Research Repository: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited. 2021-10-30T09:58:28Z EPrints 2021-06-18T15:09:12Z 2021-06-18T15:09:12Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2021-06-18T15:09:12Z Faith and failure in the gospel of Mark The characters in Mark’s Gospel are animated and are of fundamental importance in his primary task of presenting the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God (Mk 1:1). Among his key characters are the disciples (including the Twelve) and an array of minor characters, many of whom are portrayed in a positive light and often function as foils for the disciples, Jesus’ family and the religious authorities. These characters are compared against one another in terms of their knowledge, faith and courage and in relation to Jesus, and the story of negation and failure which emerges becomes one of Mark’s primary motifs permeating the entire narrative, i.e. the wilful blindness of humanity vis‐à‐vis the appearance of its Messiah. Although Mark’s initial representation of the disciples is positive, they begin to demonstrate a lack of understanding which then becomes misunderstanding, eventually culminating in rejection. In spite of Jesus engaging with them in private teaching, their lack of faith and deficiencies continue to place his mission in jeopardy and they move from being ‘insiders’, who receive the secret of the kingdom of God (4:11a) to becoming more like ‘outsiders’ (6:52; 8:17‐18; cf. 4:11b‐12). Even when their confusion concerning Jesus’ identity is partially resolved with Peter’s confession at Caesarea Philippi, their obstinate misunderstanding of what messiahship means results in blindness preventing them from recognising the way of the cross which the Messiah must traverse and from accepting the full implications of true discipleship. In the narrative, Mark offers a converse portrait of select minor characters. These characters exhibit the work of the rule of God and their inclusion in the story serves as a counterbalance to the negation of the disciples. Mark divides these characters into two broad categories: the first are those who evince faith in Jesus and his proclamation on the incoming of the kingdom of God. They willingly repent and put their whole faith in God who acts through Jesus. The second category contains those characters who by their words, actions, or by their identities, convey the significance of service in the incoming kingdom and their role in the narrative is that of as exemplars of true discipleship. Accordingly they function as foils for Jesus’ disciples. Mark’s depiction of Jesus’ disciples has caused much scholarly debate concerning his possible theological motivations. Many scholars take the view that Mark’s theology incorporates a generally favourable estimation of the disciples, others that his depiction of them is balanced and a third group avows a primarily negative portrait. This dissertation is therefore an investigative and analytical study into Mark’s presentation of the failures of the disciples contrasted with the faith of the minor characters in his gospel and an exposition of the possible theological motives for the perceived ambiguities in his treatment of the disciples. Each of these motives will be considered in order to determine which of them is most likely to have been the author’s driving force. Barry L. Trainor 2020-04-06T09:36:02Z 2020-04-06T09:36:02Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2020-04-06T09:36:02Z From Irritants to Satisfaction: A Model of a Theory of Meaning Applied to Reading the‘Sabbath of the LORD’ Motif In Exodus 16 圣经研究的转变,因为Enl的时代ightenment from the so-called positivist (i.e. modernist) paradigm to the postpositivist (i.e. postmodern) paradigm has become a matter of (de)centralisation of meaning and interpretation. To contribute to the topic, I argue that there is a need for both a composite postpositivist theory of meaning and a model that can explain the phenomenon of the so-called vicious circle in interpretation. I propose a theory of interpretative relativity, and a model based on the telephoto effect of an actual zoom lens. According to this theory and the zoom lens model, the force which compels the interpretation is the reader’s (dis)satisfaction with his/her paradigm. Furthermore, the apparent inconsistencies within the text, as well as between the text and its background, will appear greater as the reader centralises his/her view/focus on the text (i.e. becomes cognitively closer to it). In contrast, during the process of decentralisation, the same discrepancies will appear smaller. The only way out of the vicious circle of reasoning within the reader's subjective view of the compiled text is by following textual clues about relations of dependence between that and other texts. These relations can cause the reader to discover a new paradigm which can challenge his/her current paradigm. This shift of the reader’s paradigm is seen as the only way out from the vicious circle. To develop the composite theory of meaning, I have modified the following postpositivist theories: Thomas Kuhn’s theory of paradigms, Mikhail Bakhtin’s theory of literary criticism, Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wilson’s theory of relevance. This model of interpretation is furthermore applied to reading the ‘Sabbath of the LORD’ motif in the narrative in Exodus 16. It is suggested that the research should be continued by applying this model to reading biblical texts of other genres. Arne Bredesen