研究库:无条件。结果订购-存放日期。 2021 - 09 - 04 - t11:06:28z eprint https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/images/sitelogo.png https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/ 2021 - 06 - 18岁t15:09:12z 2021 - 06 - 18岁t15:09:12z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1707 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/1707 2021 - 06 - 18岁t15:09:12z 马可福音里的信心和失败 马可福音中的人物都是生动活泼的,在他的主要任务中是呈现上帝之子耶稣基督的好消息(可1:1)。在他的主要人物中有门徒(包括十二门徒)和一系列次要人物,他们中的许多人被描绘成积极的一面,经常充当门徒、耶稣的家人和宗教权威的陪衬。比较这些角色对另一个的知识、信念和勇气,与耶稣的故事和否定和失败的出现成为马克的主要主题渗透整个叙事,即人类故意视而不见的vis公/ vis外观的弥赛亚。虽然马可最初对门徒的描述是正面的,但他们开始表现出缺乏理解,然后变成误解,最终以拒绝而告终。尽管耶稣在私人教导中与他们接触,他们缺乏信心和缺陷继续使他的使命处于危险之中,他们从“内行”,接受神国的秘密(4:11a)变得更像“外行”(6:52;17 18应承担的;cf。4:11b 12)。即使他们的困惑关于耶稣的身份部分解决和彼得在该撒利亚腓立比的忏悔,他们固执的误解messiahship导致失明意味着什么阻止他们承认十字架的路,弥赛亚必须遍历和接受的全部影响真正的门徒。在叙述中,马克提供了一个相反的肖像选定的次要人物。这些人物展示了上帝统治的工作,他们在故事中的出现是对门徒的否定的一种平衡。 Mark divides these characters into two broad categories: the first are those who evince faith in Jesus and his proclamation on the incoming of the kingdom of God. They willingly repent and put their whole faith in God who acts through Jesus. The second category contains those characters who by their words, actions, or by their identities, convey the significance of service in the incoming kingdom and their role in the narrative is that of as exemplars of true discipleship. Accordingly they function as foils for Jesus’ disciples. Mark’s depiction of Jesus’ disciples has caused much scholarly debate concerning his possible theological motivations. Many scholars take the view that Mark’s theology incorporates a generally favourable estimation of the disciples, others that his depiction of them is balanced and a third group avows a primarily negative portrait. This dissertation is therefore an investigative and analytical study into Mark’s presentation of the failures of the disciples contrasted with the faith of the minor characters in his gospel and an exposition of the possible theological motives for the perceived ambiguities in his treatment of the disciples. Each of these motives will be considered in order to determine which of them is most likely to have been the author’s driving force. 巴里·l·特莱诺尔 2018 - 04 - 24 - t09:20:09z 2020 - 01 - 16 t14:13:22z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/893 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/893 2018 - 04 - 24 - t09:20:09z 创造、环境与伦理 丽贝卡•汉弗莱斯 670371 2016 - 08 - 12 - t08:41:59z 2017 - 02年- 21 - t15:08:55z https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/651 该项目位于存储库中,URL为:https://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/651 2016 - 08 - 12 - t08:41:59z 修正转变:迈向基督徒生活的系统的原始福音范例。 在当代教会中,“转变”一词的使用已变得司空见惯。然而,人们对它的理解往往是错误的。这项研究提供了一个原始的综合,指出教会需要表达和实践一个完整的、综合的、有效的和独特的基督教的转变的愿景。自我认同的“福音派”继续探索真正转变的可能性。现在,关于基督教形成的本质和过程的观点越来越多,其中一些试图通过普世的“资源”或跨学科的方法进行修正。这些经常相互冲突的方法留下了一幅以多元主义、分裂、分裂、混乱、相对主义、个人主义、实用主义和主观主义为特征的图景。尽管福音主义被一些人视为一种试图将教会拉回原型信仰的复辟主义运动,但自我认同的“福音派”在他们的信仰和实践上明显表现出不同。缺乏一个共同的、连贯的和综合的远景,以及缺乏转变本身,往往被简单地接受和肯定。在这篇论文中,它被争论到,唯一的方法是通过一个建立在理性语言真理的基础上的方法,来走向一个有凝聚力的,综合的,广泛的,有效的和独特的基督教的转变神学的观点的可能性。这种方法以J. I. Packer为代表。 His approach to integrating the concerns of theology and spirituality is used as the initial basis towards pursuing a “proto-evangelical” approach to Christian formation. In order to determine the breadth of Packer’s approach, he is brought into dialogue with Maximus Confessor. This critical conversation between two “theologians of the Christian life” allows exploration into the scope and diversity of a distinctly Christian view of transformation, and the seeking out of common characteristics in its nature and practice. This all provides a solid basis upon which to be able to outline an original synthesis. 大卫我斯科特