UWTSD Home-Study With Us-Undergraduate Courses- Sport and Exercise Science (BSc)

Sport and Exercise Science (BSc, DipHE, CertHE)

Apply VIA UCAS – Full Time

The Sport and Exercise Science programme aims to turn you into a graduate with the knowledge and skills needed to work within sport, health and fitness, who will contribute to the raising of public awareness and understanding of the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

The recent COVID pandemic has further highlighted the importance of personal health and well-being heightening the need for experts in the areas of sport and exercise science. You will also develop problem-solving, analytical, and independent research skills and learn to become an independent lifelong learner and reflective practitioner.

Vocational relevance is emphasised, and you are strongly encouraged to gain additional experience and qualifications to support your career aspirations while you study. As well as the opportunities to gather external vocational awards, such as the gym instructor, personal trainer and first aid qualifications, a number of modules allow you to gain experience of working with clients in a professional setting. This programme has embedded vocational awards in gym instruction and personal training, enhancing your employability.

There will also be opportunities for you to gain experience of health assessment and exercise prescription activities that relate to real-world problems. You will be engaged in managing learning activities for yourself, and co-ordinating activities. One of the programme’s strengths is the opportunity to work with clients and develop vocational and professional skills alongside theoretical knowledge.

Watch the video below to find out more about the course.

40 Credits icon

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40 credits of this course are available through the medium of Welsh.


Applicants tofull-time coursescan apply through UCAS. Applicants topart-time coursescan apply through the University.

Sport and Exercise Science (BSc)
UCAS Code:125L
Apply via UCAS

本课程是针对那些有兴趣sport, health and physical activity who wish to deepen their understanding of the functioning of the human body.

Sport and Exercise Science (Dip HE)
Apply via UCAS

Sport and Exercise Science (Cert HE)
Apply via UCAS

Book an Open Day Request Information
Contact Name:Geraint Forster

Tuition Fees 2023/24:
Home (Full-time):£9,000per year
Overseas (Full-time):£13,500per year

Why choose this course?

  • Ranked in the top 10 UK Sport Science coursesfor student satisfaction. Sport and Exercise Science is one of the top 10 most popular degree subjects in the UK: The Complete University Guide ranks sports science at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD) as 8thin the UK for student satisfaction, with 95% of students being satisfied with their experiences according to the National Student Survey.
  • Opportunity to become registered on theRegister of Exercise Professionals (REP's):In addition to the main skills required of a Sport and Exercise Scientist, students graduating from UWTSD will also gain the skills required to conduct fitness and health assessments and will have the opportunity to qualify as gym instructors and personal trainers.
  • A range of modules optionsacross a variety of subject areas: Our portfolio of Sport and Exercise Science degrees allows students to specialise in certain areas, or remain on a generic pathway, according to their aspirations.
  • Use ofdedicated fitness training facilitiesand exercise science laboratories: Sport and Exercise Science is studied on the Carmarthen campus which offers a friendly and personal learning experience. All social, recreational and educational facilities are on this campus, though some practical learning experiences may be located throughout Carmarthenshire and West Wales.
  • Lecturing staffare also based on the Carmarthen campus and are easily accessible for tutorials to support all aspects of study. A very active Student Union provides an extensive array sport and leisure activities as well as supporting your social needs.
  • Opportunities towork with clients in real-life situations.
  • Free accessto the health suite, sports hall and swimming pool to support degree interests.
  • Conducting and understanding researchis a key skill developed throughout the degree and students will be constantly challenged to critically review the latest research and conduct their own studies.

What you will learn

Course Overview

Year One

The first year of study is generic across the portfolio of Sport and Exercise Science degree pathways, and gives all students a grounding in the main principles of the subject area, along with the time to decide if they want to specialise in a particular pathway.

The three core subjects of physiology, psychology and biomechanics form the foundations, with delivery comprising of a combination of theoretical lectures followed by an opportunity to apply that knowledge practically in our well-equipped sports science laboratories.

Our Graduate Attribute modules develop the skills required for employment in the 21st Century, such as employability, digital skills and becoming a lifelong learner.

Students will develop the hands-on skills required to use equipment such as gas analysers, light gates, force platforms, motion analysis software, and body composition analysers.

Alongside the core subjects, the first year gives students the opportunity to study the principles of training and exercise, and to gain vocational awards as Gym Instructors and Personal Trainers alongside their studies, if they wish.

Year Two

In the second year, students continue to develop their knowledge in physiology and psychology, alongside nutrition and developing their ability to understand and conduct research.

The Graduate Attribute Modules continue in the second year, developing key attributes such as creativity, alongside employability and personal branding skills.

Year Three

During the final year, students deepen their knowledge in their specialist area by conducting an independent experimental research study of their own, alongside an in-depth review of the literature.

Building on the first two years, students develop knowledge in specific areas, such as physiology, advanced training methods and applied sport psychology, while also having options to choose modules from across the school.

Module Topics

BSc Sport & Exercise Science

Year One - Level 4 (Cert HE, Dip HE & BSc)

  • Human Physiology and Fitness (20 credits; compulsory)
  • Introduction to Health and Exercise Psychology (20 credits; compulsory)
  • Kinesiology (20 credits; compulsory)
  • Learning in the Digital Era (20 credits; compulsory;Graduate Attributes Frameworkmodule)
  • Nutrition for Health (20 credits; compulsory)
  • Personal Training (20 credits; compulsory)

Year Two - Level 5 (Dip HE & BSc)

  • Biomechanical Assessment of Performance and Injury (20 credits; compulsory)
  • Developing your Professional Profile (Placement) (20 credits; compulsory)
  • Exercise Physiology (20 credits; compulsory)
  • Nutrition for Sport and Exercise (20 credits; compulsory)
  • 随着有关ch in Health, Exercise and Physical Education (20 credits; compulsory)
  • Sport and Exercise Psychology (20 credits; compulsory).

Year Three - Level 6 (BSc)

  • Advanced Exercise Physiology (20 credits; compulsory)
  • Coaching Pedagogy (20 credits; optional)
  • Evidence Based Practice in Exercise Science (20 credits; compulsory)
  • Exercise and Specific Populations (20 credits; optional)
  • Independent Project (40 credits; compulsory;Graduate Attributes Frameworkmodule)
  • Professional Practice in Sport and Exercise (20 credits; optional).

The degree is predominantly assessed through a combination of coursework and practical examination. Students will also develop an extensive portfolio of professional practice and case study evidence.

Graduate Attributes Framework

This Framework aims to develop your professional skills and competence alongside your academic subject knowledge. You’ll study up to 40 credits per level throughout your programme from the Graduate Attributes Framework.

研究生属性模块旨在enable you to develop, and evidence, a range of career-focused skills related to your subject area. These skills include digital competency, research and project management, as well as such personal competencies as communication, creativity, self-reflection, resilience and problem-solving.

Related Links

Sport and Exercise Science

Find out more about our BSc Sport and Exercise Science portfolio from course lecturers Geraint Forster and David Gardner


Entry Criteria

Students would normally be expected to achieve a minimum of 96 UCAS points (2017 Tariff), focusing on science-based subjects and/or physical education. Mature students without sufficient UCAS points will be considered on merit through an interview process.

Career Opportunities

90% of our graduates in this subject area are employed or in full-time further study within 6 months of graduating. in general, degrees in sport and exercise science prepare graduates for careers such as:

  • Academic research
  • Coaching and advising recreational athletes (eg triathlon, running, cycling)
  • NHS clinical exercise physiologist
  • Personal trainer
  • Sport scientist (working with professional sports teams, governing bodies, etc)
  • Strength and conditioning coach
  • Teaching
  • Youth sport
Additional Costs
  • Students will be required to purchase university tracksuit and training tops which are required in practical sessions and when working with external groups.
  • Students wishing to achieve additional, vocational qualification may incur additional charges for these courses.
Related Courses
Student Quotes

Menna Jones,Sports and Exercise Science Student

"Returning to Trinity to study after leaving a 15-year teaching career was not only the most terrifying decision I’ve made but also the most rewarding. Undertaking the BSc Sport and Exercise Science course on a part-time basis has allowed me to juggle study and work while at the same time be a mum to my two young boys.

"The tutors on the course are what make the course for me. They are not only extremely knowledgeable but also extremely approachable. They are highly effective professionals who deliver the right balance of theory mixed with practical hands-on experience during lectures.

"Over the years I have developed my testing skills in the laboratory using an array of equipment and gained external qualifications in Personal Training. This has allowed me to work with clients before I graduate.

"Having chosen the ‘Outdoor Fitness’ pathway, we were spoilt with fantastic locations for practical sessions: Brechfa Forest, the Pembrokeshire Coastal Path, the Brecon Beacons. The course has not only taught me so much academically but has also provided me with some amazing opportunities and experiences that I will treasure. . . cycling through the French countryside, running along the coast in Spain, waking up to see the sunrise over the Preselis, hiking through the snow on Pen-y-Fan.

"I enter my 5th and final year next year and despite having taken the part-time option out of necessity, rather than choice, it is true what they say — time really does fly by when you’re having fun."

Jonathon Nicholson, Sports and Exercise Science Student

My name is Jonathon, and I’m a third-year student of Sport and Exercise Science (Outdoor Fitness) at Carmarthen campus. I chose the course for its a unique mix of the outdoors and how to use environments as a means to train, learning about physiology and psychology of various outdoor pursuits.

“任何人的校园是完全位于enjoys the outdoors; its surrounded by countryside and is in easy driving distance to countless forests, beaches, footpaths as well as Brecon Beacons National Park. The course here has given me the chance to explore and improve my skills in a variety of beautiful settings.

"The hands-on approach to the Sport and Exercise Science degrees here at UWTSD has allowed me to take part in physiological testing, practice coaching strength training techniques, learn about the qualities required to be a good coach, and spend time around other admirable and like-minded students and staff. The facilities here have allowed me to balance my own training with University work, and allowed me to coach others simultaneously, as well as given me the chance to work on a personally engaging dissertation subject.

"My main interest is surfing, and my career aim is to work as a strength and conditioning coach for professional surfers. To help work towards this aim, since being on the course I have had to chance to gain vocational fitness qualifications, studied for a semester at Fullerton University in California, and gained an internship as a strength and conditioning coach for Swim Wales.

"After two and a half years here, I feel like I am smarter and more confident, ready to take on clients and job roles that I could not have done before. I’m extremely happy that I was given the opportunity to come and study here at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David."

Bursary / Scholarship Information

You may be eligible for funding to help support your study. To find out about scholarships, bursaries and other funding opportunities that are available please visit ourScholarships and Bursariessection.

Study Abroad Opportunities

Students have the opportunity to study abroad in the US, at California State University, Fullerton, or Greensboro University, North Carolina.


Please visit ourAccommodation pagesfor more information

Further Information

All equipment needed to study this degree is provided by the University within the Sports Injuries Clinics, Human Performance Laboratory, Body Composition Laboratory, swimming pool, and fitness training facilities.

Several open days are held throughout the year. Potential students are encouraged to come and discuss the course with academic staff. The dates for open days and taster days are listed on the University/Schools website.