研究库:没有条件。订购结果-交存日期。 2023 - 04 - 19 - t14:59:18z eprint https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/images/sitelogo.png https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/ 2021 - 10 - 14 - t08:08:08z 2021 - 10 - 14 - t08:08:08z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1810 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1810 2021 - 10 - 14 - t08:08:08z 殖民主义与帝国:英国是否欠奴隶制后代的赔偿? 这部作品探讨了奴隶制对现代英国的影响,对比了英国前殖民地背景下的古代和前现代制度(Williams, 1994)。考察了现代对奴隶制的态度,揭示了通过优生学,种族理论和精英统治的反黑人种族主义的持续表现。对赔偿的先例进行了调查,重点是德国(De Gruyter, 2011),并强调了对早期加勒比移民到英国的拒绝(Rauhut, 2021)。讨论包括科学和宗教中白人至上的起源,暴露了对黑人的持续负面刻板印象(Akala, 2018)。研究发现,英国在法律上和道德上都有义务向英国奴隶制的后代提供个人和群体赔偿,无论是在国内还是在国际上(Beckles, 2013)。此外,赔偿是有效对抗制度化的歧视和隔离的唯一手段,这种歧视和隔离有助于维持一系列全球种族不平等(cramer, 2018)。 迈克尔·乔纳斯 2020 - 04 - 06 - t09:11:30z 2022 - 12 - 09 - t10:37:18z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1260 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1260 2020 - 04 - 06 - t09:11:30z 乌南加克斯木乃伊作为捕鲸者:阿留申群岛人类木乃伊化的多学科背景化 本论文提供了一个分析乌南加人(阿留申人)木乃伊在他们的身体沉积的其他方法的背景下。它探索了一个假设,即捕鲸者和他们的家庭属于一个古老的萨满教捕鲸复合体,这个复合体存在于整个从事捕鲸的沿海地区。本论文对制作木乃伊的原因作了解释,并有组织地汇编了有关乌南加克斯殡葬习俗和仪式的最相关的过去和最近的资料。采用多学科方法,结合社会人类学理论、考古资料和民族历史记录。将已知的接触前身体沉积方法与木乃伊化方法进行对比。有人认为,木乃伊化被证明是这些方法中最复杂的,是为捕鲸精英和乌南加克斯社区中其他高级别的人保留的。基于民族志类比的比较方法进一步探讨了猎人与鲸鱼之间的形而上关系。这项研究的地理边界也扩大了,因为木乃伊制作是在与阿留申群岛相邻的地区进行的。与生与死之间的通道有关的文学关注灵魂的阈限。这个概念被认为是理解木乃伊化的主要元素之一。 The interpretation offered in this thesis builds on a recent approach to this topic, which suggests that individuals were deliberately mummified so they could remain in a state of persistent liminality in order to be preserved for their power. The findings of this thesis suggest that mummification in the Aleutians was a key aspect to whaling. Whalers needed courage and power, and this was accomplished through the use of mummified bodies of whalers and their lineage members that were iv secreted in caves to be used as magical talismans. This ancient whaling complex is examined through the paradigms of liminality and shamanism. Members were initiated into a spiritual and dangerous world, which thereby elevated their status in the community. It is proposed that whalers also performed the mummification. This interpretation advances the study Unangax̂ mortuary rituals and sets the stage for further research. 凯萨琳一天