using the SCOR framework. The proposed business process model is shown to have a potential for eliminating bottlenecks and information gaps, as well as improving manageability through the continuous exchange of data pertaining to operations plans and their actual progress. This study is aimed at contributing to the academic body of knowledge related to the enhancement of competitive advantage and value creation in supply chain management through optimisation of the process of integration design and implementation in real-world international operations. The outcomes of the research are beneficial for organisations which seeking to increase the supply chain sustainability and scalability by continuously exchanging information and sharing each other’s resources and capabilities. At the same time, companies are offered guidelines on incorporating shared factors and interests into their strategies towards attaining interdependent competitive advantage. Igor Nikiforov 2021 - 08 - 27 - t13:27:28z 2021 - 09 - 02 - t15:09:36z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1769 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1769 2021 - 08 - 27 - t13:27:28z 银行业的变革管理:加纳经济银行有限公司的案例 由于2008年全球金融危机的影响,加纳的一些银行倒闭,加纳银行业在过去十年中经历了几次变革。加纳银行采取了许多措施,使加纳的银行业充满活力。预计所有银行都将根据加纳银行的指示引入改革战略。这些变化对员工的影响很大,因为他们对这些变化缺乏了解。在一个不断变化的环境中开展业务要求所有的利益相关者,特别是员工,理解变化,并改变管理流程和实践,使其有效。这是因为员工需要调整他们的思维和实践,以应对管理层和央行对他们不断变化的需求和期望。一些银行在变革过程中的倒闭被归因于员工敬业度差、沟通不畅和员工承诺变化差等因素。在变革过程中管理的作用也被认为是不令人满意的。鉴于上述,本案例研究试图探索和分析加纳银行业员工对变革和变革管理过程和实践的理解。在加纳的27家银行中,只有加纳经济银行有限公司被选为本研究的案例。 This is because some of the banks were established within the last 5 years and did not have enough change experiences. Other banks gave the presence of COVID-19 as a reason not to participate in this study. That notwithstanding, Ecobank Ghana Limited was representative of the Ghana banking industry because of its wide geographical spread across the country and its long-standing operations since 1990. The bank also satisfied all Bank of Ghana requirements. The qualitative method was adopted for the study. This was meant to allow the researcher the opportunity to explore the experiences of employees in respect of finding answers to the research questions of the study. It also allowed the researcher to probe deeper into employee perspectives on the subject matter. It was also cost effective and easy to use. Data was gathered through in-depth telephone interviews with the use of a semi-structured interview guide. This was appropriate due to the cancellation of flights as a result of Covid 19. As part of the data collecting process, participants were required to answer questions relating to their understanding of change and their experiences of change relative to employee engagement, communication, employee commitment to change, role of managers and resistance to change. In all, 39 employees of Ecobank Ghana Limited, cutting across all levels and different departments were interviewed. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis with 5 themes guided by the research questions. The case study found out that there was no consensus on the understanding of employees on change and change management which had a potential of adversely affecting the effective implementation of any change project. The study also found out that the general feelings of employees with the introduction of change were negative and mostly expressed as fear, uneasiness, doubtfulness and uncertainty. Majority of employees did not feel engaged in the change process with the explanation that their views did not matter to management. Additionally, majority of employees were not satisfied with how change was communicated to them indicating that, in most cases they got information from the grapevine. In spite of the above findings, the majority of employees did not resist change because they did not see the need to resist change, and also for the fear of victimization and loss of their jobs and position. Additionally, appreciating the dynamics between the reality of organisational change and employees Ecobank Ghana Limited is vital to management, policy makers and the industry regulator. Furthermore, whilst there is considerable literature on change and change management, not much has been made to tackle and resolve the fears, concerns and expectations of these changes upon employees of the bank and this has dangerous implication for the success of future change. Moreover, little evidence exists in the literature of the positive or negative aspects of change and change management from the viewpoint of employees and as stakeholders at the receiving end, the success or otherwise of change and change management rely on how employees accept and buy into the change initiative. The study recommends a strategic change framework for Ecobank Ghana Limited in particular, and the Ghanaian banking industry in general that will potentially guide the effective initiation, implementation and evaluation of change management within the industry. 约翰·巴内特Quaicoo 2021 - 01 - 05 - t11:06:37z 2021 - 01 - 05 - t11:06:37z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1554 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1554 2021 - 01 - 05 - t11:06:37z 以印尼公共部门为背景,调查工作-生活平衡、公共服务动机和工作满意度之间的关系。 本研究是首次系统探讨工作-生活平衡、公共服务动机与工作满意度之间的关系以及公共服务动机的中介作用的研究之一。本研究从工作-生活增强、冲突、角色质量和工作-生活类型学四个方面探讨工作-生活平衡的概念。这项研究的目的有两个。它首先试图在印度尼西亚公共部门的背景下调查工作-生活平衡、公共服务动机和工作满意度之间的关系。第二,探讨公共服务动机在工作-生活平衡与工作满意度之间的中介作用。这项研究包括对在雅加达省消防和救援部门工作的员工的调查。共检验421份问卷,用于进一步的统计数据分析。本研究采用社会科学统计软件包(SPSS)对假设进行检验和数据解释。中介效应由Preacher和Hayes (2008) PROCESS宏用于SPSS (Hayes, 2012)确定。在雅加达消防和救援部门的背景下,工作和生活平衡被发现与公共服务动机和工作满意度有积极和强大的关系。 However, interestingly, work-life conflict was not found to have a negative association with job satisfaction as suggested by previous studies. Several possible explanations are discussed. In this study, public service motivation was found to corroborate the earlier findings. The results suggest that public service motivation is correlated stronger with intrinsic job satisfaction than extrinsic job satisfaction. The findings of this study also reveal that people who experience more work-life balance are most likely to have higher levels of public service motivation and job satisfaction. The results of this study also indicate a mediating effect of public service motivation on the relationship between work-life balance and job satisfaction. This thesis contributes to the body of knowledge by exploring the relationships between work-life balance, public sector motivation and job satisfaction in the context of the public sector in Indonesia. This thesis also contributes to the body of knowledge on how to evaluate work-life balance by exploring the dimensions of work-life balance and their relationships with public service motivation and job satisfaction. This thesis adds insight into the relationship between work-life balance and job satisfaction through public service motivation among employees working in the Fire and Rescue Department of Jakarta, Indonesia. The contributions of this study are discussed in more detail in chapter five and six. Suhendro Oktosatrio 2020 - 12 - 10 - t12:20:16z 2020 - 12 - 11 - t10:54:36z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1515 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1515 2020 - 12 - 10 - t12:20:16z 战略企业社会责任的利益相关者方法:埃克森美孚公司的案例研究和尼日利亚尼日尔三角洲地区的能力发展计划 现有文献表明,企业社会责任的商业案例可以确保企业社会责任实践的可持续方法。支撑这一概念的是,通过采纳社会责任倡议(将社会和经济目标结合起来)来利用提供给企业的机会的能力,也被称为战略社会责任。除了对企业的财务影响外,对战略CSR举措对利益相关者的社会影响的评估研究还很少。现有的研究一般是从公司的角度进行的,很少考虑到其他利益相关者的看法。此外,缺乏关于尼日利亚企业社会责任商业案例的实证研究。鉴于这些差距,本文从利益相关者的角度探讨了埃克森美孚的子公司美孚尼日利亚生产有限公司采用的能力发展计划。考虑到企业社会责任概念的异质性以及该地区对尼日利亚经济的重要性,本研究的目的是在尼日利亚国家发展报告的背景下探索战略企业社会责任的概念。本研究采用定性探索性个案研究方法。对两组接待社区成员进行了深入访谈。他们包括该倡议的直接受益者和被认为是意见领袖的东道社区成员。 Field observations were made and other relevant documents were sourced to provide differing insights. The findings revealed that contrary to the notion of the provision of welfare as philanthropy, communities in the NDR consider the practice as an ethical obligation of the firm, alluding to cultural and environmental factors responsible for this perception. In terms of the capacity development programme, it is suggested that there are opportunities to practice strategic CSR in the NDR. The findings further suggest that there is scope to improve the effectiveness of the initiative by adopting a stakeholder engagement approach. Mfon年代杰克逊 1403480 2020 - 09 - 17 - t13:58:49z 2020 - 09 - 21 - t08:32:25z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1438 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1438 2020 - 09 - 17 - t13:58:49z 评估培训方案:根据在孟加拉国纺织工业工作的管理人员的经验对培训评估进行了有根据的理论探索,并在此背景下发展了评估培训的新方法 这项研究的目的是评估现有的培训评估模型,并提出一个具体的理论和模型,以供孟加拉国的纺织工业采用。本研究采用扎根理论作为研究方法。这指导了文献纳入的方法,对45名管理和培训提供者参与者的样本进行深入访谈,以及随后的数据分析。因此,这项研究提出了一个概念性框架,导致发展了一种新的模式,供在这一特定情况下使用。所开发的实质性理论和模型解释了如何在不同的文化和商业背景下有效地评估培训,这与所有现有的理论和模型不同。因此,该研究在理论、管理实践和方法学方面都作出了重大贡献。研究结果确定了一种基于两个因果条件、六个情境、一个干预条件、六个过程和四个结果/结果的培训结果评估新方法。这些因素为评估培训提供了与现有模型不同的方法和途径。例如,培训评价的结果/结果反映了基于培训的直接结果、直接结果、行为结果和绩效结果的评价。这项研究的结果为在孟加拉国纺织工业的背景下有效评价培训提供了理论和实践相结合的显著改进。 Consequently, that reflected both the managerial and theoretical contributions of the research. The proposed theory and model were unique to textile industry in Bangladesh and provided managers and training specialists with both data on the consequences of the training provided and guidelines on how approach the future design and delivery of training activities. Finally, the research identified several areas for future research into specific aspects of training, its evaluation and the means of monitoring it. The methodology adopted was also a contribution to existing knowledge about the use of the grounded theory methodology in developing economies, specifically, the textile industry within Bangladesh. Mahmuda女王 2018 - 12 - 04 - t09:00:19z 2018 - 12 - 04 - t09:00:19z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/970 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/970 2018 - 12 - 04 - t09:00:19z 在高等教育环境下管理项目的经验教训:组织和个人的经验 本研究通过半结构化访谈的定性分析,探讨了在英国高等教育学院内承担外部资助项目的主要学者的经验。本署预期研究结果会显示,许多高等教育院校已采用正式的项目管理做法,以监察进度、找出及处理出现的问题,并将从项目中吸取的经验教训纳入组织的学习,为日后的实践提供参考。结果发现情况并非如此,尽管项目管理最佳实践的要素或相当于项目管理最佳实践的要素已到位,用于监测和报告进展情况,但似乎很少注意将从项目团队的经验中获得的知识转移到组织的其他部门的问题。参与其中的主要学者以勤奋和热情对待他们的工作,发现自己受制于复杂的社会情况和冒名顶替的感觉,并承担了大量的情绪劳动,以保持他们的项目按计划进行。虽然他们获得了新的信息,但他们并没有试图利用他们的经验为未来进行反思。 马丁Locock 2018 - 06 - 12 - t09:08:51z 2018 - 07 - 30 - t08:05:28z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/903 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/903 2018 - 06 - 12 - t09:08:51z 可持续工作场所:工作场所学习的影响 威尔士基于工作的学习学院为就业学习者提供模块化课程。在过去的两年中,该学院在2007-2014年泛威尔士基于工作的学习(WIWBL)项目下运行了两个ESF项目。WIWBL开发了一套课程,旨在提高工作人员对可持续性和环境的认识以及管理人员对公司责任的认识。作为每门课程的一部分,学习者被要求研究他们工作场所的一个问题,在许多情况下,这导致公司改变其工作实践,以减少浪费。学习者在其组织内的遗产对其活动的环境影响有直接影响。另一方面,我们也吸取了一些令人失望的教训。许多公司将可持续性视为企业社会责任的“好有”一部分,并没有从战略上考虑未来。在组织内部的学习者发起变革的能力,在短期内产生直接的实际结果,是该大学对威尔士未来经济产生明显积极影响的一个领域。Mae Athrofa Cymru ar gyfer Dysgu Seiliedig ar wawith yn darparu cyrsiau modiwlaidd ar gyfer dysgwyr sydd mewn cyflogaeth。2007-2014年与Cymru Gyfan一起飞行。 Datblygodd yr Athrofa gyfres o gyrsiau a anelai at godi ymwybyddiaeth ynghylch cynaliadwyedd a’r amgylchedd ymhlith y gweithlu a’r cyfrifoldebau corfforaethol i reolwyr. Yn rhan o bob cwrs, roedd yn ofynnol i’r dysgwyr archwilio mater yn eu gweithle, ac mewn nifer o achosion mae hyn wedi arwain y cwmni i newid ei arferion gwaith er mwyn lleihau gwastraff. Mae gwaddol y dysgwyr o fewn eu sefydliadau’n cael effaith uniongyrchol ar effeithiau amgylcheddol eu gweithgareddau. Ar y llaw arall, dysgwyd rhai gwersi siomedig. Ystyriai llawer o gwmnïoedd gynaliadwyedd yn rhan ‘hyfryd ei chael’ o Gyfrifoldeb Cymdeithasol Corfforaethol, ac nid oeddynt yn meddwl yn strategol am y dyfodol. Mae gallu dysgwyr o fewn sefydliadau i gychwyn newid gyda chanlyniadau ymarferol uniongyrchol yn y tymor byr yn faes lle mae’r Brifysgol yn cael effaith gadarnhaol weladwy ar economi Cymru i’r dyfodol. 马丁Locock 2017 - 08 - 31 - t12:21:29z 2017 - 08 - 31 - t12:21:29z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/551 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/551 2017 - 08 - 31 - t12:21:29z 让人们采取行动——这还有效吗?慈善广告情感诉求的实证分析 震惊广告对慈善机构有多有效?为了解决这个问题,一项基于三组成年人横断面样本的实验研究设计被使用。调查对象分别观看了带有震撼、中性或积极情感诉求的广告。所有的广告都是为同一个慈善机构做的。问卷研究了广告对四个行为意向变量的情感效应;向慈善机构捐款的意愿,为慈善机构做志愿者的意愿,同意慈善事业的意愿,以及与家人/朋友谈论广告的意愿。主要发现包括震撼广告仍然有效,但不是通过震撼。当涉及到参与慈善活动时,惊讶、兴趣和同情是关键情绪 Antje Cockrill 伊泽贝尔牧师住所 2017 - 02年- 22 - t10:03:02z 2017 - 02年- 22 - t10:12:45z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/722 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/722 2017 - 02年- 22 - t10:03:02z 喀麦隆管理实践的文化影响 本文考察了文化价值观对员工激励的直接影响和通过领导风格间接影响。该研究确定了喀麦隆文化价值观、领导风格和员工激励的显著特征。该研究调查了管理者和员工对这些概念的看法,以及与霍夫斯泰德、李克特、马斯洛和赫茨伯格等作者及其工作的学生所述的西方价值观相比,传统喀麦隆价值观的独特影响。实地工作包括问卷调查和访谈,旨在从样本中引出对这三个概念的看法;与西方话语相比,感知的特殊性。焦点小组被纳入到研究设计中,并用于评估和修改来自实地调查的假设。本研究的概念模型设计是基于文献和咨询。本研究采用定量问卷调查和定性深度访谈两种方法收集数据。共有135名来自10间私营银行及电讯业的中小企业的职员及经理参加了调查。其中10人接受了采访,4人是领导者,6人是追随者。 Seven hypotheses are developed and tested against their validity in Cameroon in relation to the literature. The results indicate that the main hypotheses developed based on the three strands of literature used in the study proved to be robust, but some different important details were also found out. For example, Hofstede's (1991) masculinity index for the West African region was 46. There are also some distinctions with respect to leadership style and employee motivation. The study indicates that the perceived leadership style in organisations in Cameroon is paternalistic, that extrinsic motivational factors aremore important to Cameroonian employees than intrinsic factors. The study also discovered some African cultural values and leadership practices that constrain employee motivation and consequently organisational performance. It has been found out that employees in Cameroon's organisations will perform better in conditions where organisational values such as cooperation, participation, specification of targets and performance measure are of paramount importance especially if the leadership dimensions are those that encourage motivation and interaction. Direct and indirect links appear to exist. Mirabell Pendati