Research Repository: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited. 2023-06-17T10:45:31Z EPrints 2023-06-01T14:33:14Z 2023-06-01T14:33:14Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2023-06-01T14:33:14Z jisceprint A Comparative Analysis of E-Government in Jamaica and Singapore: An Exploratory Study of Supply-Side Factors The paper compares the case of Jamaica, which despite a two-decade-long journey, has experienced unsatisfactory progress in implementing e-Government, with that of Singapore, which has achieved considerable success, despite being small island-states of similar-sized populations with British colonial histories, with both nations gaining their independence around the same time in the mid-1960s. Qualitative data gathered from interviews and documentation from supply-side stakeholders were analyzed to better understand the drivers for, and barriers to, the successful implementation of e-Government initiatives. Based on the existing literature, a novel conceptual framework was used to guide the data collection and analysis process. This enabled the presence of previously identified drivers and barriers for e-Government initiatives to be assessed in the context of both countries. The study was also able to surface new and additional factors influencing e-Government implementation, which have not been previously identified within the e-Government research literature, namely Administration/Leadership, e-Readiness, and Communication. The research findings enabled practical and actionable recommendations to those leading e-Government initiatives in Jamaica to improve implementation by overcoming forces that hinder progress. The findings from this study are limited as the research draws on data from limited sources in just two countries. Odayne Haughton David Barnes 2023-02-06T10:20:48Z 2023-02-07T09:41:32Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2023-02-06T10:20:48Z The exploration of leadership styles on employees’ performance: a study of Premier Specialist Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 在积极的商业环境,specifically in healthcare, organisations depend on their market leaders to assist in accomplishing the necessary improvements and innovations that are necessary to maintain a competitive edge. After a comprehensive situational analysis at Premier Specialist Hospital, it is evident that there is common friction between individual responsibilities and roles that causes internal politics. Initial results pointed to a lot of laissez-faire leadership tendencies. Thus, this serves as a breeding ground for poor innovation, decreased commitment, and poor team chemistry, which significantly affects employee performance, as observed through the study results. This suggests that the inability to meet performance targets due to the lack of the strategic interventions of a specific leadership style to specific situations is the problem at hand. The primary objective of this study is to understand leadership styles and their impact on employees’ performance at Premier Specialist Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. A qualitative methodology with a phenomenological design was adopted in which 10 participants from the managerial level and the Head of Department were selected. This group is directly reported to the CEO (the unit of analysis for this study). The data were gathered through interviews with research participants using semi-structured interview questions tailored to the study's context and research objectives. The leadership styles were measured through the participants' responses to the leadership characteristics of the previous or current CEO at the specialist hospital and how these leadership characteristics have impacted their performance. The results show that the transformational leadership style is the most exhibited at Premier Specialist Hospital, followed by the charismatic leadership style. Overall, responses in a transformational leadership style were found to be strongly related to employee performance measures in terms of their duties and assignment, motivation or morale, and commitment towards the job or organisation. Charismatic leadership had a significant positive relationship with motivation and morale, contributing to performance quality. Authoritative and laissez-faire leadership styles had an insignificant relationship with employee performance. The results suggest that organisations need to use a lot of transformational leadership behaviours or rather embrace transformational leadership styles and not autocratic or laissez-faire leadership. According to the findings, transformational leadership may have a greater impact on employee productivity and performance quality than traditional leadership practices. Therefore, it is recommended that transformational leadership is the most ideal and effective leadership style to be used at Premier Specialist Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Suraya Abu Kassim 2023-01-05T10:04:21Z 2023-01-05T10:07:09Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2023-01-05T10:04:21Z The Impact of artificial intelligence on the employee engagement: a study of oil and gas originations of UAE. The study aims to uncover how employees feel about the increasing focus of government for Artificial Intelligence in their country and what impact this will have on future careers. The literature shows there's a need for further research into understanding workers' plans or inability being facilitated by organizations/states if they're at risk due robotic technology that uses AI based primarily off data analysis, which could lead them with no jobs available. Artificial intelligence is quickly becoming one of the most prominent trends in today's workplace. While this technology has many benefits, it also poses some risks for employees who may not be able to find employment ten years from now if their jobs fall victim to robotic automation or machines that can replace human workers with minimal effort on behalf. This study aims at uncovering what people think about AI-based robotic technologies which could spell danger downgrading certain jobs and how they plan themselves accordingly given current circumstances. The findings of this study show that many employees are considering learning new skills and enhancing their performance at work. In addition, they plan on attending more training programs in order to keep up with the AI-related changes happening around them while also saving themselves from possible unemployment after its implementation into society as well. The proportion however is not very high but there's always hope for those who want it. Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, human employees, employee engagement, future employability, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Ahmed Mohamed Alebri 1602119 2022-12-13T14:12:44Z 2022-12-13T14:12:44Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2022-12-13T14:12:44Z Towards developing a holistic strategic management in the Hong Kong Police Force The Hong Kong Police Force (the Force) has gone through significant changes over the past decades since the civil service reform and the adoption of the strategic management practice in 2006. The first set of Strategic Directions and Strategic Action Plan (SD and SAP) was introduced in 2008. Since then, the strategic planning process has adopted a three-year cycle. In 2019, Hong Kong was struck by a sustained outbreak of riots arising from the extradition bill. In addition, the pandemic in 2020 and the digital era present new challenges to the Force, in terms of rebuilding the trust with the public and delivering quality policing service to all. Despite the continuous theoretical debate about the usefulness and value of strategic management in the public sector, little is known about their practical application. This research aims to investigate the perception of frontline police officers from Police Constables to Superintendents on the Force strategic management practice which is laid down in the Force Procedures Manual. The objectives are to first explore police officers’ perception and satisfaction with the process of strategy formulation, implementation and review. Second, to explore the critical factors that impact on the strategic management practice and finally, to test the applicability of the 3H framework (Heart, Head and Hand dimensions) with a view to building a holistic strategic management model in the Force. The research is guided by six research questions and a combined methodology is adopted using questionnaires and semi-structured interviews to answer the research questions. The findings indicate that frontline police officers perceive the Force strategic management important for the organisation’s operation, success and long-term development as it provides a direction for the Force to achieve its goals and objectives. The overall satisfaction rating in the survey ranges from 67 to 78 percent. The findings also reveal that there is insufficient involvement of external stakeholders and lower-ranking staff during the strategic planning process. More avenues should be established for them to participate. Furthermore, communication and publicity on SD and SAP should be cascaded down to the junior police officers’ level, as their buy-in is beneficial to the execution of strategic plans. Evaluation and performance measurements should be linked to a reward mechanism to increase staff incentive to align with the iii organisation’s goals. Finally, the synergistic alignment of all three H dimensions including leadership, motivation, capability of planning and implementation, structure and governance, staff competence, training, and development are essential to develop a holistic Force strategic management. The research fills the gap in strategic management literature and offers practical reference to the Force and other government departments. Overall, the study provides important insights developed from systematic and in-depth empirical research on the entire strategic management process of the Force. A promising holistic strategic management model is developed to serve as a valuable reference for effective management in a modern police organisation. Hoi-yan Cheung 2022-10-18T08:15:39Z 2023-01-30T10:39:44Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2022-10-18T08:15:39Z jisceprint A pilot study on the impacts of lung-strengthening Qigong on wellbeing. Qigong embraces a range of self-care exercises originating from China. Lung-Strengthening Qigong (LSQ) is a specific technique for maintaining and improving physical and mental wellbeing. Zeyneb Kurt Petia Sice Krystyna Krajewska Garry Elvin Hailun Xie Suzannah Ogwu Pingfan王 Sultan Sevgi Turgut 2022-07-04T08:47:17Z 2022-07-04T08:47:17Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2022-07-04T08:47:17Z 定性研究的文化影响repreneurial Communication and Behaviour between Singapore and China The purpose of this research study was to study the role & impact of culture on entrepreneurial communication and behaviour between Singapore and China. This evidence-based research also aimed at identifying appropriate solutions that can lead to achieve business success in the Chinese cultural context. My research led me to believe that the trust relationship, cultural inclusion, and morality are the main factors that support entrepreneurs that can further yield better result and this doctoral research focussed on the context of Chinese & Singaporean culture for illustration purposes. To study how culture impacts Chinese entrepreneurship in Singapore and achieve the research aim, this research-based DBA project followed qualitative based research and collected diverse empirical evidence from the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCCI) and its sub-organisations. The research stakeholders were Chinese Entrepreneurs including business owners and senior management who are registered members, partners, audiences, and clients of SCCCI. The research project took approximately 1.5 years. The researcher chose qualitative research as the primary method and conducted semi-structured online interviews The research population included 50 participants and prior to embarking on evidence collection, the researcher conducted a pilot study with selected 20 respondents who were in middle-management positions from different organisations. Understanding the cultural impacts on entrepreneurial communication and behaviour in Chinese culture between Singapore and China is significant for entrepreneurs to achieve their business success. In many ways, Singapore and Chinese markets are providing innovative and dedicated entrepreneurs all over the entire world with unlimited ideal entrepreneurial business opportunities. The finding of this research showed that multi-national SMEs do make use of their business culture in formulating and developing their international business strategies as their strategies were based on personal relationships, social contribution, and professional ethical standards. To maximise the effectiveness and efficiency of the strategy development decisions and corporate social value, it was clearly shown that Singapore and China-based entrepreneurial SMEs did benchmark themselves liaise with their stakeholders and trade practices in their development process for formulating their international business strategies which demonstrated efficiency and effectiveness in the crafting of the cultural-related entrepreneurial strategy. Therefore, entrepreneurial business culture is playing a significant role in SMEs in developing international business strategies as Singapore and China-based entrepreneurial companies rely on close and trusting private relationships for their oversea expansion. This is possible through transferable skill sets and ethical considerations (such as CSR) that the company has and can tap on. Any culture may have its own unique consideration and practice when they come to business ethics. Consequently, it is important for entrepreneurs to carry out comprehensive cultural research and market research before entering Chinese markets or doing business with Chinese people. Thus, researching and reading relevant Chinese business ethics articles could provide entrepreneurs with a comparatively clearer understanding of what ethical considerations and practices are in the Chinese cultural context. Chaochen Wang 2022-06-15T11:27:36Z 2023-04-21T14:59:55Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2022-06-15T11:27:36Z jisceprint Bioarchaeological evidence of one of the earliest Islamic burials in the Levant Abstract: The Middle East plays a central role in human history harbouring a vast diversity of ethnic, cultural and religious groups. However, much remains to be understood about past and present genomic diversity in this region. Here we present a multidisciplinary bioarchaeological analysis of two individuals dated to the late 7th and early 8th centuries, the Umayyad Era, from Tell Qarassa, an open-air site in modern-day Syria. Radiocarbon dates and burial type are consistent with one of the earliest Islamic Arab burials in the Levant. Interestingly, we found genomic similarity to a genotyped group of modern-day Bedouins and Saudi rather than to most neighbouring Levantine groups. This study represents the genomic analysis of a secondary use site with characteristics consistent with an early Islamic burial in the Levant. We discuss our findings and possible historic scenarios in the light of forces such as genetic drift and their possible interaction with religious and cultural processes (including diet and subsistence practices). Megha Srigyan Héctor Bolívar Irene Ureña Jonathan Santana 安德鲁·彼得森 Eneko Iriarte Emrah Kırdök Nora Bergfeldt Alice Mora Mattias Jakobsson Khaled Abdo Frank Braemer Colin Smith Juan José Ibañez Anders Götherström Torsten Günther Cristina Valdiosera 2022-06-01T12:53:22Z 2022-06-01T12:53:22Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2022-06-01T12:53:22Z Strategies for Developing Entrepreneurial Capacity and Capability in Coffee Industry Sect in Timor-Leste 本研究的主要目的s to increase the capacity and capability of entrepreneurship through the development of an entrepreneurial education model based on the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the coffee industry sector in Timor-Leste. The coffee industry has a significant contribution to Timor-Leste's economic growth. Therefore, the growth and the coffee industry must be maintained in the long term. As an effort to maintain the continuity of the coffee industry, we conduct research on every important role in the growth of the coffee industry, namely the Government, Coffee Shop Owners, Academics, the Coffee Industry, and NGOs which are then carried out in collaboration with the Pentahelix model to lead capacity building and entrepreneurial capabilities, especially in the coffee industry. This study involved 23 informants spread from the Pentahelix, namely: entrepreneurs, government, universities, industry, and the community. The five parties will be interviewed separately for their opinions and views on the pattern of partnership and collaboration within Pentahelix. This study found that concerns relevant instruments including internal factors, ability factors, factors (PESTLE analysis), prospects, and obstacles in increasing entrepreneurial capacity and capability. And it was found that by increasing efficiency in partnership and collaboration of all parties in Pentahelix, it can promote and awaken the entrepreneurial spirit of the Timorese people and effectively increase the productivity of the coffee business. Miguel Lucas Lay Costa 2022-05-10T08:08:50Z 2022-05-10T08:08:50Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2022-05-10T08:08:50Z Motivational drivers for mobile shopping adoption: an empirical study of the Chinese Generation Y consumers 21 centu最突出的趋势之一ry in China is the emergence of e-commerce, especially mobile commerce, which has changed people’s lives, notably in the way they conduct shopping. This study investigates mobile shopping behaviour in China, focusing on Generation Y, for the following two reasons:( 1) Research on consumers’ behavioural intention in adopting mobile shopping has been carried out previously, yet the research into this trend in China is limited and research with specific focus on the Chinese Generation Y is even more so. ( 2) Since Chinese Generation-Y has played a dominant role and made a significant impact on the online retailing market, the researcher believes it is essential to conduct Chinese Generation-Y-focused research to develop a deeper understanding of this special group’s consumption behaviour so that the online and offline marketers and retailers will be able to develop effective strategies in terms of customer positioning and mobile shopping platform design. Following an extensive literature review, the research develops a new conceptual framework which extends the existing framework of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and use of Technology, also known as the UTAUT (Venkatesh, et al.,2003) and Six Dimensions of Hedonic Shopping Motivation (Arnold and Reynold, 2003). This novel integration has not been attempted in previous research. The research was also designed to employ a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods for a robust understanding of mobile commerce acceptance in Chinese Generation-Y. Data was collected via an online questionnaire survey with a sample of 473 and an additional six interviews. Various statistical techniques in Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) are used for quantitative analysis and the thematic method is used for qualitative analysis. The research findings confirm that the key factors affecting the behavioural intention of mobile shopping are as follows: performance expectancy, effort expectancy, facilitating conditions, perceived gratification shopping, perceived role shopping, and perceived value shopping. Other factors found to have an insignificant impact include social influence, perceived individual innovativeness, perceived adventure shopping, perceived social shopping, and perceived idea shopping. These findings help move existing theory forward, and consideration of using this integrated model can help scholars examine all the potential factors that might influence the reasons behind mobile shopping in China. In addition, this research framework further provides three practical implications for mobile shopping platform providers to consider: customer experience, product attributes, and customer positioning. Heng Yang 2022-05-06T13:06:24Z 2022-05-06T13:06:24Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2022-05-06T13:06:24Z The effect of leadership style on business performance and the mediating effect on organizational culture and the moderating effect of leader’s personality traits. A study of SMEs in the tourism sector in Sri Lanka Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play a vital role in any given economy and are considered as a driving force. In Sri Lanka SMEs are considered the backbone of the economy. This research explores how leadership styles affect business performance in SMEs in Sri Lanka and the mediating role of organizational culture and moderating role of leader’s personality traits affect play influencing business performance. Leadership styles and business performance are well-researched domains of study. However, limited researches have been conducted on SME context and there is no unanimity on the findings of these researches. In the Sri Lankan context number of researches on this domain is minimum. The present research study is quantitative research that uses a deductive approach based on the positivism research paradigm. 285 SMEs were selected from the tourism industry based on the Krejcie Morgan sampling formula. Primary data was collected based on a structured questionnaire which included multifactor leadership questions, big five personality trait questions, and author developed questions of organizational culture and business performance and assessed with a five-point Likert Scale. The questionnaire was sent to the leaders (owner/manager) of selected SMEs via an online format. The primary data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and regression analysis. Results revealed that leadership styles affect business performance in SMEs. Transformational leadership has a considerable impact on business performance while transactional leadership has a low-level impact and passive avoidance leadership has an insignificant impact. It was revealed that leadership styles can influence business performance through organizational culture. Transformational leadership is indicated to have a significant effect on organizational culture and transactional leadership and passive avoidance leadership are indicated to have a low impact. Leaders with transformational leadership and transaction leadership are associated with extraversion, openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness personality traits. Transactional leaders and passive-avoidance leaders score high on neuroticism. The research has identified that the transformational leadership style to be adopted for greater business performance in SMEs in Sri Lanka. SME owners are encouraged to hire personal with transformational style leadership and policymakers to use this information for developing training and development programs. Dilan Moragolle 2022-04-08T08:25:12Z 2022-04-08T08:25:12Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2022-04-08T08:25:12Z Developing a fengshui-based strategic decision-making model for Malaysia's property industry In the property industry, stakes are high. The perfect condition of a reasonable time and information for stakeholders to get a sense of confidence to make well-guided decisions is unheard-of. To compound the problem, conscious and subconscious belief-based factors like Fengshui is pervasive in Malaysia's property industry. Although this phenomenon significantly impacts strategic decision (SD) making in the property industry, few mainstream academics would like to indulge too much in an esoteric subject like Fengshui. Whether we choose to ignore this phenomenon or not, Fengshui continues to impact local players and any global players operating or wishing to invest in Malaysia. This study aims to develop a model to address Fengshui-based SD making for Malaysia's property industry. Transcendental phenomenology was adopted to examine the Fengshui-based SD makers' experience without losing its lived, first-person character. Fourteen participants of Malaysia's captains of the property industry formed the purposive sample. The researcher has prior familiarity and prolonged engagement with the subject matter. Therefore, the Modified Stevick-Colaizzi-Keen method was employed, including pre-reflective descriptions from the participants and revelations from the researcher. Criteria of this method also require that the researcher's profile fits the purposive sample, and the research question under investigation is also his passion. Data were simultaneously collected via in-depth interviews, analysed and organised into themes until saturation. The final model informs the business leader if the business opponent he interacts with is an Aliever SD maker, Acquiescer SD maker, or a Believer SD maker. Understanding this enables business leaders to adapt to their environment and act according to the way (Wuwei in Daoist philosophy) the situation naturally encourages. Findings in this study reveal theoretical gaps to explore in pursuing Fengshui-related cognitive biases such as confirmation bias and authority bias. The proposed model will benefit multinational corporations by assisting them in better preparing for foreign assignments on this abstract yet impactful area of study in Malaysia's property industry. Caik Leng Chua 2022-03-25T11:30:14Z 2022-03-25T11:34:33Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2022-03-25T11:30:14Z The Effects of using Artificial Intelligence Facilities in Building Harmonious Communities in Property Management in Hong Kong and China This research attempts to explore the effects of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) facilities to build harmonious communities in residential estates in Hong Kong and mainland China. Three studies have been conducted with positive findings. Study 1 collects primary data from ten (10) senior property management professionals from top tier land developers in Hong Kong, to identify the effects of using AI facilities that outperforms traditional human-led property management services in terms of service efficiency. The finding is positive and the theory of “Building Harmonious Communities with AI Facilities in Property Management in Hong Kong” is established in Study 1. Study 2 and Study 3 aims to testify the hypotheses that AI facilities help building harmonious communities via five (5) independent variables paired with five (5) selected mediating variables including “Service Quality” with “Service Efficiency”, “Social Chat Group” with “Happiness”, “On-line booking platform” with “Service Fairness”, “Access Control System” with “Conflict” and “Chatbot Solution” with “Complaint”. These matched pairs of variables help predicting the building of harmonious communities within the estate. Study 2 was conducted in Hong Kong and Study 3 in mainland China, so as to explore the extent to which my findings are consistent across different regions in China. Some contributions are noted that AI facilities (i) are of higher efficiency that outperforms traditional human-led services in property management; (ii) achieve cost saving; and (iii) help building harmonious communities with matched pairs of variables. Limitations of the research include time constraint to obtain larger sample for analysis and government stringent policies on quarantine for travellers due to COVID-19 pandemic. Edward Yau-hang Lui 2021-10-06T15:49:27Z 2022-10-03T12:02:11Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2021-10-06T15:49:27Z The Role of Corporate Governance to Foreign Direct Investments on Emerging Countries in Southeast Asia 1997 - 1998年东盟金融危机期间2008, corporate governance has become an imperative issue with foreign direct investments (FDIs). This topic has been lingering within the research communities and many major investment entities across the globe. Although significant inflow of FDI continues to flow into Asia (FDISTAT, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 2007-2018), the lack of corporate governance at the macroeconomic level in certain emerging countries has been depriving the inflow of FDI. Developing ASEAN countries continue to fall behind their counterparts in receiving inwards of FDI compared with Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand. According to UNCTAD’s World Investment Report 2020, the total global FDI flows was valued at US$1.54 trillion in 2019, and foreign institutional investors are risk-averse, especially when dealing with countries with weak corporate governance. Developing stringent regulatory policies on governance in the ASEAN nations can impact these economies at the macroeconomic level. The surplus FDIs often lead to better economic and fiscal policy for emerging nations in the ASEAN. This research is descriptive exploratory and follows the primary qualitative and secondary sources as quantitative analysis to learn the determinants between corporate governance (CG) and FDI in ASEAN. This research methodology is likewise termed Embedded Mixed Methods design, as interviewing, sharing the respondents' experience, perception, or phenomena of governance can only be qualitative. Secondary data sources on the governances' six indicators fall on Voice and Accountability, Political Stability and Absence of Violence, Regulatory Quality, Rule of Law, Control of Corruption and Government Effectiveness. These indicators are used as independent variables for quantitative analysis to investigate corporate governance and dependent variable FDI at the microeconomic level within the sample countries. The qualitative analysis from the respondents suggested that corporate-level (C-level) management and board members must actively involve in the corporate practices consisting of learning, training, and management to drive effective CG. The quantitative results have also shown a significant positive and negative relationship between governance indicators and foreign direct investment. Pearson Product Moment Correlation was statistically applied to illustrate these variables' strength, direction, and probability with FDI. Roy Kok Meng Yap 2020-03-26T15:53:02Z 2022-12-09T10:25:31Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2020-03-26T15:53:02Z Strengthening the Christian presence in the Holy Land through the implementation of a strategic planning programme 本文侧重于加强基督徒presence in the Holy Land that has been in existence for more than 2,000 years. The Christian presence there is not only about maintaining and preserving the holy shrines related to Christianity. It is also about maintaining and preserving the local Christian congregations and the Christian communities located in Palestine and Israel. These groups have had a series of challenges resulting in a critical decline in the Christian population. The research presented here applies a SWOT analysis to the history, current reality of the Christian presence in the Holy Land and the challenges that influence its future. The benefit of using this approach allows for a concrete analysis of the problems that face the Christian community from the Palestinian-Israel conflict, economic instability, social problems, and the Christian cultural predicament, identified from the literature. The outcome of the analysis is translated into strategic solutions and actions that can be incorporated in programmes and projects to be implemented within, and by, the local Christian communities. These strategic solutions aim to revitalise the indigenous Christian presence in Palestine and Israel and encourage the development of their social, political, and cultural existence, with the hope of obtaining justice, peace and reconciliation. Usama G. Salman 2019-09-05T12:52:23Z 2019-09-05T12:52:23Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019-09-05T12:52:23Z Capital punishment : a comparative study, with emphasis on Saudi Arabia Badr Al-Shalhoub 2019-09-05T12:29:27Z 2019-09-05T12:29:27Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019-09-05T12:29:27Z Bahrain since the prophet's time to the Abbasid period Haya Al-Naimi 2019-08-12T10:01:53Z 2019-08-12T10:01:53Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019-08-12T10:01:53Z An investigation into the overall impact of the season of Hajj on the economy of Makkah with special investigation into The trade of consumer goods 多年来,朝圣的季节总是represented the major source of living not only for the people of Makkah, but for the whole region of Hijäz In the years preceding World War II and before the oil was discovered, Hajj was the economic backbone of the whole Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. However, after the economy of the country became dependent on the revenues of the oil, at the end of the World War II, the revenues of Hajj became a substantial influential factor, boosting the commercial activities of the private sectors in Makkah, and hence developing the entire economy of the city. The objective of this study is to investigate and evaluate the overall impact of the season of Hajj on the economy of Makkah with special investigation on the trade in consumer goods. In pursuing this objective, the, study has employed both library and empirical researches. The library research was adopted in the investigation of the overall effect of Hajj on the economy of Makkah, while the empirical research was conducted to investigate the effect of Hajj on the trade in consumer goods. A large survey was carried out on two samples: 484 shopkeepers and 434 pilgrims (consumers) in three major areas within Makkah, namely the Pram Area, Ma`äbdah Area and Aziziyyah Area. The collected data from these samples were analyzed in the computer with the aid of the SPSS programme. The investigation concerning the overall effect of Hajj on the economy of Makkah focuses mainly on the private sectors, namely the Hajj service industries i.e., Twäfah Establishments (Pilgrims' Guilds), housing industry and transport industry, and the industrial sector. With respect to the effect of Hajj on the trade in consumer goods, the investigation focuses on the shopkeepers in terms of types and characteristics, of the shopkeepers involved in the trade in consumer goods, the significance of the location selected by shopkeepers during Hajj, their motives for trading in Hajj, their purchasing decisions relating to prices, quality, quantity and variety when they supply their goods. In relation to the consumer goods supplied by the shopkeepers, the investigation focuses on their types, characteristics i.e., origins, source of supply, types of sale. It also covers some related issues i.e., official procedures for trading in consumer goods, utilization of advertisements and employment in the trade in consumer goods. In addition, the effect of Hajj on the commercial renting business within the context of the trade in consumer goods is also investigated. Concerning the pilgrims (as consumers), the study focuses on their socio-economic and demographic characteristics, their purchasing criteria with respect to necessary and supplementary goods, their opinions on the market of goods and their attitudes towards their treatment by the shopkeepers and finally their expenditure profile and the major factors influencing it. Abid Al-Abdali 2019-08-12T09:39:39Z 2019-08-12T09:39:39Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019-08-12T09:39:39Z Britain and the United States in the Gulf : roles and responsibilities, 1892-1979 Faisal Ali Al-Otaibi 2019 - 08 - 12 - t09:33:59z 2019 - 08 - 12 - t09:33:59z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 - 08 - 12 - t09:33:59z Al-Muntakhab fi Usual al-Madhhab The aim of this thesis is to edit a manuscript in 'Usul al-Fiqh (principles of Islamic jurisprudence) written according to the Hanafi school. The main manuscript used on the edition dates back to (690H/1292AD). The author is Husäm al-Din Muhammad bin Muhammad bin `Umar al-Akhsikathi, who died in (6441V1247AD). The thesis provides an account of the author's life and identifies his historical character and the epoch in which he lived, i. e. the 7th century H.(13th century AD). To explore that, it was necessary to dwell upon the region and context where the author lived. I endeavour to highlight the author's personality from different angles so as to understand the circumstances that produced such scholars at that time in history. The study of the book required, first to attribute the work to its author and, second, to show its significance and its impact on the science of 'Usul al-Fiqh. I also tried to focus on the methodology employed by the author of this work and the reason that this book has gained wider prominence in this particular field than that of other writers. Through studying this book I discuss Muslims' interest in this work and its prolific number of editors and commentators, which indicates the value of the book to scholars and students. The significance of any book relates to the subject that the book itself tackles; therefore, I start the study with an introduction in which I demonstrate the value of the subject of the book i.e. 'Usul al-Fiqh. Here, I discuss the time when it came into being, how it evolved, scholars' methods and approaches in studying this authority- whom many scholars consider as a fundamental pillar for many other sciences such as jurisprudence, interpretation and the Hadith (Prophet's Traditions). Ahmad M. N Abbas 2019-08-12T08:52:58Z 2019-08-12T08:52:58Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019-08-12T08:52:58Z Addressing the gap in the arts and culture industry in Dubai problems and solutions The research question permeating this thesis is how to address effectively the gap in the Arts and Culture in Dubai, a city that has prospered so well economically and financially in recent decades. Therefore, my focus is on those activities and events relating to literature, the visual arts, music, theatre and film - all reflecting the cultural lead Dubai is rapidly assuming in these spheres. The research is the first of its kind about Dubai. In such a study, some limitations need to be established. Specifically, I want to focus on the recognized strengths and weaknesses of the current management of cultural activities and policies and also on the advantages and disadvantages and the opportunities available. Consequently, in this thesis, it is necessary to take into account aspects such as history, politics, geo-politics, climate, people, ethnicity, religion and other aspects that constitute the cultural life of the emirate. Dubai is a rich blend of tradition and modernity, reflected in its various libraries, art galleries, theatres, and museums. It uniquely possesses the infrastructure needed to support the cultural vision of its leadership. As the emirate of Dubai increasingly assumes a greater cosmopolitan character, its emergence as the cultural hub of the region is certainly assured. However, no study has been undertaken as yet that analyses the current situation, the problems and opportunities it faces in terms of its cultural management, and ways to enhance Dubai's undoubted leadership in cultural matters. My own work over many years with the Dubai Cultural Council has convinced me that such a study is vital and it is my hope that the work presented in this thesis will contribute to the clarification of the current situation and indicate useful and appropriate directions to proceed in the future in terms of cultural management in Dubai. Salem Mohammad Humaid Alriyami 2019-08-12T08:48:29Z 2019-08-12T08:48:29Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019-08-12T08:48:29Z A study and an edition of Imam Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Salim Al-Saffarini Al-Hanbali sales book Kitab Al-Buyu from Kashf Al-Litham Li Sharh Umdat Al-Ahkam 一个有价值的手稿伊玛目穆罕默德伊本写的Ahmad ibn Salim Al- Saffärini Al-Hanbali (1114-1188 AH / 1702-1774 CE). There are two manuscripts available at Princeton University library in the United States of America and copies at Jum'ah Al-Mäjid Center for Culture and Heritage in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. Al-Safrarini explained " `Umdat Al Ahkäm" by Al-Häfiz Al-Jamma'ili. The latter, Al- Jamma'Ili collected Hadith jurisprudence from , Sahib Al-Bukhäri and Sahib Muslim. Al-Safrarini used both linguistic and jurisprudence explanations in addition to companions' biographies who narrated Hadith. I only edited Sales Chapter "Kitdb Al- Buyü "' form "Kashf Al-Lithäm". This research is divided into two parts: Study and Edition. The study contains three chapters. In the first chapter I introduce A1-Jammd'ili as follows: Name and Origins, Birth, Early Life and the Search for Knowledge, His Sheikhs, His Students, His Appreciation by Other Scholars, Academic Works, Qualities and Ethics, His Ordeal and His Death. The second chapter specifically introduces Al-Saffärini as follows: Author's Era, Name and Origins, Birth, Early Life and the Search for Knowledge, His Sheikhs, His Students, His Appreciation by Other Scholars, Academic Works, Qualities and Ethics and His Death. The third chapter contains a study of "Kashf A1- Litham" as follows: book title and its attribution to the author, description of the two manuscripts of the book, the book's significance, author's approach, author's sources, criticism of the book and editional methods. The edition aspect of the work was accurately completed by using an objective academic method to organise the text, supply punctuation marks, number pages, rewrite the text in accordance with modem rules of dictation, locate sürahs and verses, refer Hadiths to their sources, explain vague vocabulary, conform Qur'dnic texts to `Uthmani scripture, define idioms, verify jurisprudence issues, correct grammatical mistakes and describe eminent persons and places. The edition is concluded with general technical indexes Muhammad Ubadah Adi 2019-08-12T08:39:22Z 2019-08-12T08:39:22Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019-08-12T08:39:22Z Social and religious interaction and integration of Chinese Muslim converts with Malays in Kuala Lumpur an empirical study 本研究探讨细节的水平of the social and religious aspects of interaction and integration between Chinese Muslim converts and their Malay counterparts in Kuala Lumpur. I was sure that interaction and integration in both social and religious aspects are dilemmas which Chinese Muslims face when they convert from their own religion to Islam. It suggests that when these converts begin to practise Islam, their behaviour changes in line with the identity of the Malays. This is because Islam equates to Malay in the Malaysian context. I believed this behaviour contributes to the disintegration of their ethnic structures, and to rejection by their original ethnic group because of the social differences that emerge post-conversion. Whilst they are welcomed by their Malay counterparts, it is nevertheless hypothesized that they may not interact and integrate fully into the Malay socio-religious community. Therefore, I conducted this empirical research directly looking for the precise degree of such interaction and integration, and indirectly exploring in what kinds of Malay practices the converts participate most fully. The research is guided by several theories, methodologies and six hypothesis statements designed to narrow the investigation. Specifically, the research will be divided into many discussions. The introduction will discover the multi-ethnic situation in Malaysia and the objectives, scope and hypothesis statements of the research. The next chapter will give some of the concepts used in this research as well as identifying the problems of the converts. The next chapter will describe the historical background to the ethnic situation in Malaysia, focusing on the situation in Kuala Lumpur, where the research will be conducted. The subsequent chapter will focus on the design of the questionnaire to be presented to 600 selected respondents who are Chinese Muslim converts in Kuala Lumpur. The 600 respondents will represent 10% of the whole convert population. Then, in the next chapter will take place the processing and analysis of the returned questionnaires. The next chapter gives an account of the research findings, considered the backbone of this research, while the last chapter concentrates on the analysis of the research findings and on some suggestions that arise from them. Razaleigh B Muhamat 2017-07-14T09:47:36Z 2017-07-14T10:33:26Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2017-07-14T09:47:36Z Political history TV dramas and the representation of Confucian China : the regulation, emergence and politics of a new genre 以桥之间的知识差距指出Western and Chinese approaches to analysis of China’s TV media, this thesis sets out to propose an alternative methodological framework for investigation of the emergence, development and significance of a distinctive television genre categorised as ‘political history TV drama’ (PHTD), produced in Mainland China since the 1980s. Situating the genre in its historical and political contexts of production, I make particular reference to the orchestrating role of the Chinese state, the political re-articulation of Confucian values, and the reinventing of Chinese national identity. The thesis is composed of three parts. Part one includes the literature review of both Chinese and Western genre theory, followed by a discussion of further useful constructs to put in place the theoretical scaffolding for the study. In part two, the historical review concerns the production and political contexts of Chinese TV and TV drama in general. The third part applies this methodological framework to PHTD when contextualised in its Chinese setting, analysing its definitions, conventions, generic and cultural verisimilitudes, and hybridity. The third part is the core of the research, which investigates its rise to maturity, utilising a cultural and discursive account that encompasses: textual analysis; the study of its political and historical contexts; Chinese moral ideology and linguistics. A number of examples and case studies are examined as evidence for my perspective on questions of nationalism and Confucianism embedded in PHTD. The significance of this genre is in its reconstructed portrayal of the revived concept of a ‘patriarchal Confucian society’. Therefore, the thesis sets out the political, social and cultural landscape in which the genre is embedded in recognition of its representation of much more than just repackaged traditional narratives. In turn, this investigation helps to achieve a fuller understanding of the relation between political and intellectual forces, and the key role of nationalism combined with Confucianism in the media strategy of the Chinese authorities up until the first ten years of the 21st century Duo Luan 2016-04-06T13:38:52Z 2023-04-21T11:31:29Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2016-04-06T13:38:52Z Höfische Öffentlichkeit im frühmittelalterlichen China. Debatten im Salon des Prinzen Xiao Ziliang Thomas Jansen 2014-11-29T13:37:00Z 2016-02-18T11:53:46Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2014-11-29T13:37:00Z The Notion of the Machine Heart (ji xin 機心) in the Zhuangz i:the ethical relationship between technology and nature. In Chapter One, my discussion starts with an appraisal of what the ancient Chinese understood by the human Heart (xin 心). It points to the unhelpful avenues that can occur so easily with interpretations that involve ideas concerning mind, emotions, physical organs and the like as they lead us to the limiting dimensions of dualism that depicts human beings in terms of mind and flesh. The concept of Heart epitomizes everything that is the core of humanity, and for each individual encompasses the personality, psychological, physiological and behavioural traits as well as ideas that we more readily associate with it within the emotive sphere. The Heart is the energy-centre that influences the whole person; the life-giving force that can so easily become diverted by thought patterns arising from a thirst for knowledge and classification of the world. The Zhuangzi urges the Heart to be stilled in order to find the true knowledge that arises from innate nature (xing 性). A central premise of this dissertation is that the Heart should be considered as the personal locus that defines our relationship to nature, whether that relationship is symbiotic and co-operative or anthropocentric and exploitative.Chapter Two surveys the Gardener’s dialogue with Zigong from a variety of contemporary ethical perspectives. It aims to discover whether, from today’s point of view where technology has become the hallmark of modern culture, we can find an analysis of the relationship between technology and nature that helps us to understand the Gardener’s radical position that those engaged with machinery are bound to develop a ‘Machine Heart’. Chapter Three explores ‘machine’ part of the Machine Heart (ji xin 機心). It discusses the etymology of ji (機) in order to fully understand what such a Heart might entail. The discussion focuses on the idea, proposed by Barry Allen that only certain kinds of machine belong to dao technology. I ask whether there can be a dao technology, given the strictures in the Zhuangzi. In Chapter Four I turn to Heidegger’s analysis of technology as framed in his essay The Question concerning Technology to elucidate the technological mindset that corresponds to the Zhuangzi’s Machine Heart. Heidegger’s premise that we have used technology to work on recalcitrant matter in order to make its hidden essence constantly available for a complex mesh of interrelated human needs may be expressed more coherently and extensively than the ideas contained the Zhuangzi’s parable of the Gardener; however, the underlying concerns are the same. Technology disempowers nature; rivers are not allowed to flow according to their natural rhythms; trees are not allowed to reach maturity; and animals must flee from human beings in order to preserve their lives. In a world so harnessed and forced into the various uniform moulds of technology, human beings can no longer share the rhythms of the cosmos, and imperil their innate inner nature that thrives on a non-acquisitive co-being with the natural world. Chapter Five, the final part of this dissertation, examines how the Zhuangzi depicts the emergence of the Machine Heart from the development of language. I argue that the Zhuangzi’s polemic against Confucian nominalism is connected to two important strands in the text. Firstly, it relates to the idea that the Heart needs to be stilled, to be starved of external stimuli that result in the constant verbal analysis of the world. Secondly, the Zhuangzi associates naming and classifying all entities in the world as a form of harnessing the inner essence or power of the thing. The Zhuangzi, as indeed the Daodejing, both warn against excessive cutting up of reality through language. I conclude the dissertation by commenting on Zhuangzi’s warning that all perspectives and values are relative. Bearing in mind the imperative that technology places on us to value the useful, the Zhuangzi controversially suggests that we may have much to learn by studying the useless. Krystyna Krajewska 2014-11-29T13:24:00Z 2016-03-20T15:35:58Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2014-11-29T13:24:00Z Self-reported benefits of participating in the Lee Style Taijiquan. 作出简要的探索的起源f the Daoist walk in the Lee Family Style Taijiquan. This walk is situated within the Chinese perspective of a subtle body, and a survey of the internal landscape of the body, its deities, and its relationship with the cosmos is identified. The phenomenon of qi is investigated in relation to the subtle body and Taijiquan. The value of Taijiquan and meditation is then examined, for these techniques have been practised to facilitate health promotion and self-defence for many years. A brief account of the Taijiquan of the Lee family system in the west is also provided. Evaluation of the growth of Taijiquan in the west and its alleged health benefits is reviewed, identifying the contrast between holistic eastern notions of health and western approaches of mind and body dualism. Analysis of a Healing Manual produced by the Lee Family System Taijiquan was undertaken to identify the focus of health intervention. This was then compared with data gathered from diaries kept by Taijiquan participants and afocus group of Taijiquan participants, in order to ascertain their reasons for attending Taijiquan classes and the benefits they felt they gained from attending, in order to identify any correlations. It was identified that the Taijiquan participants had different motivations for attending the class, some having a strong belief in energies and healing, whilst others attended purely as a leisure activity. However, whatever the reason for attending the classes it would seem that the practice of Taijiquan, the Daoist walk, and breathing exercises have an important role to play in enhancing the coping mechanisms of its participants. Giving participants enhanced mood, peacefulness, calmness, and de-stressing them. The value of Taijiquan for these participant is to provide a haven for peace and relaxation which is beneficial for spiritual and general well-being. Julie Ann Snowden 2014-11-28T09:23:22Z 2016-03-20T15:30:08Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2014-11-28T09:23:22Z 'Self-power' and 'other power' in Chinese spirituality What is Chinese spirituality? There is no ready answer for us to give. The difficulty of defining Chinese spirituality is threefold. Firstly, the diversity of religion in China is much greater than in many other cultures, which manifests itself in several religious traditions such as Confucianism, Daoism, Buddhism and folk religion. This phenomenon of a single environment, locality and culture encompassing a number of diverse spiritual beliefs and practices has added enormous difficulties to the formation of a single form of spirituality. Secondly, to each tradition many streams are attached that develop in different directions. Although sharing the basic principles, these streams or strings do not always converge towards one set of spiritual pursuits, which have placed more weight on divergence rather than convergence. Thirdly, since the very beginning there have been two layers of religious life in China, one at the level of the intellectuals or upper classes, and the other of ordinary people. People living at these two levels do not always think in the same way in terms of religious faiths and practices. What appeals to ordinary peasants, manual workers and artisans would probably have been simply brushed aside as superstitions or ignorant beliefs by the educated. Fully aware of the problems in defining Chinese spirituality precisely, this paper attempts to examine the most representative aspects of religious practices concerning the approaches that have been taken in Chinese religions in order to attain the spiritual goal and the implications that each of these approaches would have for religious followers. Xinzhong Yao 2014-11-13T17:51:46Z 2016-03-20T15:59:51Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2014-11-13T17:51:46Z Shamanic gender liminality with specific reference to the NatKadaw of Myanmar and the Bissu of Sulawesi. This piece of research sets out to discover why co-gendered shamans are flourishing in Myanmar but have all but disappeared on Sulawesi. A review of the literature, firstly, on shamanic liminality in general and, secondly, shamanic gender liminality in particular, reveals that there are three main ways of linking gender liminality with becoming a shaman. In the first the calling comes beforehand and becoming cogendered follows afterwards. In the second being co-gendered comes first and the calling follows. In the third, there is no intrinsic link between gender liminality and becoming a shaman. The first type seems no longer to exist. Fieldwork among the Bugis people on Sulawesi reveals that the second type is just surviving while fieldwork in Myanmar shows that the third type is flourishing but with co-gendered shamans now forming the majority. By interviewing NatKadaw, Burmese shamans, and studying the nature of society in Myanmar, it becomes apparent that there are many reasons to explain why co-gendered NatKadaw have become so numerous and so popular. Buddhism, however, is the over-arching factor. On Sulawesi, once again a combination of interviews and a study of the island’s history reveals the complexity behind the decline in numbers of the Bissu, the Bugis shamans. Again religion is the over-arching factor – in this case Islam. The study concludes, however, that in spite of the differences between the NatKadaw and the Bissu, there is a tendency for both to become entertainers albeit that the NatKadaw are popular entertainers while the Bissu were until recently involved largely in high art. At the moment, however, the Bissu are rejecting the entertainment route and are developing in two different directions. Kevin Michael Purday 2014-10-30T18:41:46Z 2023-01-27T16:28:03Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2014-10-30T18:41:46Z A question of identity : who were the Galatians? 本文试图回答这个研究question: who were the Galatians? It focuses on their identity over the period when they are known to history, from about 279 BCE to the sixth or eighth century CE. Chapter 1 presents the research question and the four subsidiary questions, which mirror the order and structure of the following four chapters. This is followed by a brief historiography of the Galatians, and justification for the dissertation. The concept of identity is then discussed, and a model that recognises identity as containing both sameness and difference or otherness is adopted for the study. The varying uses of the word ‘Celt’ are discussed. The Celtic invasions of Greece are then described as a prelude to their entry to Asia Minor as mercenaries. Chapter 2 concerns the arrival of the Galatians in Asia Minor, their settlements, socio-political organisation, religion, and relations with the Romans. Contemporary sources are plentiful, supplemented by modern archaeological investigations, so a distinct Galatian identity is discernible. Chapter 3 discusses St Paul’s Letter to the Galatians in 48/49 CE, and the North and South Galatian theories. Evidence of Galatian identity, on the basis of the Letter and the unresolved state of the theories, is weak. Chapter 4 analyses the main features of the remnants of the Galatian language and concludes that because they are mostly variants of Gaulish, they are a weak marker of Galatian identity. A theory that some Galatian words may survive in modern Turkish is examined and dismissed. Chapter 5 summarises the argument of the dissertation and concludes that evidence of Galatian identity is strong as far as our knowledge of their settlements and socio-political organisation are concerned. Evidence for their identity is, however, weak in the case of the Pauline Galatians and the remnants of the Galatian language. Tom Norton 2014-10-30T17:50:52Z 2016-02-25T14:22:22Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2014-10-30T17:50:52Z Defining the alter orbis : the Roman view of Parthia in the early Principate During the reign of Augustus the idea of Parthian Empire as an alter orbis was developed. For the Romans of the early Principate, the kingdom of the Arsacids represented the antithesis of their own values, embodying the vices of despotism and licentiousness. In the absence of a decisive military victory, the Roman people used this image of the Parthians to assert their own sense of superiority, while also acknowledging the formidable military strength of their eastern neighbour. This depiction of the Parthians (and later the Persians) was to persist throughout the centuries, despite increased contact through diplomacy and trade. As a result, the rivalry between the two powers never diminished, despite long periods of relative peace. The purpose of this dissertation is to examine the various ways in which this view of Parthia was developed during the early Principate, both in the literature of the period and also in the iconography, such as coinage and public monuments. I shall discuss the influence of earlier attitudes towards the ‘oriental’ East, particularly those of the Greeks, and the impact these had on the Roman mentality. In doing so, I shall examine why this view of the Parthians, once established, became so dominant. Finally I shall demonstrate how the Roman people used this image of an alter orbis to come to terms with the presence of a powerful neighbour, while at the same time maintaining a sense of hostility towards Parthia. Steven Hill 2014-09-26T08:31:05Z 2016-03-20T16:20:08Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2014-09-26T08:31:05Z Sir William Jones (1746-1794) and Islamic studies. The dissertation considers the life and work of Sir William Jones, a significant figure in the field of Orientalism and a judge in the Bengal Supreme Court. The life and career of Jones is described ,with emphasis on his interests in the Arabic, Persian and Sanskrit languages. A review of literature relating to Jones gives a comparative account of how his work and actions were perceived by commentators and how those perceptions changed in more recent studies of his work. The major part of the dissertation deals with the work of Jones in translating legal texts, with particular attention paid to his last work on Mohamedan laws of intestacy, as part of the plan to administer native laws. The work is considered in the context of the Shari’a and Islamic jurisprudence, the work of Muslim jurists and their function. Consideration is given to the impact of his work, and that of others on the development of Anglo-Mohamedan law. Jones’s contribution to the early development of Oriental studies is evaluated. The significance of Jones to Islamic Studies is assessed, showing that his work and actions were instrumental in affecting the laws of a Muslim society by the introduction of colonialist concepts and practices. The dissertation contains a Glossary of Key Terms and a Bibliography. Owen Watkin 2013-12-05T14:35:38Z 2020-01-22T13:42:44Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2013-12-05T14:35:38Z Open Books 威廉姆斯被馆长邀请玛丽hust欺诈tribute to Open Books, an exhibition of Chinese ink paintings and folding books from the early twentieth century to the present. The exhibition is part of Decanter Ink, an annual programme organized by Sanshang Museum of Contemporary Art, Hangzhou, China, to promote ideas about Chinese ink painting and culture. Williams’s contribution extends her interest in the capacity of art to express or address personal and group identities amidst competing political, social and cultural forces. Her book explores Chinese women’s conceptions of their sexuality, especially when they are confronted by Western representations of women, and in relation to differences between male–female communication in China and the West. The book continues Williams’s creation of forms that can display tension or unease through the mixing of media, also evident in her other REF submission. In this case, she combines pictures from western magazines with imagery found on the streets of China. The exhibition opened at Sanshang Museum of Contemporary Art in November 2013, and there is an accompanying catalogue, produced by the museum. From there, the exhibition will tour to Australia (Logan Art Gallery, Queensland), Hong Kong (Hui Gallery, Chinese University of Hong Kong) India and the USA over the next two years. Sue Williams