Research Repository: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited. 2023-04-08T22:21:56Z EPrints 2022-09-22T10:27:31Z 2023-02-02T11:34:13Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2022-09-22T10:27:31Z The Emergence of a Scholar from a Garrison Society: A contextual analysis of Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhāb's doctrine in the light of the Qur’ān and Hadīth 许多学者已经导致了伊斯兰西奥logical discourse. Amongst them was Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhāb (1703-1792), a Sunni scholar, who still influences Muslims today, encouraging them to ‘revert’ to his view of ‘orthodox’ Islam and to follow the original practices of the Prophet Muhammad. The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS),among others, claimed to follow his teachings. The re-establishment of what Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhāb argued to be ‘monotheism’ in the worship of God was pivotal to his mission in the 18th century, opposing traditions which he considered to be contradictory to the practices of the Qur’ān and the Prophetic tradition. He therefore engaged in eradicating the veneration of saints and what he perceived to be ‘idolatrous’ ceremonies at their tombs, which in his view attributed divinity to individual humans. He urged all Muslims to adhere to what he proclaimed to be the correct interpretation of the Qur’ān and Hadīth, advocating the return to the early Islamic theological teachings and practices of the Prophet Muhammad and his companions while rejecting, what he believed to be innovation (bid’ah) within the Islamic religion. His doctrine is claimed to be justified by a conception of a ‘puritan’ traditionalist theology, entirely based on Islamic scriptures and his monolithic and literal understanding of the first three generations of Islam. Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhāb’s ideas were not met with approval, his own father disagreed with him, while he was challenged and denounced by his older brother, the Islamic theologian and jurist Sulaymān Ibn Abd al-Wahhāb (1699–1793/94) who wrote a deprecating refutation against him and his doctrine. Apart from intra-Muslim theological disputes amongst his contemporaries, his doctrine – and his interpretation of the scriptures – still have repercussions for modern Muslim theological discourses who use traditionalist scholars to engage in critical dialogue with other theologians and philosophers. This research analyses the approach, understanding and reasoning of Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhāb’s doctrine and to critically examine his interpretation of the Qur’ān and Hadīth. In order to discern his methodology and his usage of these primary Islamic texts, this research engages with the Qur’ān, Hadīth, exegetical commentaries, historical and contemporary work as well as epistles from Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhāb’s opposing contemporaries. The findings of this research provide a critical re-assessment of Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhāb and his theological understanding of Islamic doctrine with the aim to aid dialogue amongst contemporary Muslims in order to prevent the misinterpretation of his theology for advocacy of extreme ideology in Islam. Shahajada Md Musa 2022-07-07T14:19:46Z 2022-07-07T14:19:46Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2022-07-07T14:19:46Z Islamic environmental ethics: a model for shaping Muslim attitudes in helping to promote environmental education, awareness and activism 包含在Qura环保主题n and the traditions of the Islamic faith are some of the most understudied and largely ignored concepts within the Islamic educational landscape. Amid the severity of the environmental crisis there has been a growing interest in the subject area of Islamic environmental ethics by scholars who have elucidated the environmental themes contained within the Quran and the traditions of the faith. These scholarly works have helped to raise awareness and revive Islam’s ecological ethic, inspiring many Muslims worldwide to translate some of its principles into practice. Islam’s foundational educational institutions, however,still remains a vital but underutilised learning centre for imparting Islam’s ecological teachings. This thesis provides a review of the historical development of environmental ethics and the growing interest amongst scholars to coalesce religion and science to help tackle the environmental crisis. This work explores and presents an Islamic theological perspective of the environmental crisis. The concepts of tawḥīd, the Covenants, and the Attributes of God are significant themes within the Quran and these are explored, together with Islam’s five pillars of faith, to show their significance in the development of Islamic Environmental Ethics. The study affirms the importance of presenting a holistic view of Islam’s ecological teachings and concepts with a transformative approach which can help to educate, inspire and change the perceptions and behaviours within the British Muslim communities. Using Islamic concepts, based upon tawḥīd and the covenantal obligations, it puts forward a theocentric ecological ethics which can help to change attitudes, lifestyles and reinvigorate a spirituality that will create a metaphysical view of the world based on these Quranic concepts. The work provides an incentive to Muslim communities to introduce Islamic environmental ethics into teaching curriculums and to create alliances and inter-faith dialogue to help better the environment and create future leaders and academics in both the secular and religious environmental disciplines. Aminur Khosru Rahman 2022-06-16T13:41:18Z 2022-07-01T01:02:40Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2022-06-16T13:41:18Z A perspective on Islamic legal methodology in terms of objectives of law: (a comparative analysis with special reference to English equity and Istihsan) This study examines the development of Islamic legal methodology in terms of the principles laid down by the Prophet and strictly followed by the companions. These principles manifest an underlying theme or objective for the development of Islamic legal methodology: the law must be interpreted in terms of human interest, for achieving benefit and avoiding harm. Islamic history has subsequently seen tensions between proponents of innovative legal methods which were not in accordance with the principles introduced by the Prophet and his companions. Accordingly, this thesis will trace to what extent the legal methodology developed in terms of this objective of law, during the three major stages which began with the Prophet followed by his companions and then up to the time of Ibn Taymiyah (d.728/1327AC), and its role in the twenty-first century. Although the main focus of this thesis is on the overall development of the methodology in the context of the objective of its law, the subsidiary sources of Islamic law, like istihsan had an important role, just as equity has in the English legal system. Not surprisingly, therefore, istihsan, the earliest, most flexible and versatile of the subsidiary sources which have broader objectives, is claimed to be similar, if not identical, to equity. Both have contributed in different ways to the development of the respective legal methodologies. Therefore, because of their many similarities but also because they are structured differently and operating at different levels, they are also analysed here in relation to legal methodology. This allows an examination within the context of objectives of law, as to whether there is any new role for Istihsan in the overall development of Islamic legal methodology, to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century. Mohamed Haniffa Mohamed Razik 2022-05-06T14:01:29Z 2022-12-09T10:00:46Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2022-05-06T14:01:29Z Aspects of Islam and social coexistence: the case of Britain This study deals with coexistence between Muslims and non-Muslims in the British society in the social context from an Islamic perspective. It identifies factors working for achieving coexistence between Muslims and non-Muslims in Britain. It also deals with factors that could undermine that coexistence. Then, it proposes certain ways for overcoming or, at least, reducing these factors. The study conducts a critical analytical reading of relevant studies and uncovers their defects. It then presents an operational definition of coexistence. This is helpful in designing the questionnaires' statements and analyzing their results. The questionnaires are structured around four main areas, namely cultural and social; values and traditions; living together; and finally behaviour and relationships. By tapping into these areas it is hoped that the research will be able to understand many prevailing social phenomena and identify the cultural and religious backgrounds, as well as the customs and traditions which interpret these phenomena. The questionnaires' have been subjected to scientific statistical analysis that helps to interpret the social phenomenon under study. In addition, a descriptive analytical methodology has been adopted to achieve integration between the statistical method and sociological approach in analyzing this phenomenon. The study reviews the uses of statistics in the Islamic experience and theoretical aspects of the statistical criteria. It show s how questionnaires' results were reached and examines their significance regarding representation of the sample's community. In conclusion, we have arrived at a number of alternative forms of Muslims' integration in order to achieve peaceful coexistence between the non-Muslims and the Muslims of the United Kingdom. We have also focused on Muslims' view on integration and its various alternatives and coexistence mechanisms, which we have divided into cognitive mechanisms concerning the activation of social studies in British universities and practical mechanisms in social reality on the levels of individuals and civil society organizations. The present study proposes several research criteria for future studies to be based on issues and problems of coexistence between Muslims and non-Muslims in Britain. Amr M. Khalid 2021-06-18T14:27:22Z 2021-06-18T15:13:44Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2021-06-18T14:27:22Z An Analysis of whether the Metaphysics of Causation as presented by Muslim philosophers is consistent with the Qurʾānic concept of Miracles. The subject of causality has been a battleground of philosophical speculation dating from the Hellenistic period to its reception in the Muslim world and development therein. The four causes discussed by Aristotle and their concomitant problems were avidly accepted by Muslim philosophers especially of the peripatetic persuasion who were recipients of Hellenic thought through the Graeco‐Arabic translation movement. The metaphysic of causation along with other problems such as the issue of the eternity of the universe, the problem of universals, the attributes and knowledge of God or the theory of emanation was of the most important philosophical speculation, argumentation and diatribe amongst the falāsifa and mutakallimūn. The aforementioned philosophical ideas bought to light contentions (or lack of) with the revealed cannon of Islam as expressed in the indubitable source of the Qurʾān and Sunnah. The canonical sources lay emphasis upon miraculous happenings in human history through the agency of God or his chosen prophets and the teleological aims of the creator God. I will be looking at this aspect of the perceived contention between philosophy and revelation in the Islamicate tradition. The idea of miracles being an imprint or impact of God in the course of history that belies reason and natural laws was a reason why empiricists of western philosophical thought such as Hume rendered miracles implausible and major theologians as Ghazālī to castigate the philosophers for their insistence on causal theories that undermine scriptural integrity and absolute freedom of God. I will provide a detailed discussion on causality as viewed by the Muslim philosophers engaged with Greek (mainly Aristotelian) theories of causation. I will be making use of Bidāya al Ḥikmah of Muḥammad Ḥusayn Ṭabāṭabāʾī as a reference point for understanding the metaphysics of causation in an Islamicate reception. Philosophy in the Islamic world progressed on a synthetically and the recent period Ṭabāṭabāʾī lived in represents hitherto, a culmination of centuries long discourse and speculation by brilliant Muslim thinkers and philosophers. The nature of miracles as presented in the Quran, the scriptural authority for all Muslims. The definition of a miracle as provided by early philologists and exegetes is presented along with theological analyses of the nature of miracles as presented by Muslim theologians. A key work will be the magnum opus of Ṭabāṭabāʾī in the field of Qurʾānic exegesis, al mīzān fi tafsīr al Qurʾān. Ahmer Zamir Shah 2021-03-15T15:24:08Z 2021-03-15T15:24:08Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2021-03-15T15:24:08Z Evaluation of Islamic perspectives regarding a medical condition known as disorders of sex development (DSD) This study is conducted so as to evaluate Sunni Islamic perspectives concerning the medical issue known as Disorders of Sex Development (DSD). DSD is defined as a congenital condition in which development of chromosomal, gonadal or anatomical sex is atypical. It is a condition in which sex ambiguity occurs and can be detected within the scope of biological distraction. This issue is crucial since it severely impacts upon the identity of the patients and will lead to lower quality of life if the case is not managed in the best way. In Islam, these issues are typically considered in the context of khunūthah (hermaphroditism), which remained unchanged in nature. However, current biomedical technology has increased our insight into this complex condition. Biomedical studies have appeared to provide a large amount of information on abnormal human biological development. However, the connection between these two fields has been given little attention. Dynamism of Islamic perspectives is required to resolve biomedical issues over gender ambiguity. This research sets out, in order, to: i) conduct an in-depth research study from Islamic perspectives on cases related to sex ambiguity in terms of various types of khunthā and associated gender assignment by taking into account the type and the extent of the condition of DSD the patient is currently being faced with; ii) identify the Islamic bioethical underpinnings for DSD conditions affecting gender assignment, treatment and the decision-making process; and iii) determine the need for the involvement of Muslim scholars in a multidisciplinary team to manage patients with DSD. As cultural context is inseparable from biomedical ethics, this study is conducted by acknowledging its regional context of South East Asian especially in exploring the latter objective in Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore. The data is collected through analysis of written material, in-depth interviews and questionnaires. The findings show the connection between khunūthah and DSD and the underlying concept of Islamic biomedical ethics opens a way to progressively move with current biotechnological findings on human biological development. It also becomes a tool in managing Muslim patients with DSD with regard to the gender assignment, the treatment and the decision-making process with the involvement of Muslim scholars in a multidisciplinary team. Taqwa Zabidi 2021-01-22T15:00:00Z 2021-04-20T12:26:08Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2021-01-22T15:00:00Z Relationality and the Gadamerian “Horizontverschmelzung”: Khaled Abou El Fadl While the notion of philosophical hermeneutics and its impact on discourses of Islamic law and ethics have been a continuous feature of comparative and religious study in the recent past, this has tended to take the form of theoretical and largely textual hermeneutical readings. This article aims to examine the instances of the occurrence of one particular aspect of the philosophical hermeneutical canon, the Gadamerian notion of horizontverschmelzung, within the work of the contemporary Islamic legal thinker, Khaled Abou El Fadl. In doing so, the article focuses on the way in which the notion of horizontverschmelzung is used by Khaled Abou El Fadl both explicitly, in his textual work, and implicitly, in the performance of his broader methodological project. This dual dynamic is made apparent in his work that aims to engage with debates that are internal to the Muslim community, such as those over the process of the interpretation of the Shari'a, and those that involve the Muslim community's relationship with the West, such as those to do with representation and identity. This dynamic is a vital consideration for the further understanding of contemporary forms of philosophical hermeneutics in the islamicate context and the legal and social work of Khaled Abou El Fadl. Angus Slater 702363 2020-04-06T09:05:24Z 2020-04-06T09:05:24Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2020-04-06T09:05:24Z Fatawa and their development since the early Islamic era In recent years, the study of Muslims and Islam has increased due to the current political climate and various conflicts around the world. The issuing of Islamic legal rulings, otherwise known as fatāwā, has drawn interest from Muslims and non-Muslims. This paper seeks to discuss the development of fatāwā from the early Islamic era and its importance to Muslims throughout history. The prominence of the internet and social media has been integral in the dissemination of Islamic rulings throughout the world in the current age. In effect, this has given a platform to many individuals who possess varying levels of Islamic scholarship to issue legal reasoning at will. The author discusses polarisation and confusion within the Muslim community due to Islamic legal rulings being so vastly available on the internet. Several fatāwā are presented to show the disparity in interpreting Islamic jurisprudence; as a result, a single enquiry regarding ritual worship by a layman may produce multiple answers based on different understandings of the Qur’ān and Hadīth (Prophetic statements). Likewise, the author discusses the classical Islamic ideal regarding the role of a mufti (an issuer of Islamic legal rulings) and how this has changed. Classically, a mufti was perceived as an individual who possessed knowledge of various sciences and exhibited great piety; his views would be highly instrumental in shaping the methodology practiced by Muslims. At present, the credentials of a web muftī are obscure which has made their work difficult to accept or critique. This research paper details such issues and highlights how the concept of fatāwā has changed from the early Islamic era to the current, digital age. Mohammed Subhan Dalvi 2020-02-12T14:43:58Z 2022-12-09T10:20:32Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2020-02-12T14:43:58Z Pulling the plug - An Islamic Perspective of the Withdrawal of Life-Sustaining Treatment The aim of this dissertation is to investigate the Islamic perspective on Withdrawal of Life-Sustaining Treatment (WLST). This has been accomplished by analysing and evaluating the primary and secondary sources of Islamic law. A special focus has been factoring within the scope of this study the maqāṣid (Goals of Shari’a) and qawāid (juristic maxims) approach. The findings of this study have helped synthesise an Islamic approach and perspective on WLST that can help improve clinical effectiveness, enhance the patient experience and does not compromise the safety, values and beliefs of the patient. Siddiq Diwan 2020-02-06T11:42:07Z 2020-02-06T11:42:07Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2020-02-06T11:42:07Z Growth and challenges of the Islamic banking system: A perspective of the British Bangladeshi Muslim Community in London, United Kingdom 近年来,一直在增加Islamic banking compared with conventional banking. This research aims to explore and determine potential factors pertaining to the growth of the Islamic banking system in the banking and finance industry and asks the following questions: i) Which factors influence the British Bangladeshi Muslim Community (BBMC) in Greater London regarding adopting the Islamic banking system? ii) Do the Muslim scholar's inconsistent views create any confusion about or obstacles to the growth and development of the Islamic banking system? In this study, the researcher used a mixed methodology. From Greater London, 165 British Bangladeshi and Bangladeshi by citizen status Muslims participated and shared their views through the questionnaire. In addition, the researcher conducted 17 interviews with prominent British Bangladeshi Muslim Community members, such as Muslim Scholars, community leaders, banking practitioners and Islamic bank Shariah Board Members. The SPSS 22 software programme was employed for the data analysis. The findings indicate that, in the BBMC, religious beliefs, faith and obligation play a prominent role in the adoption of Islamic banking rather than conventional banking. The UK’s financial regulators are playing a decisive role in this growth and development. Furthermore, a higher level of commitment has evolved amongst BBMC members towards the growth of this banking system, despite a lack of understanding of it, where the products and services are perceived as less competitive and limited in range. Moreover, the ongoing Muslim scholar’s inconsistent views also create contradictions and confusion amongst both customers and non-customers of the Islamic bank. This, in turn, might impede the future growth and development of this banking system. This research will contribute to increasing the knowledge of those in authority who are concerned with understanding the BBMC’s socio-economic conditions. Because, the BBMC is a surrogate measure of broader Muslim communities Islamic banking system perception of growth. This research will also increase knowledge of how Islamic banks are using brand image and ethical principles in their successful operations in the banking and finance industry, so that other financial organizations can develop their operation strategies based on the Islamic banking system. The correlation between the financial and community-based performance of Islamic banks can be studied for future research. Md Rubel Ahmed 2020-02-06T11:02:36Z 2020-02-06T11:02:36Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2020-02-06T11:02:36Z Cyber-Islamic Environments and Salafī-Ṣūfī Contestations Appropriating Digital Media and Challenges to Religious Authority 目前的研究重点是重要的在网上tra-Islamic ideological contestations with particular focus on the schisms between Salafism and Sufism. The main attention is on the content and strategies of Salafī contestations with Sufism and, to a lesser extent, with certain creedal schools of thought. The study addresses a gap in Cyber-Islamic Environments studies and raises thesis questions addressed through a research design (case study), analytical framework (religious authority), and methodology (qualitative ideological analyses). The purpose is to contribute to a greater understanding of the role of digital media in understudied and yet far-reaching online contestations within Islam—those that seek to define orthodoxy in contemporary Islam. First, the study locates and examines significant loci of Salafī contestations with Sufism, namely, the mawlid (celebrating the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday), grave visitation, and tawassul (seeking intercession through the Prophet and past saints or spiritual masters). Second, the study unpacks and analyses recurring themes and vocabulary that occur in Salafī polemics against Sufism. The arguments against Sufism rely on the strategic usage of well-known judicial-ethical and creedal terminologies of Islamic scriptural sources and intellectual traditions that are now used to challenge the very orthodoxy and orthopraxy of Sufism. These terms have pre-modern roots in Muslim scholarship. However, the terms are repurposed in Salafī discourse to create idioms that cast aspersions upon non-Salafī ideologies in Islam. Third, the study analyses the strategic value of these loci of dispute and terminologies through the analytical framework of religious authority, and, toward that effort, the study proffers a methodology of examining online content and the key arguments and support terminologies that speak to authority in what is essentially transnational and de-territorialized discourses. This dissertation thus seeks to contribute original research that helps to fill a lacuna in the study of consequential online intra-Islamic contestations. Ibrahim N. Abusharif 2019 -09-05T13:33:36Z 2019 -09-05T13:33:36Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -09-05T13:33:36Z Speculation in the Stock Market from the Islamic Perspective Hussin Bin Salamon 2019 -09-05T13:21:30Z 2019 -09-05T13:21:30Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -09-05T13:21:30Z Critical study and edition of Manhaj Al-Sawab fi qubh Istiktab Ahl Al-Kitab of Nur al-Din Ali Ibn Abu al-fath known as Ibn al-Durayhim Ahmad Muhammad Ahmad Al-Sharnoubi 2019 -09-05T13:09:34Z 2019 -09-05T13:09:34Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -09-05T13:09:34Z An analysis of Islamic environmental ethics with special reference to Malaysia Sulaiman Kadikon 2019 -09-05T13:02:28Z 2019 -09-05T13:02:28Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -09-05T13:02:28Z The contributions of Islamic law to the Maritime law Jamal Al-Sumaiti 2019 -09-05T12:44:37Z 2019 -09-05T12:44:37Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -09-05T12:44:37Z A critical study and edition of Talkhīṣ Taqrīb al-Nashr fī Ma'rifat al-Qirā'āt al-'Ashr of Shaykh al-Islām Zakariyyā al-Anṣārī The Qur'än is the first legislative source for Muslims and it constitutes the method of life that organizes the relationship between the worshipper and his Creator and between people themselves. For this reason the Qur'än is labeled the "Spirit" (ILIII: 52) as it represents the essence for all Muslims. The Qur'an was revealed in seven dialects in order to facilitate the understanding of the different tribes of the Arab peninsula, who would otherwise have experienced difficulty. These variant "readings" or Qirä'ät have further benefits which will be examined in chapters I and IV in this thesis, in addition to any resulting juristic and Shari`a provisions. My work in this thesis is divided into two sections the second of which comprises copies of the Arabic manuscript. Chapter II includes summarised biographies of the ten `readers'; the latter not only being included for purposes of verification, but also with a view to offering a brief history of Qur'änic `readers' (Qurrä) and their narrators so as to facilitate understanding and to highlight connections between the various subject elements. The first section consists of an introduction, four chapters, glossary and bibliography. The thesis commences with an introduction that includes the reasons for choice of this topic and a brief explanation. Chapter 'I comprises the study of the manuscript, its importance and the, new information it offers. Chapter II defines the Qur'än and Qirä'ät then the importance of the multiplicity of Qirä'ät explanation of the oral tradition regarding the revelation of the Qur'än in seven Qrrä'ät and finally the recording of the science of Qlrä'ät. Chapter III examines the development of codification and links it with the schools that resulted from this recording process; highlighting the most famous teachers and students and the scientific contribution of each school. Chapter IV outlines the impact of Qirä'ät on the provisions of Shari'a and focuses on interpretation, jurisprudence and the Arabic language. And finally a glossary and bibliography. Omar k. M. H Al-Shaiji 2019 -09-05T12:40:07Z 2019 -09-05T12:40:07Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -09-05T12:40:07Z The Mosque as an institution of Islamic Da'Wah This thesis is a modest enquiry into 'The Mosque as an Institution of Islamic Da'wah'. The main study involves the elaboration of the terms, 'Mosque', 'Institution', 'Islam' and 'Da'wah'. The Mosque, being an institution reflecting the dissemination of information suitable to prepare its community for Paradise, must excel in delivery of knowledge; Most importantly this begins with that of the All-Mighty creator, His knowledge, the knowledge of mankind, Islam the way of life in its social, economic and political aspects and the consequence of committing a crime against the life, property and honour of a person or people. The main focus of this work centres around the Masjid; what it is; its role in the life of the individual and the community; as a means of physical and spiritual cleanliness; as an Institution to teach and learn the manners and morality of mutual interaction. Also addressed are aspects dealing with the building of a Mosque and Da'wah from the mosque. Mukhtar Mian Ijaz 2019 -09-05T12:36:57Z 2019 -09-05T12:36:57Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -09-05T12:36:57Z The concept of dispute resolution in Islamic Law Mohamed Jindani 2019 -09-05T12:21:29Z 2019 -09-05T12:21:29Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -09-05T12:21:29Z Commodity futures contract; An analysis in Islamic commercial law Uzaimah Ibrahim 2019 -09-05T09:19:36Z 2019 -09-05T09:19:36Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -09-05T09:19:36Z Strategic information systems planning : A case study for Malaysian Muslim organisations Isa Samat Mohd 2019 -09-05T09:13:17Z 2019 -09-05T09:13:17Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -09-05T09:13:17Z The application of family law in the Bahraini Courts and the need for Codification Ahmed Y Al-Atawi 2019 -08-29T08:06:08Z 2019 -09-05T08:46:16Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -08-29T08:06:08Z A study of Anthropomorphism and Transcendence in the Bible and Qur'an Scripture and God in the Jewish, Christian and Islamic traditions Zulfiqar Ali Shah 2019 -08-23T12:56:15Z 2019 -08-23T12:56:15Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -08-23T12:56:15Z The problem of evil and the theodicies in Jewish, Christian, and Muslim thought Muhsin Akbas 2019 -08-23T12:53:48Z 2019 -08-23T12:53:48Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -08-23T12:53:48Z The concept of impediments to legal capacity (awarid alahliyyah) in Islamic Law of contract and the Egyptian Civic Code of 1948 Muhammad Naim Omar 2019 -08-23T12:50:23Z 2019 -08-23T12:50:23Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -08-23T12:50:23Z Holy shrines of Karbala : architectural study with a historical background of the area between and around the two holy shrines of Karbala-Iraq R. M Ali Al-Ansari 2019 -08-23T12:40:56Z 2019 -08-23T12:40:56Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -08-23T12:40:56Z Kitab al Tabaqat al Kubra of Muhammad bin Sa'd (d.230/844) M. Abd Allah Al Salloomi 2019 -08-23T12:21:31Z 2019 -08-23T12:21:31Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -08-23T12:21:31Z Tawheed in Islamic art : defining an aesthetic theory Debra Richardson 2019 -08-22T14:11:53Z 2019 -08-22T14:11:53Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -08-22T14:11:53Z Critical Study and edition of Al-Turuq al-Hukmiyya fi-i-Siyasa al-Sharyya al-Shar'iyya of Imam Shams al-Din b. Muhammad b. Abu Bakr Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya (IQJ) Abd Al-Hamid K. M. H Al-Shaiji 2019 -08-22T14:03:40Z 2019 -08-22T14:03:40Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -08-22T14:03:40Z A critical study and analysis of the life and achievements of Aishah, the wife of the prophet Fahmeeda Hameed 2019 - 08 - 22 - t14:00:00z 2019 - 08 - 22 - t14:00:00z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 - 08 - 22 - t14:00:00z A study and edition of Imām Abd al-Azīz b. Alī b. al-Izz al-Baghdādī al-Bakrī al-Ḥanbalī al-Maqdisī : Junnat al-Ṣābirīn al-Abrār Wa Jannat al-Mutawakkilīn al-Akhyār 一个有价值的手稿上写266页由阿訇'Abd al-'Az-iz b. 'All b. al-'Izz al-Baghdad7i al-Bakr-i al-Uanball al-Maqdis! (770-846 AH / 1369-1443 CE) Chief Justice of Holy Jerusalem. The original manuscript is available at the Arab Academy of Knowledge, Damascus and a copy at Jum'ah Al-Majid Centre for Culture and Heritage, Dubai. The author gathered all verses of patience and trust in Allah and explained them. He derived evidence from the Prophet's tradition, companions, and successors. He cited incidents of the Prophet's biography underlining the value of patience and trust in Allah as an ethical tenet which all heavenly doctrines preach and which the magnanimous Islamic doctrine has adopted as a basic principle of its mission. The book could be classified as an objective exegesis and represents a comprehensive and unprecedented study. This research is divided into two sections: Study and Revision. The study contains an introduction, two chapters, and a conclusion. In the introduction I discuss the subject's importance, selection motive, objectives, former studies, and difficulties encountered. The first chapter is specified for the author's biography: His time and life. The second chapter contains the description, study, and manuscript criticism; divided into two topics: Study of the book and my work in the revision. The conclusion sums up the results, proposals, and recommendations. Selected samples of manuscript sheets are appended. The revision section was accurately completed using an objective scholarly method to regulate the text, supply punctuation marks, number pages, rewrite text in accordance with modem rules of dictation, locate suras and verses, refer Had-iths to their sources, explain vague utterances, conform Qur'anic texts to Uthmani scripture, define idioms, verify jurisprudence issues, correct grammatical mistakes, and describe eminent persons and places. The revision is concluded with general technical indexes. Adnan al-Hamwi Al-Olabi 2019 -08-22T13:49:52Z 2019 -08-22T13:49:52Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -08-22T13:49:52Z 采用业务流程reengin的相关性eering (BPR) and service quality management (SQ) in Islamic bank management : a case study in Kuwait A. R. M Othman 2019 -08-22T13:11:02Z 2019 -08-22T13:32:25Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -08-22T13:11:02Z Wisdom (hikma) and philosophy (falsafa) in Islamic thought (as a framework for inquiry) Mehmet Onal 2019 -08-22T13:05:09Z 2019 -08-22T13:05:09Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -08-22T13:05:09Z The rise of Muslim schools in London Abdul Ghaffar 2019 -08-22T12:58:54Z 2019 -08-22T13:07:53Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -08-22T12:58:54Z The status of women in Islam : A comparative study with particular reference to Egypt Hoda Helmy 2019 -08-22T12:53:29Z 2019 -08-22T13:07:06Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -08-22T12:53:29Z Dynamic equivalent conversion and baptism for converts from Islam Peter Robert Back 2019 -08-22T12:51:05Z 2023-02-16T17:38:43Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -08-22T12:51:05Z Decision-making and idjtihad in Islamic environments: a comparative study of Pakistan Malaysia, Singapore, and the United Kingdom Gary Richard Bunt 2019 -08-14T10:00:57Z 2019 -08-14T10:00:57Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -08-14T10:00:57Z Exorcism in Islam This work is an investigation of the orthodox concept of exorcism in Islam. The main purpose of this study is to identify the orthodox Islamic viewpoint of spirit-possession of humans and its treatment (i.e., exorcism) based upon evidence from the Qur'An, the Sunnah, views of the sahabah (companions of Prophet Muhammad [4]) and the opinions of the early Sunnite scholars. This dissertation is comprised of an introduction, four chapters, a conclusion and two appendixes. The first chapter establishes the Islamic parameters of the spiritual world of created beings. The second chapter consists of a discussion of the orthodox understanding of spirit-possession and a delineation of the prophetic methodology of exorcism. The third chapter is devoted to a study of tabulated data from interviews with a sampling of modem-day, orthodox exorcists from various parts of the Muslim world and a brief presentation of exorcism according to Roman Catholicism. The fourth chapter consists of a comparative discussion of the second and third chapters, and it includes a conclusion in which the views of modem medicine are compared to exorcist tradition. Additionally, some questions concerning exorcism in Islam and other religions are answered. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips 2019 -08-12T11:24:11Z 2019 -08-12T11:24:11Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -08-12T11:24:11Z The concept of Al-Maslaha Wa Al-Nass with special reference to Kitab Al-Buyu in the book of Bulugh Al-Maram 本研究检视al-Maslaha佤邦的概念l-Nass (Public Interest and Islamic legal text) with special reference to Kitab al-Buyu (chapter on business transactions) in the book of Bulügh al-Maram. The analysis moves from the connection formed between al-Maslaha and al-Nass by Muslim jurists to the investigation of the practical principles of al-Maslaha as those principles apply to al-Buyü , as encompassed in the ahadith of the Prophet s. a. w in Kitab al-Buyu. It is for this reason that the book of Bulügh al-Maräm has been chosen by the present researcher; Kitäb al-Buyu represents the most explicit source of ahadith on which to draw for the practical principles discussed. To this end, six chapters have been drawn up in three parts; that is, parts A, B and C. Part A is entitled `The concept of al-Maslaha wa al-Nass in Islamic Jurisprudence', and consists of three chapters. The first deals with the definition and historical development of the concept of al-Maslaha wa al-Nass. The second chapter extends this with the theoretical development of the concept of al-Maslaha wa al-Nass. This conceptual section closes with the third chapter, which focuses on the significance of Talil al-Ahkam for the concept of al-Maslaha wa al-Naas. Part B examines the authenticity of the Hadith, introduces the book of Bulügh al-Maräm and consists of two chapters, chapter four and chapter five. The fourth chapter discusses the main reference sources for the book of the Hadith, while the fifth both introduces the book of Bulügh al-Maram and analyses in detail each successive section. The last part of this thesis is part C, which specifically examines the ahädith. Part C forms the heart of the thesis, building a specific methodology within the juristic framework of the concept of al-Maslaha wa al-Nass for the analysis of alBuyü according to the practical principles drawn up from the 22 sub topics listed in Kitäb al-Buyu (chapter on business transactions) in the book of Bulügh al-Maräm. The thesis concludes that if these principles of public interest are applied to all business transactions in accordance with what is laid down in the ahädith of the Prophet s. a. w, then the public interest of humanity amongst Muslims will be preserved. It is for this reason, that the ahädith of the Prophet s. a. w are given to humanity as a universal living source on which to draw for their eternal well-being. Thus, it is hoped that using the juristic concept of al-Maslaha wa al-Nass as a new tool with which to analyse the ahädith of the Prophet s. a. w opens the door to further study in this field Ishak Suliaman 2019 -08-12T11:21:19Z 2023-01-27T11:50:37Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -08-12T11:21:19Z Linguistic principles in Usul al-fiqh and their effect on legal reasoning in Islamic law This present study deals with the linguistic principles that are used in the process of legal reasoning in Islamic law. These linguistic principles represent an important branch of the science of usu1 al-fiqh on its part represents the theoretical basis for the Shari ah and indisputable foundations upon which the whole structure of Islamic law is built. It is a unique study in the sense that no similar work, as far as we know, is available and its comparative and analytical approach has not been presented before. This study is divided into four parts. The first part deals with the linguistic principles that are related to the methods of textual indication on legal rulings. In this part these principles have been analysed according to both the Hanafi and the Shäfi'i approach. In the second part this study deals with linguistic principles which are related to clarity and ambiguity of words. It is a comparative study of the Hanafi and the Shdfi'i approach to this issue. The third part highlights the generality and specific qualities of words, and the fourth part analyses the possibility of interpretation of authoritative texts not according to their obvious meanings (ta'wi7). In general this is a comparative study of the methodology of interpretation of authoritative texts in Islamic law presented through the study of the linguistic principles in usül al-fiqh and their effect on legal reasoning in Islamic law. Sukri Husayn Ramic 2019 -08-12T11:12:53Z 2019 -08-12T11:12:53Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -08-12T11:12:53Z Kitab Al- Tanbihat by Qadi Iyad Ibn Musa A critical study and annotation of the marriage chapter Saif Al-Marri 2019 -08-12T11:02:39Z 2023-01-27T11:46:07Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -08-12T11:02:39Z The economics of benevolence : an Islamic paradigm 本研究是一个努力提出一个伊斯兰paradigm of the economics of benevolence. It attempts to elicit the behavioural significance of the ubiquity of benevolence as an essential, jure divino, motive force, and the relaxation of the utilitarian assumption of egoistic human motivation. Benevolence has been epitomized in the development of a benevolent homo Islamicus as an alternative to the conventional solipsist homo economicus. The behavioural norms underlying these assumptions constitute the nucleus for a new economic paradigm - an ethico-Islamic economics. The introduction puts the study in an ethico-economic context. The first chapter is a necessary investigation of the pros and cons of non-selfish behaviour in western thought. The second chapter is an exposition on the Islamic ethico-philosophic foundations of benevolence both as an innate trait of character and a divine imperative. The third chapter is an attempt to propose a 'benevolence market' as a unique third market in the Islamic Economy. The forth chapter is an elucidation on the homo Islamicus' consumption and production behaviour under the all-pervasive norm of benevolence. The fifth chapter is an an endeavour to infer the Islamic philosophy of factor compensation - the fair and congenial capital-labour and employer-employee relation under the assumption of benevolence. The conclusion recapitulates the main issues raised in the preceding chapters. Abdelrahman B. M. Abbas 2019 -08-12T10:59:31Z 2019 -08-12T10:59:31Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -08-12T10:59:31Z The concept of bankruptcy (al-Iflas) under Islamic law : a comparison with English and Malaysian personal bankruptcy laws This research deals with the concept of bankruptcy (a]-iflias) under Islamic law in detail with special reference to Sunni schools of law (a1-madhahib)- To do this, the Qur'an, Hadith, their commentaries and classical manuals of Sunni schools are consulted. It also deals with English and Malaysian Personal Bankruptcy Laws as a comparison with Islamic law. Thus, this research excludes any discussion pertaining to partnership and company law unless they are relevant to the interpretation of Personal Bankruptcy Law. This research is divided into six chapters. Chapter One deals with the concept of bankruptcy petition and the jurisdictions of the court upon hearing the petition. Chapter Two deals with the legal consequences of the bankruptcy order. Chapter Three deals with the concept of repossession and the application of right of repossession. Chapter Four deals with the concept of realisation of the bankrupt's estate and the matters relating to it. Chapter Five deals with the concept of distribution. Chapter Six deals with the concept of discharge, it legal consequences and annulment of bankruptcy order. It has been established in this research that Islamic law provides a systemisation of bankruptcy law. Moreover, this research shows that there are similarities and differences between Islamic Bankruptcy Law, English and Malaysian Personal Bankruptcy Laws. It is hoped that, through comparison of these legal C) systems, a clearer understanding on Islamic Law of Bankruptcy is achieved. Ahmad Azam Othman 2019 -08-12T10:55:44Z 2019 -08-12T10:55:44Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -08-12T10:55:44Z An informational approach to document and intelligent retrieval systems : problems and alternatives for representing subjects in the Qur'anic text This study is in response to the widespread dissatisfaction of Information Scientists in the Muslim World, who feel that Islamic literature deserved and required an Islamic classification scheme. Conceptually Muslim Information Scientists have attempted to establish an analytical subject bibliography which could help to develop a particular classification scheme. This has involved providing abstracts, directories and indexes to record the subject contents of all the materials relating to Islamic Studies. However, the classical Qur'anic exegeses and Hadith collections represent a particular problem to Information Scientists: indexing the Qur'anic exegeses and Hadith collections requires an initial operational list of subject headings of both the Qur'anic and Hadith texts. This study is based on an investigation of the terminology in Qur'anic text for the purpose of designing a Qur'anic retrieval system. The study makes use of conceptual verses and words as partial examples for the required task. These examples are used to test the factors affecting the design at both manual and automatic levels. At the manual level - the stage of presenting the Qur'anic text in a printed form - the examples are used to examine the effects of Qur'anic terminology on the commentators and to see how it affects the performance of the retrieval system. Also the characteristics of the Arabic language, as represented in Qur'anic vocabulary, are examined against the problems known to be encountered in constructing an efficient information retrieval. On the automatic level - the stage of presenting the Qur'anic text on a screen - the examples are used to examine the possibility of the Qur'an, in its stylistic form, being processed by the computer. The study is subdivided into six chapters. The first chapter outlines the demands that are placed upon Muslim Information Scientists. Also it gives a brief overview of the background to current researches on the Islamic literature, and shows the methodological framework used in the present study. The second chapter highlights the major philological, historical and theological aspects as indicated by various interpretations and tests the effect of these opinions on the performance of the retrieval system. The third chapter analyzes the function of vocabulary control as applied to the Qur'anic terminology and examines such a control in relation to features of the Arabic (Qur'anic) language. The fourth chapter examines the various treatments in the computational analysis area in relation to the Qur'anic style of calligraphy and structure. The fifth chapter presents the guidelines and recommendations to establish the Qur'anic retrieval system. Finally, the sixth chapter offers two examples of the Qur'anic retrieval system as it is applied to natural and social sciences. Hani M. A Mohammed 2019 -08-12T10:50:45Z 2019 -08-12T10:50:45Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -08-12T10:50:45Z Perspectives on the Religious Identity of Muslims in Britain Sophie Gilliat 2019 -08-12T10:44:47Z 2019 -08-12T10:44:47Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -08-12T10:44:47Z Al-Tibyan Fima Yahil Wa Yahrum Min Al-Haywan 本论文,这是一个分析研究和伊斯兰教纪元tation of the book entitled Al-libyan Jima Yahill wa-Yahrum min al-Haywan by Ibn al-`Imad al-Aqfahsi, is divided into two parts. The first part contains a study of the book and its author, while the second part contains the Arabic edition of the book. They are divided into two volumes. The first volume consists of an introduction, four chapters and two appendices. The introduction of the thesis highlights the reasons for the selection of this particular research. indicating that this kind of research has not been undertaken before, as far as the researcher knows. Moreover, the importance of this research for Muslims is highlighted since it gives the relevant injunctions on various kinds of meat that they can eat. The research offers a summary of what some Muslim scholars have written on the science of zoology as they understand it. It also examines the masons for their writing on the subject and the main features of their treatises and studies. Following that, the researcher tries to ascertain the correct name of the book Al-Tibyan and the authenticity of its reference to the author. It is ascertained that the actual name of the book is Al- Tibyan fima Yahill wa-Yahrum min al-Haywan. Then the date for the composition of the book is discussed. The methodology of this edition follows. In the second chapter the researcher studies the author, trying to ascertain his name, date of birth, upbringing, attributes and ethics. The views of other people on the author and his writings are also presented. The third chapter deals with the political, social, and intellectual ethos. The fourth chapter comprises a study of the biographies of people mentioned in the manuscript. Them are two appendices at the end of the thesis: the first is a glossary of ambiguous words used in the manuscript and the second is a verification of the places mentioned in the manuscript and study. In order to facilitate the reader for cross reference to the Arabic manuscript, the researcher has indicated the relevant page/ line number, where necessary, (e.g. 000/00) in chapters four and appendice only. Finally the bibliography and indexes conclude the thesis. Muhammad Ibrahim Al-Robie 2019 -08-12T10:38:55Z 2019 -08-12T10:38:55Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -08-12T10:38:55Z Islam and International Relations This thesis deals mainly with the role of Islam in international relations, which is based on the Qur'an (the revealed book) and the Sunnah (prophetic tradition). The study has used the analytical approach and the interdisciplinary approach to examine and investigate Islamic international relations theories in an attempt to demonstrate that they offer a practical alternative to resolve crises in international relations. This thesis highlights the Islamic alternative in dealing with the major issues in the world today, namely peace, security, balance of power, and co-operation among nations. The thesis, therefore, outlines certain concepts and themes which examine and explore the actual and potential relevance of Islamic law (Shariah) in relation to these issues. The main findings of the thesis include that Islam can indeed play a positive role in the field of international relations and that peace is the role and war the exception in most of the theories of Islamic international relations based on the Qur'an and the Sunnah. Also, the Islamic theory of international relations provides a valuable framework of general application for international order. The concept of community (Ummah( is the most important factor which defines the function of the Islamic state. Fahed Hamad Al-Mekrad 2019 -08-12T10:27:38Z 2019 -08-12T10:27:38Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -08-12T10:27:38Z The loss of meaning in translation : its types and factors with reference to ten English translations of the meaning of the Qur'an 这项工作了十个英语翻译版本of the meaning of the Qur'an chosen in considerations of different factors. The date of the version and the background of the author represent the main factor behind the selection process. The aim of this study is to provide a theoretical analysis of the main trends of the translation theory, which was applied on the practical parts of the work. As for the practical parts, the study aims to analyse the source language and the target language texts in order to identify the loss of meaning in translating the Qur'an into English so that the translatability of the Qur'an could be assessed. The study adopts text analysis to find out the linguistic characteristics of both source language and target language texts. It also makes comparison between the different target texts on the one hand and between them and the original text on the other hand. The study, however, tries to base its findings on a more general linguistic framework. The study consists of five chapters. The first one is the introduction. The second one is the theoretical setting in which many theoretical issues related to the scope of this study have been analysed to set up a theoretical frame work to be used in approaching the practical parts of this thesis. The third chapter is the lexical meaning where the loss of meaning is discussed in terms of the linguistic, cultural and phonic levels. Some aspects of the loss of meaning, as found out in this chapter, are related to linguistic factors, but other aspects are related to issues beyond language. The fourth chapter is the syntactic meaning where the loss of meaning is dealt with on the syntactic/grammatical level. The fifth chapter in this thesis, however, is the conclusion in which the results and the recommendations of this work are presented. The study results were all related to the main results, which are that the Qur'an is an untranslatable text; it could not be reproduced adequately into any other language. That is to say that the loss of meaning in the English translated versions of the Qur'an is inevitable and this, in fact, supports the Issue of the Qur'an untranslitibilty. The main recommendations in this regard are that the translation of the Qur'an should be carried out by more than one translator; a committee or an organisation should stand for this more important task. The existing English translated versions of the Qur'an should also be revised from time to time for many reasons could be related to new views in understanding the Qur'anic text or in relation to the interpretation, or changes in the language into which the translation is done, or new ideas regarding the communication and translation theory. Mohammed S. A Jumeh 2019 -08-12T10:25:50Z 2019 -08-12T10:25:50Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -08-12T10:25:50Z A study of Tafsir Abr al-Athir and Sonhadji s Methodology in Tafsir al - Qur an M. Y. Zulkifli Haji Mohd Yusoff 2019 -08-12T10:13:21Z 2019 -08-12T10:13:21Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -08-12T10:13:21Z Conflict Resolution : A study of identity, social/economic exclusion, islamophobia and racism This Ph. D. thesis seeks to develop the field of knowledge regarding Muslims, Conflict, and Conflict Resolution. It represents new scholarship within an under-researched field. Methodology utilises extensive fieldwork interviews undertaken within the London Borough of Newham, together with other primary and secondary sources of information. Aspects of informal and formal conflict resolution are addressed, with a focus on `cultural sensitivity' and the concept of impartiality. Social/economic exclusion is examined within the context of urban regeneration, institutional racism and Islamophobia. Factors related to interpersonal communication and employer perceptions of Muslim `Black and Asian' people as `culturally' dissimilar are analysed - in connection with employment discrimination, and access to public service provision in Newham. The transmission and impact of public opinion is explored, in association with local media input, and the manifestations of racism in the neighbourhood. The perceptions of different parties towards the concept that "Islam is `oppressive' towards women" is examined in detail. Aspects of group dynamics and interpersonal communication are discussed within the framework of `becoming local', and the implications for refugee and/or underclass Muslim migrants. The thesis draws recommendations for the management of dysfunctional conflict in Newham, and suggestions are provided for policy action relevant to the reduction of Muslim social/economic exclusion, within the context of urban regeneration in Newham. Y Fox-Howard 2019 -08-12T10:01:53Z 2019 -08-12T10:01:53Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -08-12T10:01:53Z An investigation into the overall impact of the season of Hajj on the economy of Makkah with special investigation into The trade of consumer goods 多年来,朝圣的季节总是represented the major source of living not only for the people of Makkah, but for the whole region of Hijäz In the years preceding World War II and before the oil was discovered, Hajj was the economic backbone of the whole Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. However, after the economy of the country became dependent on the revenues of the oil, at the end of the World War II, the revenues of Hajj became a substantial influential factor, boosting the commercial activities of the private sectors in Makkah, and hence developing the entire economy of the city. The objective of this study is to investigate and evaluate the overall impact of the season of Hajj on the economy of Makkah with special investigation on the trade in consumer goods. In pursuing this objective, the, study has employed both library and empirical researches. The library research was adopted in the investigation of the overall effect of Hajj on the economy of Makkah, while the empirical research was conducted to investigate the effect of Hajj on the trade in consumer goods. A large survey was carried out on two samples: 484 shopkeepers and 434 pilgrims (consumers) in three major areas within Makkah, namely the Pram Area, Ma`äbdah Area and Aziziyyah Area. The collected data from these samples were analyzed in the computer with the aid of the SPSS programme. The investigation concerning the overall effect of Hajj on the economy of Makkah focuses mainly on the private sectors, namely the Hajj service industries i.e., Twäfah Establishments (Pilgrims' Guilds), housing industry and transport industry, and the industrial sector. With respect to the effect of Hajj on the trade in consumer goods, the investigation focuses on the shopkeepers in terms of types and characteristics, of the shopkeepers involved in the trade in consumer goods, the significance of the location selected by shopkeepers during Hajj, their motives for trading in Hajj, their purchasing decisions relating to prices, quality, quantity and variety when they supply their goods. In relation to the consumer goods supplied by the shopkeepers, the investigation focuses on their types, characteristics i.e., origins, source of supply, types of sale. It also covers some related issues i.e., official procedures for trading in consumer goods, utilization of advertisements and employment in the trade in consumer goods. In addition, the effect of Hajj on the commercial renting business within the context of the trade in consumer goods is also investigated. Concerning the pilgrims (as consumers), the study focuses on their socio-economic and demographic characteristics, their purchasing criteria with respect to necessary and supplementary goods, their opinions on the market of goods and their attitudes towards their treatment by the shopkeepers and finally their expenditure profile and the major factors influencing it. Abid Al-Abdali 2019 -08-12T09:56:39Z 2019 -08-12T09:56:39Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -08-12T09:56:39Z Tafsir Al-Qur'an, Abdullah b. Abbas (d.68/668) 本研究是一项分析研究和一个安徒生n of Sürat al-Fätiha and Sürat al-Baqara from a copy of the manuscript that is the tafsir ascribed to Ibn `Abbas according to the transmission of al-Kalbi from Abü Sälih. Historians reckon some ninety-eight copies of this manuscript exist, some complete and others partial commentaries, as mentioned in the Fahras al-Shimil. I have relied upon the main copy extant at Markaz Juma ` al-Mäjid, Dubai, cross-referencing it against three separate manuscripts and the printed Tanwir al- Migbäs. The study concludes that the text is neither the authorship nor the direct narration of Ibn `Abbas but is likely to be the work of al-Kalbi. This is based on a careful and detailed presentation of the life of Ibn `Abbas, his knowledge, his scholarship in exegesis, the sources upon which he relied for his exegesis, methodology and the aspects and subjects he treated therein; The aim of this chapter is to ascertain what the probability is of the edited text being the work of Ibn `Abbas, the probability that al-Kalbi has transmitted it from him, and if not, then is it correct to posit that al-Kalbi is its author ? Also, the life of al-Kalb-i, his works in tafsir, his style, methodology and his contributions to the field of exegesis. Also the study concludes that the printed Tanwir al-Migbäs is the same in transmission, with some differences in words order or commentaries with the other manuscripts, we used in this study. I have divided the study into two parts: an analytical study of the text and edition. The study includes a biography of Ibn `Abbas covering his social and intellectual life in order to ascertain whether there is any truth in the ascription of the manuscript to him. There is also an account of the life of al-Kalbi, the alleged reporter of this tafsir, and the one who ascribes it to Ibn `Abbas, covering similar aspects as that for Ibn `Abbas, in order to shed some light on whether there is a possibility that he is the author of the manuscript. R , ere is also a comparative study on some aspects that appear in the manuscript with other books in tafsir. After this I undertake an analytical study of the manuscript to clarify its methodology in tafsTr by way of presenting the sources of tafsir it uses and the subjects it covers along with its style. Also included are the characteristics of the manuscript with a conclusion covering the results found. The second part of this study is an edition of al-Fätiha and al-Baqara taken from the manuscript and in Arabic. The edition involved the following: inserting of grammatical inflections to verses of the Qur'än and numbering, writing of the verses in a font (Kufic script) differentiating them from the rest of the text, referencing of hadith from their sources, the inserting of grammatical inflections on unusual or unclear words and an explanation of their meanings, correction of typographical errors, indications of variant readings of verses if required, biographies of personalities and the identification of countries, places and tribes. Atefa Okeh 2019 -08-12T09:47:19Z 2019 -08-12T09:47:19Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -08-12T09:47:19Z The impact of Islamic revivalists on muslim religious education in Britain Muhammad Mashuq Ally 2019 - 08 - 12 - t09:33:59z 2019 - 08 - 12 - t09:33:59z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 - 08 - 12 - t09:33:59z Al-Muntakhab fi Usual al-Madhhab The aim of this thesis is to edit a manuscript in 'Usul al-Fiqh (principles of Islamic jurisprudence) written according to the Hanafi school. The main manuscript used on the edition dates back to (690H/1292AD). The author is Husäm al-Din Muhammad bin Muhammad bin `Umar al-Akhsikathi, who died in (6441V1247AD). The thesis provides an account of the author's life and identifies his historical character and the epoch in which he lived, i. e. the 7th century H.(13th century AD). To explore that, it was necessary to dwell upon the region and context where the author lived. I endeavour to highlight the author's personality from different angles so as to understand the circumstances that produced such scholars at that time in history. The study of the book required, first to attribute the work to its author and, second, to show its significance and its impact on the science of 'Usul al-Fiqh. I also tried to focus on the methodology employed by the author of this work and the reason that this book has gained wider prominence in this particular field than that of other writers. Through studying this book I discuss Muslims' interest in this work and its prolific number of editors and commentators, which indicates the value of the book to scholars and students. The significance of any book relates to the subject that the book itself tackles; therefore, I start the study with an introduction in which I demonstrate the value of the subject of the book i.e. 'Usul al-Fiqh. Here, I discuss the time when it came into being, how it evolved, scholars' methods and approaches in studying this authority- whom many scholars consider as a fundamental pillar for many other sciences such as jurisprudence, interpretation and the Hadith (Prophet's Traditions). Ahmad M. N Abbas 2019 -08-12T08:48:29Z 2019 -08-12T08:48:29Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -08-12T08:48:29Z A study and an edition of Imam Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Salim Al-Saffarini Al-Hanbali sales book Kitab Al-Buyu from Kashf Al-Litham Li Sharh Umdat Al-Ahkam 一个有价值的手稿伊玛目穆罕默德伊本写的Ahmad ibn Salim Al- Saffärini Al-Hanbali (1114-1188 AH / 1702-1774 CE). There are two manuscripts available at Princeton University library in the United States of America and copies at Jum'ah Al-Mäjid Center for Culture and Heritage in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. Al-Safrarini explained " `Umdat Al Ahkäm" by Al-Häfiz Al-Jamma'ili. The latter, Al- Jamma'Ili collected Hadith jurisprudence from , Sahib Al-Bukhäri and Sahib Muslim. Al-Safrarini used both linguistic and jurisprudence explanations in addition to companions' biographies who narrated Hadith. I only edited Sales Chapter "Kitdb Al- Buyü "' form "Kashf Al-Lithäm". This research is divided into two parts: Study and Edition. The study contains three chapters. In the first chapter I introduce A1-Jammd'ili as follows: Name and Origins, Birth, Early Life and the Search for Knowledge, His Sheikhs, His Students, His Appreciation by Other Scholars, Academic Works, Qualities and Ethics, His Ordeal and His Death. The second chapter specifically introduces Al-Saffärini as follows: Author's Era, Name and Origins, Birth, Early Life and the Search for Knowledge, His Sheikhs, His Students, His Appreciation by Other Scholars, Academic Works, Qualities and Ethics and His Death. The third chapter contains a study of "Kashf A1- Litham" as follows: book title and its attribution to the author, description of the two manuscripts of the book, the book's significance, author's approach, author's sources, criticism of the book and editional methods. The edition aspect of the work was accurately completed by using an objective academic method to organise the text, supply punctuation marks, number pages, rewrite the text in accordance with modem rules of dictation, locate sürahs and verses, refer Hadiths to their sources, explain vague vocabulary, conform Qur'dnic texts to `Uthmani scripture, define idioms, verify jurisprudence issues, correct grammatical mistakes and describe eminent persons and places. The edition is concluded with general technical indexes Muhammad Ubadah Adi 2019 -08-12T08:39:22Z 2019 -08-12T08:39:22Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -08-12T08:39:22Z Social and religious interaction and integration of Chinese Muslim converts with Malays in Kuala Lumpur an empirical study 本研究探讨细节的水平of the social and religious aspects of interaction and integration between Chinese Muslim converts and their Malay counterparts in Kuala Lumpur. I was sure that interaction and integration in both social and religious aspects are dilemmas which Chinese Muslims face when they convert from their own religion to Islam. It suggests that when these converts begin to practise Islam, their behaviour changes in line with the identity of the Malays. This is because Islam equates to Malay in the Malaysian context. I believed this behaviour contributes to the disintegration of their ethnic structures, and to rejection by their original ethnic group because of the social differences that emerge post-conversion. Whilst they are welcomed by their Malay counterparts, it is nevertheless hypothesized that they may not interact and integrate fully into the Malay socio-religious community. Therefore, I conducted this empirical research directly looking for the precise degree of such interaction and integration, and indirectly exploring in what kinds of Malay practices the converts participate most fully. The research is guided by several theories, methodologies and six hypothesis statements designed to narrow the investigation. Specifically, the research will be divided into many discussions. The introduction will discover the multi-ethnic situation in Malaysia and the objectives, scope and hypothesis statements of the research. The next chapter will give some of the concepts used in this research as well as identifying the problems of the converts. The next chapter will describe the historical background to the ethnic situation in Malaysia, focusing on the situation in Kuala Lumpur, where the research will be conducted. The subsequent chapter will focus on the design of the questionnaire to be presented to 600 selected respondents who are Chinese Muslim converts in Kuala Lumpur. The 600 respondents will represent 10% of the whole convert population. Then, in the next chapter will take place the processing and analysis of the returned questionnaires. The next chapter gives an account of the research findings, considered the backbone of this research, while the last chapter concentrates on the analysis of the research findings and on some suggestions that arise from them. Razaleigh B Muhamat 2019 -07-30T13:17:14Z 2019 -07-30T13:17:14Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -07-30T13:17:14Z 阿拉伯journali民族主义和伊斯兰教的使命sm A survey of attitudes towards religion politics and the role of Arab media in the twenty-first century The Bush administration has charged that reporters at Al Jazeera and other Arab media outlets are biased against the US. Whether or not such an allegation is true, it raises the central question of what influences are at work on Arab journalists at this crucial time of turmoil in the region and change in Arab media. What are their core values? To what degree do religious beliefs and ethno-nationalist attitudes shape their coverage? How do they view US policy and other regional and international issues? What do they define as the role of a journalist in the modem Arab and/or Islamic worlds? This study analyzes the responses of 517 Arab journalists who participated in the first broad, regional survey examining attitudes and values. It found that Arab journalists see the achievement of political and social change as the prime mission of Arab journalism and cited "democrat" as their primary political identity. When the views of self-declared "secular" and "religious" Muslim journalists were compared, there was little statistical difference in their attitudes on all but issues related to the role of clerics in Arab society. Lawrence Pintak 2019 -07-30T13:03:54Z 2019 -07-30T13:03:54Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -07-30T13:03:54Z Foundations and conditions of copyright in Islamic law 本文提出了一种研究法律和莫拉l foundations of copyright in the "Shari'a" (Islamic Law), with reference to various schools of "figh" (Islamic Jurisprudence). By following the methodological principles and proofs in the sources of Shari 'a, the study provides the main authoritative groundings for copyright. Examination of copyright in the Shari 'a was performed by collecting and investigating the available references and citations relating to the subject. The material was obtained from various Islamic sources and through the fiqh terminology. Accordingly, the concepts of "hagq" (right), "milkiyya" (ownership), "mal" (wealth) and "manfa'a" (utility) and their definitions made by the leading scholars, were examined in order to understand the precise standing of copyright in Shari 'a. The analyses of these essential definitions revealed that the key factor of these concepts is the approval of Shari`a. Under Shari`a, however, copyright may be considered as hagq whose classifications in fiqh can be applied to copyright. Copyright is manfa'a and mal and can be owned. This understanding can provide an enough room for copyright in Shari'a. This study investigated evidence of copyright starting from the original sources of Shari'a Qur'an and Sunna (the prophetic traditions and practices), and the subsidiary sources such as "Qiyas" (the analogy). The study argues for the legitimacy of copyright on the ground that it reflects principles of justice and honesty, respects right and property, and reduces injustice enrichment. There are some "ahädith " (Prophet's traditions) which may support the idea of copyright. The application of giyds showed some clear cases which can be applied to copyright. An investigation on the supplementary sources of Shari'a; "Maslaha" (the public interest) "'Urf' (custom) and "al-Qawä`id al-Fiqhiyya" (legal maxims) supports copyrights. Therefore, copyright has received support from separate and cooperative evidence. The religious approval of copyright can only be gained, if a given work meets necessary conditions of originality, legality and the public interest. The duration of copyright leaves some scope for differences of view as to whether copyright should be eternal or for specified limited periods, with a discrepancy in theoretical and practical reasoning but the view of perpetual copyright appears to be more evident according to Shari 'a. The range of arguments dealt with in the study ought to dispel any doubt about the acceptance of copyright in Islamic law. The introduction of copyright within Islamic law is an extension and a logical part of "ijtihad" (conscientious reasoning) of Shari 'a. Copyright may be governed by the principles of Shari `a inasmuch as it is strengthened. Finally, the research shows how Shari 'a is a responsive and evolving system and provides guidance to serious and complex issues such as copyright with its international burden and interest. Mohamed Ali Ahdash 2019 -07-30T12:52:40Z 2019 -07-30T12:52:40Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -07-30T12:52:40Z Applications of legal maxims in Islamic criminal law with speciual reference to Shariah law in northern Nigeria (1999 - 2007) 伊斯兰法律格言的主题之一sciences in Islamic jurisprudence which aphoristically subsumes all the spectrums that purpose of Sharl`ah is all about. There are six basic Islamic legal maxims agreed upon among the Islamic scholars on which the tenet of Islamic law is based. Each one of these six legal maxims has some sub-maxims which are either functioning as further explanation to the grand maxim or condition and restriction to it. This thesis attempts to analyze those six legal maxims and their sub-maxims in relation to Islamic criminal law. Each maxim is theoretically and empirically studied. In doing so, the thesis emphasizes on the link between each legal maxim and the overall objectives of Islamic law in relation to criminal law. The maxims are: (1) the roles of intention in a criminal act (a1-'umcir bi magasidiha), (2) evaluation of evidence from its certainty and doubt (al yagln lä yazül bi al-shakk), (3) facility guaranteed in the face of hardship (almashagqah tajlib al-taysir), (4) preference of Islamic law in eliminating harm (al-darar yuzäl), (5) the locus standi of custom (al-`adah muhakkamah) and (6) the effect of utterances ('i `mä1 al-kaläm awli min ihmiiih! ). Each one forms a chapter of the thesis and in addition, there is a first chapter which delves into the concepts of Islamic Legal Maxims (al-Qawi'id al-Fighiy)eah). In order to make the theory of these six legal maxims empirically visible, and to integrate the work of the past and the present, cases judged in Northern Nigeria Shari `ah courts are critically illustrated in line with the overall objectives of Islamic Law (Magiyid alSbari'ab). The constant questions raised in the thesis are: Do judges consider core principles of these legal maxims when delivering verdicts? Do the verdicts corroborate/ commensurate/ extrapolate the tenet of Islamic Law? Is attention paid to the cardinal difference between the rights of God and the rights of mankind in evaluating crime brought before the judge before giving judgments? Luqman Zakariyah 2019 -07-30T12:32:23Z 2019 -07-30T12:32:23Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -07-30T12:32:23Z The Bahr Al-Madhi of Shaykh Idris Al-Marbawi and the Jawahir Al-Bukhari of Tuan Haji Husayn : Significance Hadith texts for Malay Muslims as tools for religious political and social teaching during twentieth century 本文提出了具体的调查c Hadi-th texts, Bahr al-Madhi al-sharh mukhtasar sahih al- Tirmidhi of Shaykh ldris al-Marbawi and Tazkir al-qaba'il Jawahir al-Bukhari of Tuan Haji Husayn as religious, social and political teachings for Malay Muslims during the twentieth century. These texts are selected for two reasons: firstly, both provide invaluable data for analyses-, secondly, both were openly acknowledged by the Malay community until recently as highly esteemed sources of revelation from the Prophet t The research is therefore undertaken on several premises, as folloys: Al-Marbawl and Husayn's translations and commentaries are held to have been serviced by the great Ijadi-th scholars - al-Tirmidhi and al-Bukhari - and should therefore be esteemed accordingly. In line with this, the present study aims to demonstrate al-Marbawi and Husayn's deep condemnation at that time of the misconduct of Malay Muslims and of the ideology held by the Kawn Tua and Kaum Muda (political polemics) for instance. As a criticism of Malay Muslims, their teaching and condemnation is absolute. This study believed that these Mo great scholars were independent authorities who would respond to key existing problems (including disunity, unjust leadership, and conflicts between religious scholars) as their mission to uphold the truth as guided by the Prophet in Hadith Latifah Bintio Abdul Majid 2019 -07-25T12:25:10Z 2019 -07-30T11:04:27Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2019 -07-25T12:25:10Z Comparative study on Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi's political thought with particular reference to his contempararies : Abul a la Mawdudi and Sayyid Qutb 1924年伊斯兰khilafah秋天的人y Islamic scholars realised there was an urgent need to reinstall the Islamic Khilafah. Thus political thought in Islam rose to prominence among some scholars. Consequently, many Islamic political and religious movements re-emerged in the Muslim world with the aim of establishing Islamic rule in Muslim countries. These movements presented different methodologies in restoring Islamic rule. However, it is the contention of this thesis that this thinking is seriously discussed by contemporary scholars within two different strands of thought; the modem-oriented and the traditional. This thesis aims to highlight the nature of the modem oriented-thought by contrasting it with the traditional thought. For this purpose this study chooses the three contemporary Muslim scholars: Sayyid Abul Hasan `Ali Nadwi (1914-1999; Rector of Nadwat-ululama, Lucknow, India) who presented the traditional thought of the Tabligh movement and the two scholars who similarly presented the modem- oriented thought, Mawlana `Abul A'la al-Mawdudi (1903-1979; initiator of Jamaat-i Islami) and Sayyid Qutb (1906-1966; main figure of Ikhwan al-Muslimoon). A study of the characteristics of their thought is the main purpose of this thesis with reference to their juxtaposition and contraposition. The modern-oriented thought developed basing on the historical and geographical contexts of the Muslim world. It realised that the practice of Islam is meaningless without the socio-political system. As such, it strived to interpret Islamic concepts accordingly in support of its arguments. In contrast, the traditional-thinking scholars present Islam, primarily, as a divine message and guidance for humanity and emphasised meaningful political reform by imprinting strong faith in the heart of Muslim rulers and ruled alike, without which political endeavours are meaningless. These contrasting approaches of traditional and modern-oriented political thought in Islam are discussed in this thesis by highlighting the evidences from the Qur'an, Hadith and history. In brief, the aim of this thesis is to highlight the modern oriented strand and to analyse the contemporary Islamic thought in contrast with the thought of the traditional scholars. M. Nafeel M Zawahir 2018-11-20T14:32:22Z 2018-11-20T14:32:22Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2018-11-20T14:32:22Z The golden rule in Islam : ethics of reciprocity in Islamic traditions. 抽象的道德互惠,称为“golden rule,” is any moral dictum that encourages people to treat others the way they would like to be treated. The principle exists in the sacred texts of the world’s religions as well as the writings of secular philosophers. Due to its ubiquity in many contexts, it has become an important focal point for interfaith dialogue and the development of international human rights norms. Islam, as a world religion with over one billion followers, has an important role to play in facilitating dialogue and cooperation with other groups in the modern world. The golden rule in Islamic traditions has been explicitly invoked by numerous Muslim leaders and organizations towards this end. This study examines the phenomenological appearance of the golden rule in Islamic texts and modern interfaith dialogue with Muslims. Sources include the Qur’ān, Ḥadīth traditions, exegetical commentaries, extracanonical or apocryphal literature, and contemporary works. Sections are organised by genre of literature and are loosely chronological. Key interpretive points from the classical period are related to modern interfaith initiatives and universal human rights, with a view of demonstrating the ways in which the classical heritage informs the experiences of Muslims today. Justin Parrott 2016-08-10T14:54:23Z 2017-02-21T14:48:00Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2016-08-10T14:54:23Z Concept of motivation in Islam. 本研究旨在探索的概念motivation from the Islamic perspective, which is explored to a poor extent. It seeks to shed light on Islām and how it motivates its followers to behave appropriately while fulfilling their needs and desires, guided by the Holy Qur’ān and Ḥadīth. A comprehensive literature review is conducted to study and understand the various perspectives presented by other scholars on human psychology and motivation specifically from the perspectives of Islām, Christianity and Jewish cultures. This study adopts a qualitative approach and focuses on gathering secondary data from a broad range of sources. The data collected is then analysed in an interpretative yet subjective manner. To achieve the aims of this research, the emphasis is laid on gathering both comprehensive secondary data from the religious journals and academic books. The evidence was gathered from the holy books of these religions which include Holy Qur’ān, Bible and Torah. From the findings of the research, it was concluded by the researcher that Islām significantly highlighted and differentiated from Christianity and Judaism in endorsing motivation among its followers. It is identified that Allāh created mankind to spread His word and to perform His actions. He motivated humans by offering them certain rewards and making them fearful of the consequences in case they fail to follow His commands. This thesis provides greater insight into the role played by Islām in motivating human beings to live a life in a way that is beneficial here on earth and in the afterlife. This study is expected to contribute further to the collective knowledge and understanding of motivation and human behavior. Mohamed Mahmood Ahmad Gaith Al Hosani 2014-11-24T10:36:45Z 2023-01-03T11:04:07Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2014-11-24T10:36:45Z Spirituality and prayer in Shiite Islam 首先,它应该是理解我的s meant by the terms in the title. Therefore, we shall take a brief look at the concepts “Shi’a”, “spirituality” and “prayer”. The word Shi‘a literally means “follower” and comes from the expression “shi‘at-u ‘Ali” = a follower (partisan) of ‘Ali – a prominent companion of the Prophet Muhammad. Technically, this term is applied to one of the two major branches of Muslims; the other larger branch is called Sunni Islam. The Shi‘a Muslims believe that the Prophet of Islam like the other prominent prophets, has successors (awsia, plural of wasi) whom God appoints and the prophet introduces to people. The equivalent of “spirituality”, in Islamic terminology, are the two words; ruhaniyyt and ma‘naviyyt, the first comes from ruh = spirit – as opposed to body, and the second comes from ma‘na, meaning immaterial. In Islamic terminology the word ‘spirituality’ suggests every state that leads the human spirit to reach the immaterial experience of a Supreme Power. In other words, spirituality means experience of communion with a Higher Power. The ultimate aim of spirituality in Islam is nearness to God. In this paper, we shall take a short look at the spiritual character of the Shiite Imams and its various dimensions, and then examine the spiritual relationship between Shi‘a Muslims and their Imams. The word ‘prayer’ generally suggests two concepts of Islamic terminology; (i) al-Salat, the specific practice that five times a day a Muslim stands in the presence of God and worships Him. (ii) al-du‘a that literally means ‘calling’, and technically means ‘remembering God and calling upon Him’. The English word ‘prayer’ is therefore, used for both. The focus of this paper is on the latter. Aside from the prescribed daily prayers, Muslims are encouraged to call upon God for forgiveness, guidance, and to ask for what they wish and desire in their own words, in any language and any time of the day and night. The Qur’an relates many statements from the prophets of God where they call on their Lord and ask Him for their needs. Muslims are encouraged to imitate the behaviour of the prophets and from them we learn how to pray. Moreover, the Shiite benefit from a precious heritage of prayers, composed by their Imams, some of which must be considered as literary and mystical masterpieces in religious literature. In this article, we shall briefly speak of these priceless spiritual sources. Muhammad K. Shaker 2014-11-24T10:36:05Z 2016-02-11T12:28:59Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2014-11-24T10:36:05Z Muslim religious experiences The purpose of this paper is to present and to encourage discussion of issues raised by consideration of the topic of the Joint Annual Conference of the Modern Churchpeople’s Union and the Alister Hardy Society 2004, The God Experience: who has it and why? from the Muslim perspective. The presentation consists of four sections: beginning with an introduction giving an overview of religious experience among the main Islamic sources of knowledge about God, and also an overview of the Islamic concept of God in relation to Muslim religious experience. The next section deals with the personal religious experience of ordinary Muslims in the sense of non-mystics or non-Sufis. The third section deals with the religious experience of Muslim mystics, namely, the Sufis, and the last section is concerned with Muslim religious experience in an inter-faith context. Following a systematic description of Sufi and Non-Sufi Muslim religious experiences, I argue that religious experience should be encouraged more and more as a direct and personal source or support of faith in God in our present time of suspicion, individualisation and outwardness. Cafer Yaran 2014-11-13T17:28:54Z 2016-02-21T15:25:30Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2014-11-13T17:28:54Z The ‘Prevent’ Strategy in Bedfordshire.‘Has the Government Prevent Strategy been implemented effectively for the Muslim communities in Bedfordshire? Do members of that community and practitioners view it as a positive or negative contribution to community cohesion, engagement and protection from vulnerability to radical extremism? 在全国范围内,似乎有明确的理由and against Prevent, the government strategy to support the Muslim community in tackling violent extremism. It is a strategy that requires local partnership delivery in the same way that community cohesion policy and strategy does. However, it has been viewed as a police led agenda, which some feel has actually damaged the cohesion that existed between communities and local authority partners. The legacy is that the criminal justice, education and health service are all now participating in the strategy to varying degrees, against considerable scepticism and mistrust from the community that the strategy seeks to support. Community cohesion remains core to the local authority focus and it is closely aligned to a variety of strategies Prevent being one amongst them. National analysis has developed some useful commentary considering the strategy’s effectiveness, but locally, empirical research remains limited. An understanding of a local Muslim community view is fundamental in establishing effectiveness of policy, feelings of alienation, or acceptance of Prevent. Likewise, the views of those engaged in its delivery are vitally important. Once documented, these views may provide some useful checks and measures. They may provide parties with an additional dialogue assisting in increasing community resilience and cohesion. It is hoped that this paper may be used as a reference document for all engaged in community cohesion and Prevent and as a platform whereby local Muslim views can be used to redirect local policy where necessary The purpose of this dissertation is therefore to examine what community cohesion is in the context of national and local delivery to Muslim communities; examine what effect the former and current Prevent strategies had and are having; and with empirical evidence question what effect Prevent has had on local community cohesion for the Muslim communities of Bedford’s two towns. The paper will conclude that Prevent has been and remains a mistrusted policy. A policy, that has gone some way to increasing Muslim community engagement; but one that is also shunned and sometimes seen as misguided. It will be seen that Muslim community cohesion policies can work in conjunction with Prevent, but that Prevent remains controversial, whilst cohesion policies retain greater respect and acceptance. It will also show that in general the Prevent strategy has positively guided police and partnership work and that it has taken on a new momentum in the form of ‘safeguarding’, with the revised strategy becoming far more community owned. It also shows that there is little evidence to show that Prevent itself has damaged local community cohesion. Other political influences have, however, caused considerable damage in Bedfordshire. It is seen that through Prevent, a mechanism exists to monitor and address community tensions; formalise engagement, empower local Muslim community groups and inform partner agencies where vulnerabilities may exist thereby protecting communities and in the long term community cohesion. Martyn Ouston 2014-11-05T16:34:32Z 2016-02-23T16:02:52Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2014-11-05T16:34:32Z Religious experience in Islam All of the world’s major religious traditions are marked by considerable diversity of belief and practice. Even though Islam achieves a remarkable degree of unity and coherence through the five pillars and six core beliefs,1 there still remains considerable diversity created by such factors as the degree of commitment to practice, interpretation of belief and the nature of experience participated in by the believer. There are many whose allegiance to the faith is a question of birth or identity and these are often labelled "nominal Muslims" by the devout. In a world where population movements, globalisation processes and conflicts of various kinds impact upon individuals and communities, many Muslims take the issue of identity much further and see in Islam a way of proclaiming selfhood through belonging to a community of God that takes precedence over all other loyalties. Their experience of their faith enters the psychological, sociological and political realms. There are also those who maintain their commitment to the faith as the final and best revelation in which a relationship with the divine can be achieved. To some of these the dominant motivation is obedience to the divine will but to others the emphasis of their practice is closeness or intimacy. Ron Geaves 2014-11-05T13:09:43Z 2022-12-05T11:05:58Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2014-11-05T13:09:43Z Islamophobia in the UK : the role of British newspapers in shaping attitudes towards Islam and Muslims. The aim of this dissertation is to investigate how Islam and Muslims are portrayed in British mainstream newspapers, whether the image presented is distorted and misleading and what impact this has on public opinion. Events over the past two decades have led to the religion becoming hyper-visible. This increased interest and the recent Leveson Inquiry into press ethics makes the need for this research timely. Research was based on a review of relevant literature and an extensive study of articles from the tabloids and broadsheets. This involved articles prior to 9/11, in the wake of 9/11, in the wake of 7/7 and post 7/7. The findings highlight that there is a disproportionate amount of coverage connected to Islam and Muslims. Evidence has been uncovered that suggests that some newspapers, especially the tabloids, have tended to present Muslims and Islam in a negative light, resorting to stereotypical images that present the religion as monolithic and barbaric. The religion and its followers are often presented through a series of ‘snap-shots’ that serve only to highlight differences and portray Islam as a threat. The analysis has also indicated that some newspapers have invented Muslim stories; a serious charge. Whilst the research has demonstrated that there is no quick fix to these issues, steps need to be taken to ensure that reporting moves away from age old stereotypes. At the heart of this lies a solution based on better educating editors and journalists about the Islamic faith. The question about whether 2 there needs to be a new regulator that all newspapers ascribe to also needs to be addressed. At the very least the role of the Press Complaints Commission should be reviewed and it should be recommended that serving editors do not sit on its board, as this is a conflict of interest. Fleur Allen 2014-11-01T14:37:36Z 2016-02-26T09:32:27Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2014-11-01T14:37:36Z Has Wahhabi Islam played a part in the rise of global terrorism ? The term ‘Wahhabi’ has been applied to a variety of forms of Islam, across various geographical locations, and is often associated with radical Islamic groups that actually have little or no connection to the ideology that Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhab espoused. However, the involvement of Saudi nationals in the 9/11 attacks has led to Wahhabi Islam and Saudi Arabia coming under intense scrutiny, and requires us to have a greater understanding of the core tenets of Ibn Abd al-Wahhab’s teachings. The decade since 9/11 has been characterised by polemical discussions of Islam, and current representations of Wahhabi Islam are dominated by the ‘clash of civilisations’ attitude. Most accounts therefore reveal little about the true nature of Ibn Abd al-Wahhab’s doctrine, and leave no room for the possibility of his dawa being a peaceful or socially beneficial tradition. My aim is to explore the origins and development of Wahhabi Islam, comparing Ibn Abd al-Wahhab’s interpretation of Islam to that of other Islamic thinkers, and examining its place in the modern Islamic milieu in order to evaluate the claims of those who say that it is, in whole or in part, responsible for the rise of global terrorism. Lucy Barkley 2014-10-29T14:09:36Z 2022-12-20T09:13:23Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2014-10-29T14:09:36Z Liberation spirituality as a signal of transcendence: Christian and Muslim women in Bangladesh Mystical experience of the divine may not be accessible to everybody, but there are other phenomena, accessible to all human beings, which Peter L. Berger calls “signals of transcendence”. Together with Berger I believe that in the “marginal situations” of human life – in the extreme experiences of oppression and injustice, hunger and death – signals of transcendence are to be found in death-defying hope, the hope of transforming the world for human betterment together with acts of courage and self-sacrifice. Mukti Barton 2014-09-26T08:57:23Z 2016-01-27T14:21:47Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2014-09-26T08:57:23Z Allen's Islamophobia and the British news media : a critical evaluation of Islamophobia as a concept and its application to the written news media in Britain between 2001 and 2008. 本文首先定义o问好f Islamophobia by Christopher Allen and its development out of Orientalism. Secondly it regards the written news media between 2001 and 2008 which includes the events of 9/11 and 7/7. Then the levels of representation Islam and Muslims receive the kinds of news hooks and discourses as well as types of language used are aspects covered that are then compared to Allen’s definition of Islamophobia. Thirdly specific stories from immediately after the 9/11 attacks are analysed and again compared to Allen’s definition. It is the aim of this dissertation to firstly assess to what extent the news media can be classified as Islamophobic, or have created trends in the papers where Islamophobic sentiments are standard and that negative stances have either gone unnoticed or have been deemed acceptable. Secondly this dissertation aims to establish how applicable and useful Allen’s definition is, especially in regards to the news media. This dissertation uses a Phenomenological approach and critical analysis on two research papers. Firstly: Images of Islam in the UK: The Representation of British Muslims in the National Press, 2000-8 – found in Pointing the Finger: Islam and Muslims in the British Media – which is an analysis on how written reporting of Islam and Muslims has changed over an eight year period. Secondly: Islam in the British Broadsheets: The Impact of Orientalism on Representations on Islam in the British Press which covers specific instances of representation of Muslims and Islam in the written media. It is the findings of this paper that the levels of representation Islam and Muslims received dramatically raised at the time of 9/11 and as such was the primary lens through which Islam and Muslims were viewed. It is also established that the types of News Hooks, Discourses and Language used during this time period were primarily negative in nature, either focusing on Terrorism or Extremism. Also feelings that are deemed to be Islamophobic are clearly more prevalent, or at least more conspicuous, in modern times as well being quite explicit directly after 9/11. However it is the argument of this paper that it is unclear as to whether this negative trend of representation and Islamophobia is due to the Media portraying a view on Islam and Muslims or if the Media is merely reflecting the already established prevalent view. It is established that Allen’s description of Islamophobia and its comprehensive nature demonstrate a model that can be easily utilised. As a definition it is similar in theme and form to that of racism and anti-Semitism. However it is the argument of this dissertation that Allen’s definition is too vague and open to vast application that can limit academic or critical evaluation of Islam and therefore needs to become more concise. P. M. Thompson 2014-09-26T08:49:19Z 2016-02-21T15:55:27Z 这个项目是在存储库URL: 2014-09-26T08:49:19Z Qu'ranic exegesis and thematic coherence : comparing the approaches of Amr Khalid and Amin Islahi. 本文探讨如何Amr Khā盖子,internationally renowned Muslim preacher, achieves thematic coherence in the Qur’ān. It then compares his approach to Amīn Iṣlāḥī (d. 1997), an exegete known for his Qur’ānic commentary, “Pondering Over the Qur’ān” (Tadabbur-e-Qur’ān). The research traces developments of thematic exegesis throughout history and explores concepts such as verse linkages, surah unity, surah pairs and surah groups. The findings highlight that both authors validate a level of coherence in the Qur’ān, albeit with minor methodological issues. They arrive at different Qur’ānic readings whilst applying similar thematic concepts, attributed largely to their differing applications of these concepts. Given Khālid’s global influence, this study underlines an increased popularisation of thematic commentary in a competing arena of exegetical approaches this century. This research area is enmeshed within a wider set of questions related to the interpretation of scripture and the central role the Qur’ān plays for Muslim reform in the modern world. Shazad Khalid